Appendix 3: Government Pension Records |
The pension records of all Civil War veterans are on file at the National Archives, Washington, D.C. If the veteran made application for a pension during his lifetime, or his widow did thereafter, a specific procedure was necessary in order to qualify. The pension records, contained on microfilm, usually give the name of the applicant, any aliases used, the name of the wife or other designated beneficiary, the state where he/she was then living and, sometimes, the name of the attorney used if any. For those wishing to obtain copies of these records, the microfilm card also contains the Date of Filing, the Invalid Application Number and the Certificate Number which are necessary to obtain copies of any of these records. For those wishing to obtain copies of these records, the microfilm card also contains the Date of Filing, the Invalid Application Number and the Certificate Number, which are necessary to obtain copies of any of these records. I performed a random review of these records to confirm certain individuals whose names were not found in other sources. A list of the information obtained follows. Each name listed is followed by the microfilm roll number where the record can be found. The word "service" is followed by an alphabetical letter designation which indicates the regimental company and then followed by the regimental designation. "U.S.C. Inf.", is the abbreviation for United States Colored Infantry. In the case of naval personnel, the ships of service are sometimes listed. The abbreviation "DOF" stands for Date of Filing and the words Invalid App.#" stands for Invalid Application Number. The word,"Certificate" has been abbreviated to "Certif.". All General Pension record" are Group T288 Roll____ . Copies of the required forms will appear at the conclusion of this appendix and can be obtained from the National Archives main and branch offices at their respective addresses. A charge of ten dollars is made for each request. Briscoe. Alexander, AKA Alexander Brister Roll 52 Wife - Mary A. Brisco Service - G 9 USC Inf. Invalid App.# 89g422 Certif.# 857114 NJ Attorney- M.V. Tierney Butt, Miles Roll 66 Wife Service - D 38 USC Inf. DOF -2/15/1869 . Butt, William Roll 66 Widow - Martha Service- B 37 USC Inf. DOF 2/24/1888 by widow. Custis, Edward Roll 108 Widow - Ida Service - K 2 USC Cavalry DOF 8/19/1890, Invalid App.#894256, Certif.# 667982NJ Hardcastle. James, AKA Jonathan J. White Roll 198 Widow - Charlotte E. Amelia White Service - C 25 USC Inf. DOF 11/16/1889, Invalid App.#7387g6, Certif.#1133182NJ 9/12/1910, Widow-Charlotte #948782NJ 9/14/1910, Widow-Amelia #727287 Delaware Jackson. Samuel Roll 238 Widow - Lydia A. Jackson Service - Landsman - Enlisted 1864 - Discharged 1866 Princeton, Constellation DOF 12/15/1890, Invalid App.#2509g, Certif.#14553 Pa. Widow - App.#10948879, Certif.#889168NJ Died 2/14/1917, Camden, NJ XC2701383 Jordan. Isaiah Roll 250 Service - USN - Rank Coal Heaver Dragon, North Carolina DOF 7/3/1890, Invalid App.#20765, Certif.#10836 Jubillee, Samuel Roll 251 Service - K 1 USC Cavalry DOF 4/20/1883, Invalid App.#480512, Certif.#564128NJ Johnson, James M. Roll 245 Widow - Mary Johnson Service - I 22 USC Inf. DOF 5/16/1873, Invalid App.#183831, Certif.#295341NJ Widow - App.#882472, Certif.#691981 Jones, Charles H. Roll 247 Widow - Catherine Jones Service - E 25 USC Inf. DOF 10/13/1881, Invalid App.#431640, Certif.#666385N~ 6/4/1895, Widow - App.#615882, Certif.#447514NJ Jones, William Roll 250 Widow - Rachel Jones Service - Rank 2nd Class Boy USN USS Cimarron, Princeton, Potomska, Winoia DOF 3/12/1888, Invalid App.#12862, Certif.#9718 2/28/1900, Widow - App.#19512, Certif.#17219 Lotley, Alexander Roll 288 Service - USN - Rank Landsman, Maratanza DOF 10/15/1890, Invalid App.#23069 147 Major, Isaac Roll 310 Widow - Sarah Service - USN - Rank Ordinary Seaman St.Lawrence, Princeton DOF 9/13/1890, Invalid App.#22981 10/17/1901,Widow - App.#20787 Nann, John R., AKA Frederick Braase Roll 312 Widow - Maeta C. Braase Service - USN - Rank Steward Enlisted 1864, USS Potomac, Minnesota, No. Carolina, Vermont. Neil. George W. Roll 346 Widow - Emma Neil Service - H 23 USC Inf. and USN DOF 6/7/1890, Widow App.#425061, Certif.#408281NJ Nelson. Henry Roll 346 Service - F 24 USC Inf. DOF 12/20/1897, Invalid App.#1202459, Certif.#1099317NJ Patton. George, AKA Garrett Roll 364 Widow - Elizabeth Patton Service - USN - Rank Landsman Enlisted 1864, Discharged 1865- New Hampshire, Powhatto, Wabash, No Carolina, New Ironsides, DOF 1889, Invalid App.