Appendix 1: Alphabetical Lists of Servicemen |
The following list was created from those tombstones located in Camden County where remains of black Civil War soldiers may be found. Each name is followed by the regiment and rank of the soldier, his place of burial and gravestone number and the source of confirmation. These names have been confirmed by means of military registers of the various states of the Union and federal Pension Records filed at the National Archives. The abbreviation NA-GP stands for National Archives - Government Pensions Records followed by a number indicating which microfilm roll the name appears on. The state register information indicates the state of service, followed by a page number where the name was found. In some instances two states may be mentioned indicating that at least two states took credit for the same person. This was not unusual since many New Jersey enlistees were enrolled at Camp William Penn in Pennsylvania and the latter state was credited with the enlistment. A list of all state registers used and where they can be found will appear at the end of this appendix. Although most states, both North and South, prepared registers after the War, in many instances these are incomplete with many states not including African American soldiers at all, and others, making no differentiation between white and black enlistees especially in the Navy. A similar alphabetical listing of sailors will follow directly behind the Army list. Unfortunately, some veterans' names could not be confirmed. According to Black Studies, A Select Catalogue of National Archives Microfilm Publications, (National Archives Trust Fund Board, U.S. General Services Administration, Washington D.C. 1984), in Record Group 94, Compiled Service Records, the problem is a common one: "Supposedly correct names of volunteer Union soldiers may not appear in the index for several reasons. First, he may have served in a unit from a State. Second, he may have served under a different name or used a different spelling of his name. Third, a proper record of his service may not have been made, or if made, it may have been lost or destroyed in the confusion that attended the initial mobilization, subsequent military operations, and disbandment of troops. Fourth, references to the soldier in the original records may have been so vague that it was not practicable to determine his correct name or the unit in which he served." Lastly, the condition of the stones themselves left much to be desired. Decades of bad weather have clearly taken a toll to the extent that many stones are partially or completely obliterated. Even the use of white chalk or carbon paper could not bring up many names. Although some names will appear in this index and will be confirmed thereafter, I was unable to find certain gravestones and therefore no cemetery number for location purposes will follow. At the end of this Alphabetical Index I have listed those names which I have uncovered but as yet have not confirmed by way of the above process. Confirmation attempts are continuing. Name Regiment/Rank Cemetery- Confirmation (See App.VII) Accoo, Charles Co.F,25th Regt. Mt.Peace(15) NJ p.l530 Adams, James H. Co.B,5th Mass.Cav. Mt.Pisgah(3) Mass. p.498 