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NJA Vol.21 - WEST JERSEY RECORDS, ---Liber A., or Revel's Book of Surveys.


Calendar of New Jersey Records.

WEST JERSEY RECORDS, ---Liber A., or Revel's Book of Surveys. [1]

1680 Sept. 7. Return of Survey, for Mahlon STACY, of 100 acres on
Assiscunck Creek, Lazy Point side. 3

1680 Sept 8. Do. Do. for John HOLLINGSHEAD, of a town lot on Del-
aware R., over against the lower end of Burlington Island, along the
creek around it, 30 acres. 3

1680 Sept. 8. Do. Do. for Thomas OLIVE, of 200 acres on Della-
ware R. near Plum Point. 3

1680 Sept. 9 and 10. Do. Do. of the partition line between the
Yorkshire and the London Proprietors, beginning in the middle of High
St. against Thomas OLIVE's house on the Island and thence running S. E. through
the town bounds for about 6 miles. 3

1680 Sept. 11. Do. Do. for Samuel OLDALE, of 100 acres on Assis-
cunck Creek, E. of the town bounds (paper very broken and defaced). 3

1680 Sept. 13. Do. Do. for James PHAROE, of 100 acres along Del-
aware R., with a spherical triangle of meadow, W. N. W. Thomas
WOOD, E. N. E. a swamp, E. S. E. and E. N. E. (sic) the river and the creek. 4

1680 Sept. 13. Do. Do. for the same, of 50 acres adjoining the
foregoing. 4

1680 Sept. 13. Do. Do. for John ROGERS, of 100 acres on Della-
ware R., adjoining James PHAROE (resurvey, infra, p. 34). 4

1680 Sept. 20. Do. Do. for John WOOLSTON, of 50 a. on the creek
back of the Island, W. E. of London Bridge. 4

(Broken) Do. Do. for Thomas ELLIS, of 30 a., his second lot,
on Assiscunck Creek, adjoining Mahlon STACY. 4

1680 Sept. 22. Do. Do. for John KINSEY, of his townlot on Assis-
cunck Cr., 130 a. 53 perches, beginning at the point of a swamp on said
creek and running E. along the creek. 5

1680 Sept. 23. Do. Do. for Thomas HARDING, of 30 a. on the creek,
surrounding the Island, adjoining John WOOLSTON. 5

1680 Sept. 23. Do. Do. for Edmond STAUT, of 50 a. along the town
line. 5

1680 Sept. 24. Do. Do. for John CRIPPS, of 30 a. on Assiscunck
Cr., at the mouth of a small run. 5

1680 Sept. 24. Do. Do. for Thomas BUDD, of 109 a. along the
town line and adjoining Edm. STUART. 5


[1] Pages 1 and 2 are missing.

PAGE 346 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1680 Sept. 25. Do. Do. for John LONG, of 91 a. on Mill Creek, ad-
joining Thomas BUDD. 5

1680 Sept. 26. Do. Do. for Thomas BUDD, of 200 a. at Plum Point
on Dellaware R., betw. Tho. Olive and John HOLLINSHEAD. 5

1680 Sept. 28. Do. Do. for Robert POWELL, of 30 a. on Assiscunck
Cr., adjoining John KINSEY. 6

1680 Sept. 28. Do. Do. for John DEWSBURY, of 100 a. on Assiscunck
Cr. (Northside), sold to Jacob COZENS, Lib. B, p. 29. 6

1680 Sept. 29. Do. Do. for Thomas EVES, of 30 a. on the North-
side of Assiscunck Cr., adjoining Tho. ELLIS. 6

1680 Sept. 29. Do. Do. for William PEACHY, of 30 a. above Tho.
PALMER's tann house, along the rear of John WOOLSTON. 6

1680 Sept. 29. Do. Do. for John ANTRAM, of 30 a. on the Westside
of London Bridge, W. N. W. to the swamp, along the swamp, then to the bridge. 6

1680 Sept. 30. Do. Do. for Eleazer FFENTON, of 200 a. on Assiscunck Cr. 6

1680 Sept. 30. Do. Do. for John SHINN, of 200 a. on Assiscunck
Cr., adjoining Eleazer FENTON. 7

1680 Sept. 31. (sic). Do. Do. for Godfrey HANCOCK, of 300 a. on
the Southside of Assiscunck Cr. (see resurvey, p. 101.) 7