#15229, Certif.#27241 Pitts. Sheppard Roll 373 Widow - Sarah Pitts Service - USN - Landsman Ticonderoga, Princeton, Vandalia, Wamsutta, DOF 9/18/1891, Widow App.#10828, Certif.#8676 Postles. Peter M.D., Alias Deputy Major Roll 377 Widow - Mary D. Postles Service - M 2 USC Cavalry DOF 3/31/1888, Invalid App.#647793, Certif.#1027620NJ 5/1/1896, Widow - App.#632972, Certif.#516009 NJ Ray, Frederick J. Roll385 Widow - Elizabeth J. Ray Service - B 127 USC Inf. DOF 5/13/1891, Invalid App.#1029585 1/3/1992, Widow - App.#567230, Certif.#387740NJ Robinson, Henry Roll 399 Service - USN - Rank Ordinary Seaman - Daylight, Alleghney, St. Louis DOF 7/11/1890, Invalid App.#17683, Certif.#10176 Scott, Thomas B., Alias Thomas Smith Roll 417 Widow - Mary B. Scott Service - H 25 USC Inf. DOF 9/12/1891, Invalid App.#103-6767 Pa. 5/29/1906, Widow - App.#849831 NJ Simmons, Norman G. Roll 431 Service - USN - Rank 1st Class Boy - USS So. Carolina DOF 7/ ~ Invalid App.#20238, Certif.#11855 Spriggs, Jefferson Roll 447 Service - B 1st USC Inf. DOF 6/27/1896, Invalid App.#1178755, Certif.#1079093 Pa. Still, Charles A. Roll 454 Service - H 45 USC Inf. DOF 6/17/1871, Invalid App.#162485 Tillman, Albert, Alias Henry Buck Roll 474 Service - E 41 USC Inf. DOF 10/24/1896, Invalid App.#1182095, Certif.#1132028 NJ Hines, Thomas H., Alias Henry Thomas Roll 218 Widow - Mary E. Hines Service - E 24 USC Inf. DOF 7/8/1890, Invalid App.#799944, Certif.#681258 NJ 3/27/l919, Widow App.#1138496,Certif.#887662 NJ XC2866871 Weaver, Samuel Roll 503 Service - K 20th Pa. Cavalry E 135 Pa. Infantry DOF 5/30/1866, Invalid App.#109067, Certif.#798g6 Webb, Arthur Roll 503 Service - H 1st USC Cavalry DOF 5/lg/1883, Invalid App.#483g84 Franklinville,N] Wells, John J. Roll 507 Dependent - Father, Thomas Wells Service - E 38 USC Inf. DOF 12/10/1868, Father App.#108931 Wescott, Webster, Alias Wallace Wescott Roll 508 Service - G 34 USC Inf. DOF 1/22/1892, Invalid App.#1086488, Certif.#824984 NJ Wright, Isaiah, Alias Robert Brown Roll 537 Service - L 1st USC Cavalry DOF 7/25/1890, Invalid App.#864887, Certif.#616g88 NJ Gillen, John Roll 175 Widow - Patience Gillen Service - USN - Landsman, So. Carolina DOF 5/20/188g, Invalid App.#144g5, Certif.#7663 O.J. 5/ 9/1893, Widow - App.#13500, Certif.#9771 Craig, Andrew, Alias Peter Noonan Roll 101 Widow - Emma Craig Service - H 24 USC Inf. DOF 7/13/1890, Invalid App.#749285, Certif.#1109648 NJ 10/22/1920,Widow - App.#1164912 Dix, Milton G. Roll 123 Service - USN - Rank Cook USS Constellation, Princeton, Constitution DOF 11/30/1881, Invalid App.#7486, Certif.#3772 Drake, William A. Roll 130 Widow - Mary A. Drake Service - USN - Rank Captain's Cook USS Mingoe, Princeton,- Remainder obliterated Duckery, James H. Roll 131 Service - USN - Rank Landsman USS New Hampshire, James S. Chambers, Princeton, Emma DOF ~ Invalid App.#33986, Certif.#22726 Butler. Osceola Roll 66 Service - USN - Rank 1st Class Boy USS Cimerron, Princeton DOF 7/21/1891, lnvalid App.#20543, Certif.#11011 Died July 2, 1917, Camden, New Jersey Faucet, Benjamin F., Alias Benjamin F. Foster Roll 148 Service - USN - Rank Landsman USS Vandalia, T.A. Ward, Princeton, Wabash DOF 2/10/1890, Invalid App.#15849, Certif.#29309 Died Oct. 25, 1921, Lawnside,NJ Gibson, Joseph Roll 174 Widow - Eliza Gibson Service - USN - Rank Landsman USS Savannah, Louisiana, Princeton DOF 6/19/1880, Invalid App.#7042 8/16/1890, Widow - App.#6957, Certif.#9058 Gray, Joseph Roll 184 Widow - Anna Gray Service - USN - Rank Landsman Enlisted 1864 Discharged 1865 USS Princeton, New Hampshire DOF 7/15/1890, Invalid App.#15538J, Certif.#9089J NJ 7/15/1894, Widow - App.#14068J, Certif.#10437JNJ Died 12/15/1893 Harding, George Roll 199 Service - USN - Rank Officer's Cook- USS Princeton, Tacony DOF 5/29/1903, Invalid App.#49145J, Certif.#33088J Heath, Peter Roll 208 Widow - Mary Heath Service - USN - Rank Landsman USS Brandywine, New Hampshire, Constellation DOF 8/19/1890, Invalid App.#19024], Certif.#114843 11/9/1904, Widow - App.#237653 Hecamin, William H., Alias Haegamin, William W. Roll 209 Widow - Loretta Hegamin Service - USN - Rank Seaman - Enlisted 1864 Discharged 1865 USS New Hampshire, Flambeau, Midnight, Princeton, Restless, Dale DOF 6/6/1879, Invalid App.#5692, Certif.#7696 N] 9/23/1911, Widow - App.#972249,Certif.#741966NJ Anderson, John Roll 9 Service - USN - Rank 2nd Class Boy USS Satellite DOF 12/23/1890, Invalid App.#25345J, Certif.#26136J Hargest, Robert Roll 199 Service - G 28 USC Inf. DOF 7/2/1890, Invalid App.#785409, Certif.#1047330