Alston, Anthony Co.E,24th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1018 Alston, Saul Co.B, Mt.Peace(4) Amos, Charles Co.C,3rd USCCav. Jordantown Amos, Henry Co.C,43rd Regt. Jordantown(4) Pa. p.1114 Anderson, Abraham Co.D,3rd Regt. St.Matthews(2)Pa. p.932 Anderson, Daniel A. Co.A,25th Regt. Jordantown(3) NJ p.l524 Armstrong, Joseph T. Co.C,32nd Regt. Butler(4) Pa. p.1052 Arthur, Charles Co.K,13th Md.Vol. Mt.Pisgah(17) MD. p.258 Bailey, John Co.H,3rd Regt. Johnson Pa. p.938 Baley, George Co.K,8th Regt. Mt.Peace(61) Pa. p.988 Bankson, Levi W. (or Barkson) Co.E, 25th Regt. Mt.Zion(1) NJ p.1529 Barnes, Charles (spelled Bones) Co.I,43rd ReOt./ Johnson NJ p.1559 Beckett, Andrew Co.A, 22nd Regt. Mt.Pisgah(6) Pa. p.ll26 Beckett, Charles H. Co.D,25th Regt. Johnson NJ p.1528 Benson, William Co.B,24th Regt. Mt.Zion(13) Pa. p.1014 Berry, Christopher Co.D,25th Regt. Johnson(9) NJ p.l528 Pa. p.1034 Berry, John Co.A,127th Regt. Mt.Peace(49) Pa. p.ll26 Bishop, George Co.E,3rd Regt. Mt.Peace(70) Pa. p.933 Bishop, Miles Co.K,25th Regt. Nt.Peace(71) Pa. p.1044 NJ p.1534 Bleem, Samuel 24th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1014 (transfer to Navy) Boyer, John H. Co.H,30th Regt. Johnson NJ p.1511 Co.C,22nd Regt. Brainard, Edward Co.C,22nd Regt. Johnson Pa. p.996 Branson, Charles Co.F,29th Conn. St.Matthews Conn.p.872 Brewster, Joseph Co.D,22nd Regt. Mt.Pisgah(2) NJ p.l512 Brisco, Alexander Co.C,9th Pa. Vol. Johnson NA-GP-52 Brisco, Jacob Co.E,25th Regt. Johnson(ll) NJ p.l529 Briscoe, John Co.C,6th Regt. Butler(2) Pa. p.950 Broden, James Co.K,22nd Regt. Mt.Zion(7) NJ p.l520 Brown, Charles H. Co.B,41st Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1071 Brown, Jerry Co.A,32nd Regt./Sgt. Mt.Peace(58) NJ p.l537 Brown, Pierce Co.F,3rd Regt. Mt.Peace(16) NJ p.1500 Brown, Sandy Co.C,25th ReOt. Jordantown Pa. p.1032 Brown, Stephen Co.G,24th Regt. Jordantown Pa. p.1020 Burk, James Co.A,8th Regt. Mt.Peace(25) Pa. p.970 Butcher, John Co.A,32nd Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1040 Butcher, Sylvester Co.C,43rd Regt. Johnson NJ p.1554 ,Pa. p.1089 NA-GP-66 Butts, Miles Co.D,38th Regt. Johnson(4) NA-GP-66 Butts,William M. Co.B,37th Regt. Johnson NA-GP-66 Carper, Franklin Co.I,39th Regt. Nt.Peace(59j MD.p.282 Carter, Johnson Co.I,29th Regt. Mt.Peace(79) Conn. p.877 Chambers, Charles Co.G,25th Regt. Mt.Zion(2) NJ p.l532 Chambers, Thomas Co.G,6th Regt. Grant (3) Pa. p.958 Clark, James Co.D,24th Regt. Mt.Peace(17) Pa. p.1017 Collins, Benjamin A. Co.I,22nd Regt./Sgt. Jordantown(l) NJ p.l518 Pa. p.1006 Collins, George Co.E,25th Regt. Jordantown(5) Pa. p.1036 Collins, George Co.B,24th Regt. St.Matthews(6)Pa. p.1014 Collins, Joseph T. Co.H,25th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1041 Cook, Noah Co.H,25th Regt. Jordantown Pa. p.1041 Coward, William C. Co.A,22nd Regt./Corp. Mt.Pisgah(21) Pa. p.993 Craig, Andrew Co.H,24th Regt. Mt.Pisgah(24) NA-GP-101 Custis, Edward Co.K,2nd Regt.U.S. Colored Cav. Johnson NA-GP-108 Davis, John Co.I,22nd Regt. Mt.Peace(60) Pa. p.1007 Davis, William H.H. Co.A,9th Regt. Mt.Peace(73) Pa. p.970 Dayton, James Co.F,3rd Regt. Jordantown(13) Pa. p.935 DeGraff, William Co.E,22nd Regt. Mt.Pisgah Pa. p.1000 Demby, John Co.G,24th Regt. St.Matthews(7) Pa. p.1020 (also listed at