1680 Oct. 2. Do. Do. for Thomas GARDNER, of 100 a. in town bounds. 7

1680 Oct. 3. Do. Do. for Walter PUMPHREY, of 100 a. in town
bounds, adjoining Tho. GARDNER (sold to Francis BESWICK). 7

1680 Oct. 5. Do. Do. for Widow PERKINS, of 50 a. in town bounds,
along the swamp. (see resurvey, p. 22). 7

1680 Oct. 5. Do. Do. for William COOPER, of 80 a., adjoining
Widow PERKINS and Walter PUMPHREY. Marginal Note: "This Resur-
veyed being a mistake & is but 50 a. & is Resurvey'd to John WOOLSTON,
p. 119, being given by Wm. COOPER to him as Liber B fol 500." 7

1680 Oct. 5? Do. Do. for Samuel LOVET, of 30 a. in the town
bounds, adjoining Walter PUMPHREY. 8

1680 Oct. 7. Do. Do. for Thomas POTTS, of 30 a. on Lazy Point
side of Assiscunck Cr., adjoining Thomas EVES. 8

1680 Oct. 7. Do. Do. for George BARTHOLOMEW, of 30 a. on Lazy
Point, adjoining Mahlon STACY. 8

1680 Oct. 10. Do. Do. for John CRIPPS, of 80 a. on the West side
of Mill Cr., along the town line, adjoining Edmond STUART. 8

1680 Oct. 11. Do. Do. for Seth SMITH and Thomas FFOLKE, of 80 a.
on the S. W. side of the creek around the Island, along the swamp. "See
this entred to Ino SMITH ffran: DAVENPORT and Edward BOOTH in fol. 91." 8

PAGE 347 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1680 Oct. 12. Do. Do. for William BRIGHTWELL, of 30 a. in town
bounds on Assiscunck Creek, E. John CRIPPS, W. Robert POWELL and John KINSEY. 8

1680 Oct. 21. Do. Do. for Robert STACY, of 250 a. from Eleazer
FENTON's corner N. W. along Assiscunck Cr. Marginal Note: "prcell
found to be but 200 a., 100 thereof is past over to Daniel LEEDS by deed
Recorded in Book B. p. --- & ye other 100 Robert hath relinquished &
Daniel hath bought it of Mahlon STACY & Tho. LAMBERT on ye publique accompt." 9

1680 Oct. 22. Do. Do. for Francis BEWSWICK, of 400 acres on Assis-
cunck Cr., between Robert STACY, Saml OLDALE and Godfrey HANCOCK. 9

1680 Oct. 23. Do. Do. for Samuel JENNINGS, of 400 a. on Assis-
cunck Cr., at Mattacopenny, adjoining John SHINN. 9

1680 Oct. 24. Do. Do. for John PANCAS, of 100 a. against Matta-
copenny on the Northside of Assiscunck Cr. 9

1680 Oct. 24. Do. Do. for Thomas BARTON, of 100 a. along Assis-
cunck Cr., adjoining John PANCAS. 9

1680 Oct. 25. Do. Do. for Samuel WILLIS, of 100 a. on the North-
side of Assiscunck Cr., adjoining Tho. BARTON. 10

1680 Oct. 28. Do. Do. for John BUTCHER, of 200 a. at Mattaco-
penny, along Assiscunck Cr., adjoining John SHINN and Samuel JENNINGS. 10

1680 Oct. 20. Do. Do. for Robert STACY, of 66 a., his town lot,
from the angle of the "marish" over against his tanning house along the
creek, to the swamp, on the Westside of the Rancokus path aand on Assiscunck Cr. 10

1680 Nov. 12. Do. Do. for Robert MURFIN, of 8 a. 40 perches of
meadow, betw. William WOOD and the Delaware R. 10

1680 Nov. 12. Do. Do. for the same, of 100 a. on the hill top,
along Delaware R., the creek and the lane. 11

1680 Nov. 12. Do. Do. for William BLACK, of 8 a. 40 perches of
meadow on Dellaware R., adjoining Robert MURFIN. 11

1680 Nov. 12. Do. Do. for the same, of 100 a. along Dellaware
R., adjoining Robert MURFIN. 11

1680 Nov. 12. Agreement between Robert MURFIN and Wm. BLACK,
that the lane dividing their resp. lands shall be forever a common highway. 11

1680 Nov. 13. Return of survey, fro Robert and Thomas SCHOLEY, of
200 acres along Dellaware R. betw. John ROGERS and Crosswick Creek.
(See infra, p. 34.) 11

PAGE 348 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1680 Nov. 12. Do. Do. for William WOOD, of 36 acres along Del-
laware R. and the creek S. of Robt and Thomas SCHOLEY. Marginal Note:
19 a. of this surveyed to Robert SCHOLEY, ye rest is swamp. 12

