Endnotes and Bibliography |
The Army
1. Joseph T. Glatthaar, Forged In Battle: The Civil War Alliance of Black Soldiers and White Officers: The Free Press (New York 1990): Chapter 2. 2. John R. Spears: The American Slave Trade: Charles Scribners Sons(New York 1900): pages 3-7. 3. Herbert S. Klein: Slavery in The Americas: University of Chicago Press(Chicago 1967) pages 7,8. 4. Ivan Van Sertima: African Presence in Early America: Transaction(New Brunswick 1987) 5. Glatthaar: Forged in Battle; page 2. 6. Russel F. Weigley: History of the United States Army: MacMillan Company:(New York 1967) page 211. 7. Elon A. Woodward: The Negro in the Military Service of the United States 1669-1886: Adjutant General's Office: Microfilm Publication M858: National Archives (Washington 1888): page 2. 8. Phillip St.Laurent : The Buffalo Soldiers: tuesday Publications,Inc. 1970: page 2. 9. Woodward: The negro in the Military Service of the United States: page 14. 10. John K. Mahon: History of the Militia and National Guard: MacMillan Company:( New York 1983): page 22; Lorenzo Green: The Negro in the Armed Forces, 1619-1783: Negro History Bulletin: October 1951: page 122. 11. ibid,:Woodward; page 50 12. ibid,:Woodward: page 50. 13. ibid,:Woodward: pages 51-53; St. Laurent: page 2. 14. Mark E. Lender: The New Jersey Soldier: ( Trenton: New Jersey Historical Commission 1977): pages 17,18; Richard S. Walling: Men of Color at the Battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778:( New Jersey: Friends of the Monmouth Battlefield,Inc.:1993: pages 15,16. 15. ibid., St. Laurent: page 3. 16. ibid., Woodward: page 98, St. Laurent: page 3. 17.ibid., Woodward quoting Bancroft: History of the United States: Vol. 5:page 277. 18. Robert J. Gough: Black Men and The Early New Jersey Militia: New Jersey History: Vol.LXXXVIII: number 4 ( Winter 1970) pages 230-236. 19.ibid., St. Laurent: page3. 20.ibid., St. Laurent: page3. 21.ibid., Woodward: page 288. 22. James B. Whisker: African- American Gunsmiths: The Gun Report: Vol. 37: No.4: September 1991. 23. Glatthaar: Forged in Battle: page 2. 24. Dudley taylor Cornish: The Sable Arm: University Press of Kansas: 1987 Edition: pages 5,6. 25. ibid.,Cornish: page 2. 26. ibid., cornish: page25. 27. Fred A. Shannon: The Federal Government and the Negro Soldier: The Journal Of Negro History: Vol. XI: October 1926: page 565. 28. The War of the Rebellion:Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies: 128 Volumes:(Washington 1880-1902: 1 Series:Vol. VIII: page370.(Cited hereafter as Official Records) 29. United States Statutes at Large: Vol. XII: July 17 1862: page 597. 30. James L. McPherson: Battle Cry of Freedom: Oxford University Press 1988:quoting U.S. Statutes at Large:Vol.V. 31. Ira Berlin, Joseph P. Reidy and Leslie S. Rowland editors: Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation 1861-1867: Series II: The Black Military Experience: Cambridge 1982: pages 37-40. 32. ibid., Berlin: page 40. 33. Geoffrey C. Ward, Ric Burns and Ken Burns:The Civil War- An Illustrated History: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.: New York 1990: page 253. 34. Official Records: Series 1:Vol 5: pages 556,557. 35. Official Records: Series 4:Vol. 3: pages1161,1162. 36. Ward: The Civil War, An Illustrated History: page 253. 37. Official Records: Series 3: Vol.II: pages 436-438. 38. Larry A. Greene: The Emancipation Proclamation In New Jersey and the Paranoid Style: New Jersey History: Vol. XCI: No. 2( Summer 1973): pages 112-121. 39. Official Records: Series 1:Vol.XIV: pages 377-378. 40. Official Records: Series 1:Vol.XIV: pages 377-378. 41. Cornish: The Sable Arm page 95. 42. Weigley: History of the United States Army: page 213. 43. Kenneth W. Munden and Henry Putney Beers: Guide to Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War: Washington: 1962: page262. 44. Weigley: History of the United States Army: page213. 45. Frederick Douglass: Douglass' Monthly: V: March 1863: page 801. 46. Official Records: Series 3: Vol.V: page 658. 47. John MacDonald: Great Battles of the Civil War: MacMillan: New York: 1988: page 146. 