Jordantown) Dennis, John Co.G,7th Regt. Mt.Peace(85) MD. p.l74 Derry, Daniel Co.I,8th Regt. Mt.Peace(20) Pa. p.987 Devinburg, Jerome Co.G,41st Regt. Johnson NJ p.I547 Pa. p.1073 Dingle, Isaac Co.C,7th Regt. Mt.Peace(53) MD. p.l65 Dixon, Benjamin Co.E,43rd Regt. Mt.Pisgah(10) Pa. p.1074 Dodson, Henry; Co.B, 12RegVPrvt; Mt. Pisgah;NARA Film #M589,Roll24 Dorsey, Isaiah Co.F,3rd Regt. Mt.Peace Pa. p.935 Ellis, Russell; Co.D; 19th RegVCorp; Mt. Peace;NARA Film# M589, Roll 26 Emory, John Co.B,24th Regt. Mt.Peace(7) Pa. p.1014 Farmer, George Co.B,54th Mass. Mt.Pisgah(9) Mass. p.345 Farrel, John Co.D,25th Regt. Mt.Peace(68) NJ p.l528 Fisher, John Co.F,45th Regt. Mt.Zion(8) NJ p.l565 Pa. p.1116 Fisher, Nathan Co.F,22nd Regt. Johnson NJ p.l515 Fitchett, William Co.I,19th Regt. Johnson MD. p.228 Foster, Edward Co.I,25th Regt. Mt.Peace(57) Pa. p.1043 Gaines, John W. Co.F,54th Mass. Jordantown(14) Mass. p.365 George, Isaac Parker Co.D,29th Conn.Vol.Mt.Peace(9) Conn. p.868 (or Isaac George Parker, unassigned recruit) Conn. p.892 Gibbs, Joseph Co.K, 22nd Regt. Mt.Peace(l9) NJ p.l520NA-Regt.M584 R32 Gibbs, Theodore Co.D, 9th Regt. Mt.Peace(2) MD. p.l92 NA-Regt.M589 R32 Gibbs, Warner Co.C,19th Regt. Mt.Pisgah(27) ND. p.214 Gillard, David Co.G,12th Regt.-US Col.Hvy Art. Johnson Goldsboro, William Co.H,22nd Regt. Mt.Zion(20) Pa. p.1005 Goodin, John H. Co.G, 25th Regt. Mt.Pisgah(14) Pa. p.1039 Gould, Robert Co.I, 3rd Regt. Mt.Zion AME(4) NJ p.l500 Green, John Co.K, 8th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.989 Green, William H. Co.A, 22nd Regt. Johnson NJ p.1507 Grisden, Samuel Co.E, 4lst Regt. Mt.Peace(ll) Pa. p.1068 Grose, Isaiah Co.F, 22nd Regt. Mt.Pisgah(18) NJ p.l514 Pa. p.1068 Guster, Robert Co.C, 8th Regt. Mt.Peace(12) Pa. p.974 Haines, Lorenzo Co.H, 32nd Regt. Jordantown(6) Pa. p.1061 Hall, William H. Co.H, 6th Regt./Sgt Johnson Pa. P.959 Hammond, Paul Co.E,24th Regt. Mt.Pisgah(23) Pa. p.1018 Handy, Francis B. Co.C,22nd Regt. Mt.Peace(13) Pa. p.997 NA-Regt.M589 R37 Haney, Henry Co.F,25th Regt. Mt.Zion(12) NJ p.l531 Pa. p.1038 NA-Regt. M589 R37 Hankerson, Charles C. Co.D,54th Mass. Mt.Zion(16) Mass. p.355 NA-Regt. M589 R37 Hankin-, Samuel Co.C,25th Regt. Johnson Hargest, Robert Co.G ,28th Regt. Mt.Peace(38) NA-GP-199NA-Regt.M589R37 Hardcastle, James Co.C,25th Regt. Butler(l) NA-GP-198 Harmon, Painter Davistown(2) Harris, Henry H. Co.B,25th Regt. Johnson NJ p.l526 Harris, William Co.F, 41st Regt. Mt.Peace NJ p.l599 Pa. p.1079 Harrison, Abraham H. Co.B, 43rd Regt. Mt.Zion(4) NJ p.l553 Pa. p.1088 Hart, James H. Co.K,25th Regt. Mt.Peace(86) Henry, Josiah Co.D,9th Regt. Mt.Zion AME(10) Md.p.192 Hines, Thomas H. Co.E,24th Regt. Mt.Peace(10) NA-GP-218 Hinson, George Co.E,7th Regt. Mt.Peace(77) MD. p.l70 Hopkins, Mitchell C. Co.G,24th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1020 Horsey, Minus Co.D, 25th Regt. Jordantown Pa. p.1034 Howard, Peter Co.B, 5th Mass.Cav. Jordantown(9) Mass. p.500 Howard, William Co.H, 23rd Regt. Jordantown Mass. p.360 104 Hubert,Solomon Co.D, 7th Regt. Mt.Pisgah(25) MD. p.168 Hugg, Caleb Co.A, 41st Regt. Mt.Pisgah(28) NJ p.l545 Pa. p.1068 Hutt, Benjamin Co.K, 6th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.963 Ingram, John Co.K, 25th Regt. Jordantown NJ p.l535 Pa. p.1045 