1680 Nov. 16. Do. Do. for John SNOWDEN, of 100 a. at the hilltop
on Dellaware R., along the roads between SNOWDEN and John HOOTON
and betw. SNOWDEN and Wm. BEARD. 12

1680 Nov. 16. Do. Do. for the same, of 10 a., i.e. 4 a. of hard
land in the swamp, N. William WOOD, W. Wm. BEARD, S. and E. a small
swamp and a creek; and 6 a. of meadow on the "marish" of Crosswick
Cr., betw. said creek, E., and Anthony WOODHOUSE on the West. 12

1680 Nov. 18. Do. Do. for Anthony WOODHOUSE, of 100 a. along
Dellaware R., betw. Wm. BLACK, John HOOTON and Robert MURFIN. 12

1680 Nov. 18. Do. Do. for the same, of 4 a. in the swamp, N. W.
of Crosswick Cr., S. W. and N. swamp, E. Wm. BEARD; also of 8 a. of
meadow in the "marish" of said creek, E. John SNOWDEN, W. Wm. BEARD. 12

1680 Nov. 19. Do. Do. for John HOOTON, of 100 a. along Della-
ware R., betw. Anthony WOODHOUSE and Wm. BEARD. 13

1680 Nov. 20. Do. Do. for Thomas HOOTON, for 100 a., at the
mouth of and along a creek over against Sepassing Island and along Delaware R. 13

1680 Nov. 20. Do. Do. for John HOOTON, of 4 a. in the swamp on
N. W. side of Crosswick Cr., N. and S. swamp, E. John SNOWDEN, W.
Wm. BEARD; also of 8 a. of meadow in the marsh of said creek, W. a
small creek, E. Wm. BEARD. 13

1680 Nov. 21. Do. Do. for William BEARD, of 100 a. along Della-
ware R. from the road along John SNOWDEN's to a small creek. 13

1680 Nov. 21. Do. Do. for the same, of 4 a. of upland in the
swamp, N. W. of Crosswick Cr., N. and S. swamp, E. John HOOTON, W.
Anthony WOODHOUSE; also of 7 a. of meadow, W. John HOOTON, E. Anthony WOODHOUSE. 13

1680 Nov. 21. Mem. of agreement between John HOOTON, Wm.
BEARD, Anthony WOODHOUSE and John SNOWDEN to leave a common highway at the
bottom of their several 4 a. lots of upland from the small
creek, bounding John SNOWDEN'S lot, through Robert MURFIN's to Della-
ware R. and to allow as many other roads through their land as required. 14

1680-1 Jan. 20. Return of survey, for Peter FRETWELL, of 100 acres
beyond St. Pinck [1] above the Falls of Dellaware R. and along said river. 14


[1] Assunpink.

PAGE 349 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1680-1 Jan. 20. Do. Do. for Andrew SMITH, of 200 a. at the Falls
of and along Dellaware R., adjoining Peter FRETWELL. 14

1681 April 2. Do. Do. for Thomas FARNSWORTH, of 100 a. along
"the creek," S. E. of Crosswick Cr.; also 8 a. on the Northside of Cross-
wick Cr., betw. the headline of John SNOWDEN, Wm. BEARD, Anthony
WOODHOUSE and John HOOTON on the N. and said creek on the S. 14


1681 May 10. Do. Do. for Robert MURFIN, of 100 a., S. W. Cross-
wick Cr., adjoining John MURFIN. 15

1681 May 8. Do. Do. for John STARKEY, of 100 a. in a triangle, at
the mouth of a branch of Assiscunck Cr., adjoining John PANCAS. 15

1681 May 16. Do. Do. for Richard FENIMORE, of 95 a., S. Ranco-
kas Cr., E. a road from said creek to the great meadow, N. Lawrence
MORRIS, W. Henry BALLENGER; also of 5 a. in the great meadow. "Re-
leased to Joshua HUMPHREYS see Liber B. B. B. folio 40." 15

1681 May 19. Do. Do. for Lawrence MORRIS, of 50 a., E. the road
from Rancokus Cr. to the great meadow, W. and N. Henry BALLENGER, S.
Richard FENIMORE. "This prcel transmitted to John CRIPPS as see Book B, p. 29." 15

1681 May 20. Do. Do. for Walter HUMPHREYS, of 200 a., E. the
road from Rancokus Cr. to the great meadow and Lawrence MORRIS. 16