48.Cornish: The Sable Arm: page 144: quoting Official Records: Series 1: Vol.XXIV: Dennis to Grant: June 12. 49. Allan Nevins: The War for the Union: War Becomes Revolution: Vol. 2: Charles Scribners and Sons: New York: 1960: page 519. 50.Carl Sandburg: Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years and the War Years: One Vol.Ed: Harcourt Brace & Co.: New York: 1954: page 370. 51. Frederick M. Binder: Journal of Negro History: Vol. 37: October 1952. 52. Joseph G. Billy: Forgotten Warriors: New Jersey's African- American Soldiers in the Civil War: Longstreet House: Hightstown New Jersey 1993: page 11. 53. ibid., Binder: page 386. 54. ibid., Binder: page 387. 55. ibid., Binder: page 388. 56. Cornish: The Sable Arm: page 214. 57. Binder: Journal of Negro History: page 399. 58. Cornish: The Sable Arm: page 221. 59. ibid., Cornish: pages 253-254. 60. Frederick Douglass: The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass: Collier Books: MacMillan Publishing Co.: New York 1962. 61. Nevins: The War for the Union: page 525. 62. Frederick Phisterer: New York in the War of the Rebellion: 2nd edition: Albany 1890: page 43. 63. ibid., Billy: page 24. 64. Dudley Taylor Cornish: The Union Army as a Training School For Negroes:Journal of Negro History:Vol. 37: October 1952: quoting Francis Beecher Perkins: Two Years with a Colored Regiment: New England Magazine: XVII: January 1898: page 394. 65. Sandburg: Abraham Lincoln: page 380. 66. Frederick Douglass' Monthly:August 1863. 67. Glatthaar: Forged In Battle; page 12. 68. Binder: Journal of Negro History: pages 397-398. 69. ibid., Binder: page 396: quoting E.R.Turner: The Negro in Pennsylvania 1689-1861: page 251. 70. Ward: The Civil War an Illustrated History: page 247. 71. Glatthaar: Forged in Battle: pages 66-67. 72. ibid., Glatthaar: page 93. 73. ibid., Glatthaar: page 173. 74. ibid., Glatthaar: page 79. 75. ibid., Glatthaar: page 69. 76. Official Records: Series II, Vol. 4: page 916: Beauregard to W. Porcher Miles. 77. Berlin: Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation: page 585. 78. Glatthaar: Forged in Battle:page 156. 79. Official Records: Series 1: Vol.XXXII Part 1 : page 610. 80. Cornish: The sable Arm: page 173 81. Glatthaar: Forged In Battle; page 155: quoting Benjamin F. Stevens to Mother august 12 1863: Ellis: The Civil War Letters of an Iowa Family: page 582. 82. James H. Whyte: Marylands' Negro Regiments, How, Where They Served: Civil War Times Illustrated: July 1962: page 4. 83. Frederick Henry Dyer: A Compendium of The War of The Rebellion: Compiled and Arranged from the Official Records: Des Moines Iowa 1908. 84. Munden and Beers: Guide to the Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War: page 263. 85. Luis F, Emilio: A Brave Black Regiment : History of the Fifty Fourth Regiment: Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry: Boston Book Company: Boston 1894: pages 68-70. 86. ibid., Emilio: pages 72-73. 87. Glatthaar: page 139: quoting Lewis Douglass to Amelia: July 20 1863: Carter Woodson Papers. 88. Cornish: The Sable Arm: page 155. 89. ibid., Cornish: page 231. 90. ibid., Cornish: page 229-231 91. W.J.Tenney: The Military and Naval History of the Rebellion in the United States: New York 1866: page 507. 92. Robert Underwood Johnson and Clarence Clough Buel eds: Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: 4 vols: New York 1888: Vol. IV: page 80. 93. Cornish: The Sable Arm: pages 275-276. 94. L.D.Raddick: The Negro Policy of the United States Army 1775-1945: Journal of Negro History: Vol.34: January 1949. 95. Herbert Aptheker: Negro Casualties in the Civil War: The Journal of Negro History: Vol. 32 No. 1: January 1947. 96. Raddick:The Negro Policy of the United States Army: Journal of Negro History: Vol. 34: January 1949. 97. Cornish: The Sable Arm: quoting Moruan's Reminiscences: page 445. 98. Johnson and Buel: Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Vol.IV page 757. 99. Official Records: Series IV: page 291. 100. Cornish: The Sable Arm: page 291.