Ingram, Nathan Co.H, 22nd Regt. Jordantown Pa. p.1045 Ingram, William Co.H, 22nd Regt./Corp. Jordantown Pa. p.1045 Jackson, Andrew Co.K, 2nd Regt. NJ Cav. Mt.Pisgah(7) Jackson, James Co.A, 43rd Regt. Mt.Zion AME(6) NJ p.1552 Jackson,John L.Co.A, 31st RegVPrvt; Jordantown; ,Roll 45 NARA Film #M589 Jackson, Peter Co.E, 24th Regt. Mt.Peace(43) Pa. p.1018 Jackson, Samuel Co.H, 25th Regt. Johnson NA-Regt.M589 R45 Jackson, William Co.D, 22nd Regt. Mt.Zion(9) NJ p.l512 Johnson, Alfred H. Co.B, 8th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.972 Johnson, Festus Co.C, 45th Regt. Mt.Peace(89) Pa. p.lll2 Johnson, George Co.H, 24th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1021 Johnson, George Co.K, 8th Regt. Mt.Zion AME(8) NJ p.l505 Johnson, James H. Co.I, 22nd Regt. Jordantown(lO)NA-GP-245 Johnson, Robert Co. D , 25th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1034 Joiner, Moses Co.C,25th Regt. Mt.Peace(l) Pa. p.1043 Jones, Cato Co. B, 11th US Col'd Hvy ArVPrvt; Jordantown; NARA Film #M589, Roll49 Jones, Charles H. Co.E, 25th Regt. Johnson NA-GP-247 Jones, Henry W. Co.B, 8th Regt. Johnson NA-Regt.M589 R49 Jones, Thomas Co.F, 6th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.956 Jones, Thomas B. Co.B, 32nd Regt. Mt.Peace(22) NJ p.l537 Jones, William Co.H, 3rd Regt. Mt.ZionAME(9) Pa. p.938 Jones, William H. Co.K, 8th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.989NA-Regt.M589 R49 Jordan, James Co.I,25th Regt. Jordantown(8) NJ p. 1533 Jordan, William Co.D, 24th Regt. Mt.Peace(54) Pa. p.1017 Jubille, Samuel Co.K, lst Regt. US Col. Cav. Johnson NA-GP-245 Kelly, David Co.B, 25th Regt. Johnson PA. p.1013 Kenton, Arthur S. (CW GAR Marker) Mt.Peace(94) Lambert, Theodore Co.G, 25th Regt. Jordantown NJ p.l532 Pa. p.1040 Lewis, Andrew Co.B, 6th Regt. Jordantown Pa. p.958 Light, Alfred S. Co.E, 32nd Regt. Johnson NJ p.1540 Pa. p.1057 Lodine,George Co.H, 22nd Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1005 Lodine, Jonathan Co.G, 32nd Regt. Mt.Peace(82) Pa. p.1060 Long, Julian Co.B, 30th Regt. Jordantown(ll) Lout, Israel Co.F, 5th Mass.Cav. Jordantown(2) Mass. p.517 Lowe,James W. Co.E, 45th Regt./ Corp. Grant (5) Lowe, James W.;Co. B, 29th RegVPrvt; Grant;NARA Film #M589, Roll 55 Luff, William C. Co.G, 22nd Regt./Corp. Lakeland Pa. p.1003 Manoll, Charles Co.E, 6th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.955 Mapp, George Co.I, 2nd USCCav. Davistown Marshall, Joseph Co.K, 24th Regt./Musician Mt.Peace(50) Pa. p.1024 Martin, Edward (or Edwin) Co.A, 43rd Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1086 Masey, Garrett Co.K, 25th Regt. Mt.Peace(37) NJ p.lS35 Matthews, George Co.C, 25th Regt. Mt.Peace(76) Pa. p.1032 Menoken, George S. Co.K, 5th Mass.Cav. Johnson Mass. p.533 Menoken, James H. Co.F,32nd Regt. Johnson(12) Pa. p.1063 Miller, John;32nd Reg; Johnson; CWSS Mitchell, Albert Co.B, 24th Regt. Johnson NJ p.1523 Pa. p.1014 Monroe, Henry Co.C, 4th Regt. Mt.Peace(8) Pa. p.1073 Moore, Cubit Co.H, 43rd Regt. Mt.Zion(15) NJ p.l558 Pa. p.llOO Murray, William H. Co.D, 45th Regt. Butler(6) NJ p.l563 Neil, George W. Co.H, 23rd Regt. Johnson NA-GP-246 Nelson, Henry Co.F, 24th Regt. Mt.Peace(14) NA-GP-246 Nicholas, Daniel Co.C, 41st Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1074 