1681 April 18. Do. Do. for John CRIPPS, of 300 a., S. Rancokus
Cr., the line running on a S. S. W. course "through a swamp, wherein
growes store of Holley and within said Tract is a mountaine to which the
Province East, South and West and North send a beautifull aspect named
by the owner thereof Mount Holley." 16

1681 June 11. Do. Do. for John ANTRAM, of 100 a. in the town
field, S. E. Tho. GARDNER. 16

1681 June 15. Do. Do. for the same, of 50 a. upon the "fforke of
Rankokus Cr.," N. the Northbranch of said creek. 16

1681 Aug. 15. Do. Do. for John CRIPPS, of 100 a. on Dellaware R.
against Sepassings Island, called Laboure Point, E. a creek. 17

1681 Aug. 15. Do. Do. for Henry JACOBS, of 200 a. on the South-
side of and along Rankokus Cr. at the mouth of a small branch. 17

1681-2 March 3. Do. Do. for Samuel JENINGS, of 50 a., betw. his
own land, Elias FFARRE and the line betw. the two Tenths. 17

1681 April 30. Do. Do. for Mathew ALLEN, of 200 a. along the
town line. 17

1681-2 March 3. Do. Do. for Walter HUMPHREY, of 200 a. on Ran-
kokus alias Northampton River, adjoining Wm. WOOLMAN and Bernard DEVONISH. 18

1681-2 Feb. 1. Do. Do. for John SHINN, of 100 a. on the brook of
Assiscunck, adjoining his own land and Thomas BUDD. 18

PAGE 350 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1681-2 March 4. Do. Do. for Elias FFARRE, of 160 a. on Assiscunck
Cr., adjoining Saml OLDALE on the S. side of the creek and Godfrey HANCOCK
on the N. side, along the path to Burlington: "This is included in a
resurvey of 500 Acres Recorded in Page 81." 18

1681-2 March 3. Do. Do. for Samuel JENINGS, of 50 a. along the
town bounds, adjoining John CRIPPS. 19

1681 March 30. Do. Do. for the same, in exchange with Thomas
BUDD, of 450 a., along the town bounds, the "old head" line of Rankokus lots and
the partition line betw. the two Tenths. 19

1681 Dec. 21. Do. Do. for Daniel WILLS, of 500 a. on Rankokus alias
Northampton R., betw. John BOARTON, John PAINE and a small creek. 19

1681 Dec. 22. Do. Do. for Daniel WILLS junior and George ELKINGTON,
of 300 a., 100 for ELKINGTON, the other 200 for WILLS, on Mill Creek,
adjoining D. WILLS senior and John BOARTON. 19

1681 Dec. 21. Do. Do. for John PAINE for the use of Thomas
GREENE, of 200 a. on Northampton alias Rankokus R., betw. Daniel WILLS
and Thomas HARDEN. 20

1681-2 Jan 7. Do. Do. for John CHAFFING, of 100 acres, bounded
S. by the Mill Creek, adjoining Robert POWELL. Marginal Note: "This
Survey belongs to Hannah SCOTT." 20

1681-2 Feb. 10. Do. Do. for Isaac MERRIOTT, of 175 a. on Della-
ware R. betw. Wm. PEACHEE and the Rankokus R. 20

1681-2 Feb. 21. Do. Do. for Samuel BORDEN, of 200 a. at Hatt's
Plantation on the N. W. side of the road from Burlington to Shrowsburry.
Marginal Note: "This granted to James ANTRAM by vertue of a deed see
Recorded in fol. (425, 426) Libr. B." 20

1681-2 Feb. 23. Do. Do. for Thomas BARTON, of 100 a., bounded
S. W. by the brook of Assicunck, betw. John PANCOAST and Samuel WILLIS. 20

1681-2 March 1. Do. Do. for John WILLS and Thomas KENDALL, of
593 a., of which 247 are for said KENDALL and the rest for WILLS, the whole
"abutting on the S. side Rancokus alias Northampton R," adjoining
Henry JACOBS. 21

1681-2 Jan. 7. Do. Do. for Robert POWELL, of 150 a. on the N. side
of Mill Creek, along the town bounds, between Benjamin SCOTT and John CHAFFIN. 21

1681-2 Jan 6. Do. Do. for Walter CLARKE and Arthur COOKE, of
1,000 a. between the "old head line" of Rancokus lots, Samuel JENINGS
and Thomas GARDNER. 21

1681-2 Jan. 12. Do. Do. for Thomas EVES, of 100 a. on Rancokus
R., betw. John ROBERTS, the Mill Creek and Thomas OLLIVE. 21

PAGE Revel's Book of Surveys.