The Navy 1. Herbert Aptheker: The Journal of Negro History: Vol. XXXII No. 2: April 1947. 2. ibid,. Aptheker. 3. The Public Statutes at Large of the United States: R. Peters: Boston 1845: edition II: page 809. 4. ibid., Public Statutes at Large: page 810. 5. David M. Cooney: A chronology of the United States Navy: 1775-1965: Franklin Watts Inc. New York 1965: page 76. 6. ibid., Cooney: page 77. 7. ibid., Cooney: page 75. 8. Richard S. West Jr.: Gideon Wells and Lincoln's Navy Department: Indianapolis 1943. 9. ibid., West 10. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion: 30 Volumes: Washington 1894-1922: Vol.IX: pages 572-574 . 11. Official Records: Navy: Vol. XXIV: Report from Acting Rear Admiral Porter to Secretary Wells: March 26 1863: pages 474-496. 12. ibid.,Official Records: Navy: pages 474-496. 13. ibid., Official Recordws: Navy: Volume XXIII: Circular dated December 18 1862. 14. Aptheker: Journal of Negro History: Volume XXXII. 15. ibid., Aptheker: Journal of Negro History: Vol. XXXII> 16.Herbert Aptheker: Negro Casualties in the Civil War: The journal of Negro History: Vol. 32: No. 1 January 1947. 17. Cooney: A Chronology of the United States Navy 1775-1965: page 102. 18. ibid., Cooney: page 102. 19. ibid., Cooney: pages 170-171. 20. Massachusetts Soldiers Sailors and Marines in the Civil War: 8 Volumes: Norwood 1931-1935: see volumes VII & VIII. 21. Aptheker: The Journal of Negro History: Vol. XXXII: No. 2: page 200. 22. John Lawson Family Records: c/o Irene Poole Sickerville, New Jersey.
Bibliography Government Publications: Federal Bibliography of State Participation in the Civil War 1861-1866:War Department Library: Subject Catalog No. 6: 3rd edition: Washington: Government Printing Office: 1913. Guide to Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War: Kenneth W. Munden and Henry Putney Beers: The National Archives Publication Number 63-1: Washington 1962. Military Operations of the Civil War: A Guide Index to the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. 1861-1865: Volume 2 GSA: Washington 1968. The Negro in the Military Service of the United States:Elon A.Woodward: Compiler: War Records Office: National Archives: Washington D.C.: Microfilm Publication: M58: 1888. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion: 30 Volumes: Washington: 1894-1922. The Public Statutes at Large of the United States: R. Peters edition: Boston 1845. Register of the Commissioned, Warrant and Volunteer Officers of the Navy of the United States of America: To January 1 1864: Government Printing Office: Washington 1864. The Statutes at Large: Treaties and Proclamations of the United States of America: Vol. XII. United States War Department Register of the Volunteer Forces of the United states for the years: 1862-1865: Washington 1865. The War of the Rebellion: A compiliation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies: 128 Volumes: Washington 1880-1901. Government Publications: State Annual Report of the Adjutant general of the State of Rhode Island and Prividence Plantations for the year 1865: Brigadier General Elisha Dyer: Providence: E.L. Freeman & Son 1865. Official Register of Rhode Island Officers and Soldiers who served in the United States Army and Navy from 1861 to 1866: Published by Order of the General Assembly: January Session 1866. History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers:War of 1861-1865: General Assembly of Maryland: Baltimore: Guggenheimer Weil and Co: 1899. History of Pennyslvania Volunteers 1861-1865: Samuel Bates: Harrisburg: B. Singerly 1871. Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the Civil War: Adjutant General of Massachusetts: 8 Volumes: Norwood Massachusetts: Norwood Press 1933. Record of Service of the Fifty Fifth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry: Regimental Association: Cambridge: John Wilson and Son 1868. Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in th War of the Rebellion 1861-1866: Ohio General Assembly: 11 Volumes: Akron: The Werner Company 1893. New York in the War of the Rebellion. 1861-1865: Frederick Phisterer, Compiler: 3rd edition: Albany 1912. Record of Service of Connecticut Men in the Army and Navy of the United States During the War of the Rebellion: Adjutant General's Office: Hartford Connecticut: Case, Lockwood and Brainard Company 1889. |