Nutter, Jacob Co.K, 32nd Regt. Mt.Zion(5) NJ p.1543 Pa. p.1064 Paine, John H. Co.C, 2nd Regt. Mt.Peace(91) Payne, John Co.C, 3rd Regt. Mt.Peace(48) Pa. p.931 Perkins, Thomas Co.D, 25th Regt./ U.S.N. Johnson Pa. p.1035 Peterson, Theophilus; 24th Regt;Johnson, CWSS Pierce, Jacob Co.D, 25th Regt. Mt.Pisgah(l9) Pa. p.1035 Pierce, John Co.E, 6th Regt. Butler(5) Pa. p.955 Pinkett, Thomas H. Co.E ,4th Regt. Mt.Peace(5) MD. p.143 Place, Whalen Co.H, 25th Regt. Johnson NJ p.1533 Postles, Peter M.D. Co.M, 2nd Regt./US Col.Cav. Johnson NA-GP-377 Pratt, Joseph H. Co.E,13th Regt./Sgt. St.Matthews(4) Md.p.246 Pratt, Thomas M. Co.D 22nd Regt. St.Matthews(1) NJ p.1512 Prattis, Reuben Co.F, 43rd Regt. Johnson NJ p.1556 Pa. p.1095 Priar, John Co.F, 127th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1134 Price, Horace Co.K, 9th Regt. Mt.Peace(24) MD. p.205 Price, Joseph E. Co.I, 54th Mass. Johnson Mass. p.862 Purnell, George Co.E, 9th Regt. Mt.Pisgah(22) MD. p.l95 Purnell, Peter Co.E, 9th Regt. Mt.Pisgah(12) MD. p.l95 Quinn, James M. Co.C, 24th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1016 Ramsey, Henry C.; 25th Regt;Johnson; CWSS Rawson, Henry Co.A, 24th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1013 Ray, Frederick J. Co.B,127th Regt. Johnson NA-GP-385 Ryan, John;118th Regt; Johnson: CWSS Shaw, Timothy E. Co.C, 43rd Regt. Davistown(l) NJ p.l554 Pa. p. 1090 Shipley, Edward B. Co.F, 3rd Regt. Jordantown Pa. p.1003 Shooler, Nelson (CW GAR Marker) Mt.Zion(22) Short, John Co.K, 6th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.964 Short, Prince Co.G, 25th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1039 Short, Purnell Co.K, 25th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1046 Shortes, James A. Co.E, 22nd Regt. Grant (1) NJ p.l513 Simmons, John Co.I, 43rd Regt. Mt.Peace (65) NJ p.l559 Simpson, James E. Co.D, 41st Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1077 Singleton, John H. Co.F, 41st Regt. Mt.Peace(44) NJ p.l549 Small, Alonzo Co.B, 43rd Regt. Mt.Zion AME(7) Pa. p.1088 Small, George Co.E, 9th Regt. Mt. Peace Md. p.l95 Smith, Albert Co.A, 41st Regt. Mt.Zion AME(3) NJ p.l545 Smith, George Co.E, 24th Regt. Mt.Peace(56) Pa. p.1019 Smith, John Co.F, 32nd Regt. Mt.Peace(36) NJ p.l541 Smith, John W. Co.C, 25th ReOt. Mt.Peace(63) NJ p.l527 Smith, Joseph Co.A, 22nd Regt. Mt. Peace(27) NJ p.l507 Smith, Samuel Co.A, 41st Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1074 Smith, Samuel A. Co.H, 22nd Regt. Johnson(17) Pa. p.1022 Smith, Wm. Henry Co.B ,41st Regt. East Berlin(l) Pa.p.1072 Smith, William H. Co.I, 22nd Regt. Johnson(8) NJ p.l519 Smith, William H. Co.A, 39th Regt. Mt.Pisgah(15) MD. p.204 Spriggs, Jefferson Co.B, lst Regt. Mt.Peace(78) NA-GP-447 Stephens, John L. Co.K, 22nd Regt. Mt.Zion(14) NJ p.1520 Stevens, John W. Co.D, 5th Mass.Cav. Johnson Mass. p.509 Stewart, Benjamin H. Co.H,32nd Regt. Mt.Peace Pa. p.1061 Stewart, George H. Co.G,54th Mass. Johnson Mass. p.372 Still, Charles Co.A, 24th Regt. Mt.Zion(21) Pa. p.1013 Still, Charles A. Co.H, 45th Regt. Mt.Peace(23) NA-GP-454 Still, Edward (CW GAR Marker) Mt.Zion(ll) Still, Isaac Co.K, 32nd Regt. Mt.Zion AME(5) Pa.p.1063 Still, Josiah Co.M, 3rd Regt. Mt.Zion(10) Pa. p.939 Still, Samuel St. Matthews(5) Still, William