1681-2 Jan. 15. Do. Do. for Samuel WILLIS, of 150 a., S. E.
Thomas BARTON. Marginal Note: "This Land sold to Geo. GUEST as
pr deed --------. And by Geo. Guest to Tho: REVELL as pr deed --------." 22

1681 Jan. 16. Do. Do. for William PEACHEE, of 212 a. on Della-
ware R., E. Benj. SCOTT. 22

1681-2 Jan. 17. Do. Do. for Mary PERKINS (same as Widow PERKINS,
p. 7), of 500 a., E. Arthur COOKE and Walter CLARKE, S. Ran-
cokus R., adjoining Richard FENIMORE, Lawrence MORRIS and John CRIPPS. 22

1681-2 Feb. 8. Do. Do. for John CRIPPS, of 50 a. on the S. W. side
of a brook emptying into Dellaware R., at the lower end of Sepassinks
Island. (Sold to Henry STACY, see B, p. 20) 23

1681 Dec. 20. Do. Do. for Benjamin SCOTT and William BIDDLE, of
635 a. of which 135 are for BIDDLE, 500 for SCOTT, the whole on Dellaware
R. between Wm. HEWLIN and Wm. PEACHEE. 23

1681-2 Feb. 15. Do. Do. for Thomas BUDD, in exchange with
Samuel JENINGS (supra p. 19), of 500 a. on Assiscunck Cr., at Mattacopeny
next to John BUTCHER and crossing to the Eastside of said creek it stretches
to the mouth of a small run and John SHIN'S land. 23

1681 Dec. 17. Do. Do. for William BIDDLE, of 278 a., an island in
Dellaware R., called Sepasswick Island. 24

1681-2 March 22. Do. Do. for the same of 322 a., of which 100
are for his townlot at Spring Hill, N. a brook at the foot of the hill. 24

1681-2 Jan. 10. Do. Do. for the same, of 500 a. on Dellaware R.,
over against Sepassinck Island, at the mouth of a small creek bounding
the land of Wm. BEARD. 24

-----------. Do. Do. for Richard FENIMORE, of 30 a. in the townfield
on account of his house, betw. Samuel LOVETT and Francis BESSIACK. 24

1681-2 March 10. Do. Do. for Marke NEWBIE, William BATE,
George GOLDSMITH, Thomas THACKEREY, Robert ZANE and Thomas SHARP, of 1,600 a.
between two branches of a creek, at Arwawmosse, bounded by Wm. COOPER's Cr. 25

1681-2 March 9. Do. Do. for the same, of 100 a., two-thirds there-
of meadow on the Delaware, near John ASHTON's house. 25

1682 April 25. Do. Do. for Thomas OLLIVE, of 500 a. between
Thomas EVES, the mill on Mill Creek and the Rankokus R. (See infra, p. 28). 25 and 28

1682 April 5. Do. Do. for John PANCOST, of 162 a. at mouth of
the Eastbranch of the Assiscunck Cr., adjoining Thomas BARTON. 26

1682 April 28. Do. Do. for Robert and John MURFIN, of 343 a.,
N. Crosswicks Cr., at the mouth of and along a small run. 26 and 29

1682 April 29. Do. Do. for Richard MEW, of 114 a. near Han-
nah KIMBALL's, between Wm. COOPER, Jonathan ELDRIDGE, Bernard DEVONISH
and Benj. SCOTT. 26 and 29

PAGE 352 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1682 April 29. Do. Do. for John CHAFFIN, of 35 a. in the townfield,
E. Mathew ALLEN and Hannah KIMBALL, W. the town bounds, adjoining James WILLS. 26 and 29

1681 June 16. Do. Do. for James PHAROE (by Wm. EMLEY), of 4 a.
adjoining his meadow, N. a swamp and beyond it Thomas WOOD. Mar-
ginal Note: "The land mentioned of Tho. WOOD was sold by him to Geo. HUTCHESON." 27

1682 Aug. 4. Do. Do. for Jonas KEENE, of 100 a. (purchased of
Samuel JENINGS) on Dellaware R., N. E. a small creek, including five acres
of meadow. 27

1682 Aug. 4. Do. Do. for Hance MONSIUR, Jonas KEENE and Fred-
erick FREDERICKSON, of 500 a., bo't of Thomas BUDD and Thomas GARDNER
on public account, 475 a. thereof along the river, adjoining Jonas KEENE,
25 a. of meadow next to Thomas FAIRMAN. 27