Co.E, 14th Regt./R.I. Hvy Art. St. Matthews RI p.687 Stout, Nathaniel Co.K, 32nd Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1064 Struthers, John Co.D, 45th Regt. Johnson NJ p.1564 Taylor, William Co.B, 6th Regt./Sgt. Mt.Zion AME(ll) Pa.p.918 Thomas, John W. Co.H, 24th Regt. Mt. Peace Pa. p.1022 Thompson, Elisha W. Co.I, 24th Regt. Mt.Peace(69) Pa. p.1023 Thompson, Thomas H. Co.D, 41st Regt. Jordantown Pa. p.1077 (also listed at Johnson) Thornton, Randolph Co.C, 3rd Regt. Jordantown(7) Pa. p.931 Till, Anthony Co.H, 6th Regt. Mt. Zion Pa. p.961 Tillman, Albert Co.E, 41st Regt. Mt.Peace(52) NA-GP-474 Tingle, Robert; Co. H, 29th RegVPrvt; Jordantown; NARA Film #M589, Roll 87 Tunnel, Gabel Co.K, 25th ReOt. Johnson Pa. p.1046 Turner, William; Co. C, 26th RegVPrvt; Jordantown, NARA Film #M589, Roll 88 VanDyke, Benjamin Co.I, 32nd Regt. Johnson(15) NJ p.l543 Pa. p.1063 Vickers, Edward Co.E, 8th Regt. St.Matthews(9) Pa.p.947 Voorhees, Jacob; Co. L, 2nd US Col'd Cav/Prvt; Mt. Peace; NARA Film 589, Roll 89 Walter, George Co.K, 32nd Regt. Mt.Peace(21) Pa. p.1065 Ward, George W. Co.B, 39th Regt. Mt.Pisgah(5) MD. p. 267 Warren, Andrew Co.H, 25th Regt. Grant (2) Pa. p.1042 Washington, Augustus Co.I, 25th Regt. Jordantown(15)NJ p. 1534 Washington, Robert Co.K, 22nd Regt. Mt. Peace NJ p.1520 Pa. p.1010 Waters, Charles Co.H, 5th Mass.Cav. Mt.Peace(55) Mass. p.527 Watson, Charles Co.B, 25th Regt./ Johnson NJ p.1525 Musician Watson, Wilson Co.I, 3rd Regt. Johnson Pa. p.941 Watters, Thomas F. Co.K, 25th Regt./1st Sgt. Mt.Peace(46) NJ p.l534 Wayman, Charles Co.B,22nd Regt. Johnson Pa. p.996 Wayples, Charles Co.G,25th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.1040 Weaver, Samuel S. Co.K,20th Pa. Cav. Jordantown(12) NA-GP-503 Webb, Arthur Co.H,lst US Cav. Mt.Peace(26) NA-GP-503 Weeks, James T. Co.G,3rd Regt. Johnson(16) Pa. p.937 Weldon, Henry Co.G,127th Regt. Johnson(6) Pa. p.1135 Wells, John J. Co.E,38th Regt. Johnson NA-GP-507 Wells, Joseph Henry Co.B,8th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.973 Wescott, Webster Co.G,34th Regt. Jordantown(16) NA-GP-508 West, Andrew Co.A,127th Regt. Mt.Peace(18) Pa. p.1128 White, Thomas Co.A,127th Regt. Mt.Zion(17) NJ p.l569 Whiting, David; Co. H, US Col'd Hvy ArVPrvt; Johnson; NARA Film #589, Roll94 Wilbanks, James Co.C, 45th Regt. Mt.Peace(87) NJ p.l563 Pa. p.lll2 Wiley, William Co.C, St.Matthews(3) Wilkins, William Co.I, 43rd Regt. Mt.Peace(83) NJ p.l559 Pa. p.1103 Williams, George Co.H, 45th Regt. Johnson Pa. p.ll01 Williams, John W. Co.I, 22nd Regt. Hickstown(4) NJ p.l519 Williams, John W. Co.K, 22nd Regt. Butler(3) Pa. p.l008 Williams, Oscar Bugler Mt.Peace(72) Wilson, Isaiah F. Co.F, 54th Mass. Grant (4) Mass. p.366 Wright, Isaiah Co.L, lst US Cav. Johnson NA-GP-537 Young, Alfred J. Co.G,3rd Regt. Johnson(l) Pa. p.937 U.S.Navy Name Naval Rank Cemetery Confirmation Anderson, John 2nd Class Boy Johnson NA-GP-9 Beckett, John J. Landsman Johnson NJ p.1672 Blake, John Steward Johnson MD. p.30 Bleem, Samuel Landsman Johnson Pa. p.1014 Bowman, Alexander Landsman Mt.Peace(64) MD. p.32 Briggs, William P. Landsman Mt. Peace MD. p.33 Brown, Samuel F. Landsman Mt.Peaee(51) ND. p.35 Butler, Osceola 1st Class Boy Mt.Peaee(34) MD. p.37 NA-GP-66 Carey, William Landsman Jordantown Mass. p.690 Christmas, Lewis Landsman Mt.Peace(93) Clark, Solomon Landsman/from l9th USCT. transf. Johnson MD. p.41 Dix, Milton Cook Johnson(7) NA-GP-123 Drake, William A. Steward Johnson NA-GP-130 Duckery, James H. Landsman Mt.Peace(42) NA-GP-141 Faucett, Benjamin F. Landsman Mt.Zion(18) NA-GP-148 Fitzgerald, John P. Landsman Butler(4) R.I. p. 1117 Frank, John Ordinary Seaman Mt.Peace(74) R.I. p. 1119 Gibson, Joseph Landsman Johnson NA-GP-174 Gillen, John Landsman Johnson NA-GP-175 Gray, Joseph Landsman Mt.Pisgah(11) NA-GP-184 Green, Lewis H. Landsman Mt. Peace MD. p.58 Green, Richard Coal Heaver Mt. Peace Mass. p.100 Harding, George Landsman Mt.Peace(39) NA-GP-199 Heath, Peter Landsman Mt.Peace(35) NA-GP-208 Hegamin, William H. Ordinary Seaman Mt.Peace(75) NA-GP-209 Hornelson, N. Buck Landsman Mt.Peace(88) Jackson, Samuel Landsman Butler NA-GP-238 T-1099 R13 Jones,Frederick Landsman Mt.Pisgah(1) MD. p.71 Jones, William Seaman Mt.Pisgah(13) NA-GP-250 Jordan, Isaiah Coal Heaver Mt.Peace(28) NA-GP-250 Lawson, John Landsman Mt.Peace( ) Lotley, Alexander Landsman Johnson NA-GP-288 Major, Isaac Seaman Mt.Zion(3) NA-GP-310 Mann, John R. Steward Mt.Pisgah(4) NA-GP-312 Manning, Walter M.; Landsman; Jordantown; CWSS (Born NY; Occ.mariner) Martin, William T/F Landsman Johnson NJ p.1654 Moirtier,Albert Landsman Johnson NJ p.1657 Montier, Jeremiah Morgan, Henry C. Landsman Johnson(12) NA-T1099R21 Mundy, Benjamin Steward Mt.Peace(92) NA-T1099R21 McPerkins, Thomas Steward Mt.Peace(84) Nash, Amos W. Landsman Johnson NA-T1099R21 Nelson, William B. Landsman Mt.Peace MD p.89 Newton, Rev. A.H. Landsman Mt. Peace Mass. p.487 Patten, Garrett Landsman Mt.Zion(l9) NA-GP-364 Peters, William S. Cook Johnson NJ p.1659 Pierce, Asa Landsman Mt.Pisgah(l9) NJ p.l659 Pitts, Sheppard Landsman Johnson NA-GP-373 Preston, John H. Landsman Mt.Peace(67) MD. p.94 Price, Charles Landsman Johnson NJ p.1660 Pruitt, Josiah US Naval Service Johnson Richard, Thomas W. Steward Johnson NA-T1099R24 Riggs, George W. Landsman Sunset MD p.97 Riley, Isaac W. Landsman Mt.Pisgah(20) NJ p.1661 Robinson, Henry Ordinary Seaman Mt.Peace(29) NA-GP-399 Russ, Adam Landsman Johnson NA-T1099R24 Shields, John L. Landsman Johnson CONN. p.994 Simmons, Norman Landsman Mt.Peace(33) NA-T1099R431 Simons, David Landsman Mt.Peace(47) NA-T1099R25 Sparrow, Henry Landsman/ transfer Mt.Peace(9S) MD. p.107 from l9th USCT Swain, Isaiah Landsman Mt.Peace(6) NA-T1099R27 Thomas, Richard W. Landsman Johnson(3) MD. p.lll Thomas,Richard W.; Steward; Johnson;CWSS (age 48) Watson, George H. Seaman Johnson NJ p.1622 White, John W. Landsman Mt.Pisgah(8) MD. p.ll8 Williams, John W. Landsman Johnson CONN. p.948 Willis, John; Mt. Peace; CWSS (Born Washington, D.C., Age 19) List of those Soldiers/Sailors Not Yet Confirmed Arthur, Isaiah Mt. Pisgah Arthur, James Mt. Pisgah Corney, Henry St. Matthews - USN Dauls' Henry Albert Mt. Peace - USN Hagarty, Thomas Pestletown ? - Co.F, 24th Regt./Sgt. Hancock, Peter - St. Matthews Hunter, Isaac Jordantown - Co.G, 26th Regt. Mapp, George Davistown Nicholas, Thomas Jordantown USN USS Princeton Pratt, Josiah St. Matthew Still, Samuel St. Matthews Thomas, Richard W. Johnson USN USS Jamestown Thomas, Richard W. Johnson - USN USS Independence Wescott, Augustus