1682 Aug. 24. Do. Do. for Frederick FREDERICKSON and John
HANCE, of 200 a., bo't of Anna SALTER, adjoining Hance MONSIUR next to the river. 27

1682 Aug. 1. Do. Do. for Samuel JENINGS, of 36 a., "part whereof
bo't of Walter NEWBURY, adjoining his own, between Arthur COOKE and Wm. EVANS." 28

1682 July ---. Do. Do. for Thomas OLLIVE, of 136 a. adjoining his
own, between Thomas EVES, the Rankokus R. and the Mill Cr. 28

1682 Sept. 8. Do. Do. for Thomas REVELL, of 30 a. in the townfield
for his house, at Lazy Point along the creek. Marginal Note: "This
Survey voyd & 30 Acres surveyed to him instead thereof in p. 45." 28

1682 Sept. 5. Do. Do. for John PANCRAS, of 162 a. on Assiscunck
Cr. and a branch thereof, adjoining Tho. BARTON. 29

1682 Sept. 29. Do. Do. for James WILLS, of 46 a. in the townfield
on Mill Cr. along the town bounds, between Mathew ALLEN and Robt POWELL. 30

1682 Sept. 23. Do. Do. for John HOOTON of 280 a., adjoining his
100 a. lot, along the South side of Robt MURFIN's Creek. 30

1682 Sept. ---. Do. Do. for William BLACK, of 217 a., whereof 42
are on Saml TAYLOR's account, 100 a. on Thomas FARNSWORTH'S and 75 a.
on his own account, the whole on Robert MURFIN's Cr. 30

1682 April 27. Do. Do. for Thomas FARNSWORTH, of 140 a. on
Crosswicks Cr. at the mouth of a small run, adjoining his 100 a. lot. 31

1682 April 26. Do. Do. for John BOARTON, of 200 a. at the head of
a small creek of Rancokus, which bounds the land of Henry JACOBS. 31

1682 April 26. Do. Do. for the same, of 25 a. for his town lot, N.
W. Henry JACOBS. 31

PAGE 353 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1682 May 30. Do. Do. for John BUTCHER, of 500 a. on the South-
side of the Northbranch of Assiscunck Cr., along the Southbranch and
Thomas BUDD's. 31

1682 May 14. Do. Do. for Thomas FFAIRMAN, of 200 a. on Della-
ware R., S. Simsissinck Cr. 32

1682 June 12. Do. Do. for William COOPER, of 300 a. at Pyne
Point, along a creek, bounding Samuel COLE's land. 32

1682 July 26. Do. Do. for Abraham HULIN, of 81 a. at the mouth
of Rancokus R., adjoining Wm. HULIN. 32

1682 July 26. Do. Do. for William HULIN, of 76 a. on Dellaware
R., adjoining his own land and Wm. BIDDLE. "Sold to Anna SALTER as in
page (85) of books (B)." 32

1682 July 26. Do. Do. for the same, of 5 a. of meadow on the
point at the mouth of Rancokus R., adjoining Abraham HULIN. "Sold as above." 32

1682 July 26. Do. Do. for Isaac MARRIOT, of 10 a. on the point at
the mouth of Racokus R., adjoining Wm. HULIN. 33

1682 Sept. 8. Do. Do. for Thomas ALLEN, of 30 a. in the townfield
for his house, at the mouth of Assiscunck Cr. betw. George BARTHOLMEW
and Thomas REVELL. 33

1682 Sept. 20. Do. Do. for Edward EVARETT for the use of William
ROYDEN, of 500 a. on Dellaware R., opposite to Philadelphia, along Wm.
COOPER's Creek betw. Wm. COOPER and Richard ARNOLD. 33

1682 Oct. 13. Do. Do. for Robert DUNSDALE of 500 a., S. Rancokus
alias Northampton R., E. William EVANS, N. Thomas OLLIVE's millbrook,
W. Thomas FRENCH. 33

1682 Oct. 13. Do. Do. for William EVANS, of 323 a. on Rancokus
R., E. Thomas HARDEN, W. Robert DUNSDALE, N. the millbrook. 33

1682 Sept. 21. Do. Do. for Robert SCHOLEY, of 205 a. on Della-
ware R., adjoining his dwelling house, N. John ROGERS, E. Crosswicks Cr.
(Resurvey of the land supra, p. 11.) 34

1682 Sept. 22. Do. Do. for John SHIN of 120 a. at Springfield, be-
tween John BUTCHER, Eleazer FENTON and the Westbranch of Assiscunck Cr. 34

1682 Oct. 30. Do. Do. for John DAYS, of 100 a. at Springfield on
the Northside of the Westbranch of Assiscunck Cr., adjoining John SHIN
and Eleazer FENTON, including a meadowlot on the Southside next to John BUTCHER. 34

1682 Nov. 14. Do. Do. for John ROBERTS, of 267 a. at the Indian
town of Pemisoakin between two branches of Cimissinck Cr. 35

1682 Nov. 14. Do. Do. for Timothy HANCOCK, of 100 a. at Pemi-
soakin, adjoining John ROBERTS. 35

PAGE 354 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1682 Nov. 14. Do. Do. for William HANCOCK, of 100 a. at Pemi-
soakin betw. two branches of Simsissinck Cr. next to Timothy HANCOCK. 35

1682 Nov. 15. Do. Do. for Thomas HOOTON, of 500 a. on Ranco-
kus R., at the mouth of a small run, over against Thomas OLLIVE's, ad-
joining Nowell MEW. 35

1682 Nov. 18. Do. Do. for John SKEEN, of 300 a. in the Second
Tenth along the division line adjoining Samuel JENINGS and Rancokus
great meadow. 36

1682 Nov. 21. Do. Do. for Samuel JENKINS, of 100 a. on the South-
side of Crosswicks Cr. over against Wm. LASSWELL. Marginal Note:
"This Land forfeited and is now by order of Corut ffebr. 20th 1685 taken
up & seated by John BROWNE & Thomas ROBINSON." 36

1682 Nov. 30. Do. Do. for Daniel LEEDS, of 200 a. at Springfield,
adjoining his dwelling house, S. Assiscunck Cr., between Eleazer FENTON
and Francis BESWICK. 36

1682 Dec. 16. Do. Do. for Robert YOUNG, of 50 a. at Springfield,
N. Daniel LEEDS, adjoining Francis BESWICK and including 2 a. of mead-
ow, W. Samuel JENINGS. 36

1682 Sept. 11. Do. Do. for Henry STACY, of 500 a. on Dellaware
R., over against Sepassincks Island at the mouth of and along a creek, be-
tween Wm. BIDDLE and John CRIPPS. 37

1683 March --. Do. Do. for the same, of 490 a. at Arwawmosse
alias Newton, on the Southside of a creek, bounding the land of George
GOLDSMITH and Robert ZANE. 37

1683 March --. Do. Do. for Richard MATHEWS, of 500 a. at New-
ton, betw. Henry STACY, Francis COLLINS and Wm. Cooper's Creek. 38

1682 Oct. 28. Do. Do. for Henry STACY, of 37 1/2 a. in Burlington
town bounds, W. John ANTRAM on the Westside of the brook near the
tannery, N. John WOOLSTON. 38

1683 April 3. Do. Do. for the same, of 500 a. on Rancokus R. at
the Indian town of Alumbatta, adjoining John WOOLSTON and Thomas

1683 April 4. Do. Do. for Richard MATHEWES, of 500 a., S. Ranco-
kus R., E. Henry STACY. 39

1683 March 27. Do. Do. for John WHITE, of 28 a. in the Third
Tenth, on the river opposite to Philadelphia, N. William COOPER, S. S. E.
William ROYDON. 39

1682 Oct. 25. Do. Do. for the same, of 450 a. along a brook ad-
joining the preceding and Henry STACY. 39

PAGE 355 Revel's Book of Surverys.

1683 Sept. --. Do. Do. for Francis COLLINS and Henry STACY, of 60
a. of meadow and upland, whereof 10 a. of meadow are for said STACY, the
rest for COLLINS, the whole at the head of a branch of Timber Cr. 40

1681 Sept. 4. Do. Do. for William LEE, of 40 a. on the river at the
head of Matinicunk Island, at the mouth of a small creek. 40

1682 April 27. Do. Do. for John BROWNE, of 100 a. at the head of
the Eastbranch of Assiscunck. (See infra, p. 79) 40

1683 June 29. Do. Do. for Samuel BARKER, of 500 a., as his first
settlement, S. a branch of Assiscunck, E. the path to the Indian town of
Honehonickon. 40

1683 June 29. Do. Do. for the same, as his second settlement, of
480 a., East of the Honehonickon path. Both tracts "now called Providence." 41

1683 Oct. 15. Do. Do. for Thomas WRIGHT, of 500 a. along Assis-
cunck Cr., adjoining the town bounds, Wm. BRIGHTWEN, John LONG,
Thomas BUDD and Samuel OLDALE. 41

1682-3 March 1. Do. Do. for Mark NEWBIE, of 350 a., S. Thomas
THACKEREY and Newton North Creek, adjoining Joseph SLIGH. 42