Jordantown - USN USS Princeton Willis, John Mt. Peace - USN USS Princeton Source Locations The sources of my confirmations were found in a number of historical libraries, more specifially, the Camden County Historical Society, Park Blvd. & Euclid Ave., Camden, New Jersey; the New York Free Library, main branch and The Annex branch, New York City; the Civil War Library & Museum, l9th & Pine Streets, Philadelphia, Pa., and the National Archives, Washington, D.C. The sources that should be consulted for further information are as follows: Record of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Civil War. 1861 - 1865, Vol. II, William S. Stryker, AdjutantGeneral, Trenton, New Jersey: John L. Murphy, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1876. State of New Jersey Adjutant General's Report of 1864-1865, Trenton:State of New Jersey, 1866. Record of Service of Connecticut Men in the Army and Navy of the United States During the War of the Rebellion, Adjutant Generals Office, Smith, Camp, Barbour and White, Hartford, Conn.,The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1889. Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion 1861 - 1865, Published by the Authority of the General Assembly. The Weaver Company, Akron, 1893,11 vols. Revised Register of the Soldiers and Sailors of New Hampshire in the War of the Rebellion. 1861 - 1865, Augustus D.Ayling, Adjutant General, Ira C. Evans Printer, Concord, 1895. Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors. and Marines in the Civil War, Compiled and Published by The Adjutant General, NorwoodPress, Norwood, Mass., 1933. Record of the Massachusetts Volunteers. 1861 - 1865, Published by the Adjutant-General, Wright & Potter Printers, Boston, 1868. History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer lnfantry. 1863 - 1865, Luis F. Emilio, The Boston Book Company, Boston, 1891. Record of the Service of the Fifty-Fifth Regiment of the Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Press of John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, July, 1868.New York in the War of the Rebellion 1861 to 1865, Frederick Phisterer, Weed, Parsons & Company, Albany, 1890. History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers. War of1861 - 5, Wilmer, Jarrett & Vernon, Vol. II, Press of Guggenheimer, Weil & Co., Baltimore, MD., 1899. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers. 1861 - 5, Samuel P. Bates, Vol. V, B. Singerly, State Printer, Harrisburg, 1871. Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. for the Year 1865, Brigadier-General Elisha Dyer, E.L. Freeman & Son, Printers, Providence, 1895. Official Register of Rhode Island Officers and Soldiers Who Served In the United States Army and Navy From 1861 to 1866, Published by Order of the General Assembly, January Session,1866. A Guide to Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War, Munden & Beers, Nation Archives and Record Service, General Services Administration, Washington: 1962. Websites Http:/lwww. itd . nps.gov/cwss/ Http://www.sheperd.wvet.edu/gtmcweb/cwdbase.html Http://www.afroamcivilwar.org Http://www.civilwardata.com Http://www. hartwick.edu/usct. html Http://www.mvpahoa.com/cwlinks. html Http://www.coax.net/people/wf/usct.html