1683 9th d. 5th mo. (July). Do. do. for Nathaniel WEST, of 100 a.
on the main river (Delaware) above Matinicunck Island, North from the
mouth of a small creek. 42

1683 Oct. 2. Do. Do. for Bernard DEVONISH, of 400 a. on Ranco-
kus R., at the mouth of a small run, adjoining Walter HUMPHEREY and John STOAKES. 42

1684 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Samuel ANDREWS, of 525 a. in the
First Tenth, on the Northside of the brook below Spring Hill, adjoining
John SNOWDEN. 43

1683 9th mo. (Nov.). Do. Do. for John WOOD, of 300 a. at the lower
side of the mouth of Redbanck alias Woodbury Creek, along the river
(Delaware) (Gloucester Co.) 43

1682 Nov. 30. Do. Do. for John WOOLSTON junior, of 300 a., begin-
ning at an Indian town on Rancokus R., at the mouth of a brook, includ-
ing 8 a. of meadow on the line between the First and Second Tenths. 43

1683 Sept. --. Do. Do. for John ANTRAM, of 150 a. on the East
branch of Assiscunck Cr., betw. John PANCOST, Thomas BARTON, Samuel
WILLIS and Michael NEWBOLD. 44

1683 5th month (July). Do. Do. for Robert TURNER, of 400 a. in
the Third Tenth, N. E. Wm. Cooper's Creek, W. S. W. Robert ZANE and
Thomas THACKEREY, N. W. Marke NEWBIE, N. Joseph SLEIGH. Marginal
Note: "This Land is Surveyed and Recorded with 500 Acres more being
in one entrye Survey as Recorded in Page (51)." 44

PAGE 356 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1682 Sept. 21. Do. Do. for Percifall TOWLE, of 500 a., S. Michael
NEWBOLD, including 25 a. of meadow at Mount Pleasant, W. John WOOLSTON,
N. and E. Thomas ffOLKE, S. Mount Pleasant. 44

1684 6th month (August). Do. Do. for Thomas REVELL, of 130 a., 100
bo't of Anna SALTER and 30 a. on account of his house in Burlington, the
whole on the Southside of the creek emptying into Dellaware R., at
Sepassincks Island. 45

1683 30th 5th mo. (July). Do. Do. for Joseph BLOWERS, of 150 a.,
adjoining John CRIPPS and Henry STACY. 45

1685 9th mo. (Nov.). Do. Do. for Ebenezer LANGFORD, for two
settlements, of 1,000 a. on Rancokus R., adjoining Thomas HOOTON. 45

1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Richard RUSSELL, for 300 a. at
Steele Bay, on Dellaware R., adjoining John ITHELL and including 8 a. of
meadow on the Southwest side of Pemisoakin Cr. in two pieces, i. e. 7 a.
below the "fforke" and 1 a. above it. 46

1682 13th 3d. m. (May). Do. Do. for Samuel JENINGS, of 500 a. on
Dellaware R., N. Simscissinck. Creek. 46

1683 Nov. 8. Do. Do. for John UNDERHILL, of 500 a. by the brook
below Spring Hill, betw. Samuel BORDEN and Samuel ANDREWS. 46

1685 5th month (July). Do. Do. for Hananiah GAUNT, of 500 a.
near Honeonickon, adjoining George HUTCHESON. 47

1685 3d month (May). Do. Do. for Thomas GARDNER senior, of
204 a. of upland and meadow, the upland joining the townbounds on the
North, W. and S. Bernard DEVONISH, S. S. E. Arthur COOKE; the 8 a. of
meadow adjoining Henry GRUBB. 47

----------. Do. Do. for Thomas GARDNER junior, of 229 a., i. e.,
213 a. of upland on Rancokus R. between Anthony ELTON and Thomas STOAKES
along the Mill Creek and 16 a. of meadow; of which 9 lie opposite to An-
thony ELTON's house and 7 near Bernard DEVONISH's. 48

1685 5th month (July). Do. Do. for Christopher WEATHERILL, of 37 1/2
a. in the town bounds, on the creek on the Westside of London Bridge,
adjoining John HOLLINSHEAD, Thomas BUDD, Henry STACY and Wm. MYERS. 48

1685 5th month (July). Do. Do. for John CALOWE, of 210 a. be-
tween John CURTICE and Samuel ANDREWS. 48

1684 1st mo. (March). Do. Do. for Thomas WOOD, of 300 a. on the
Southside of Crosswicks alias Leeds River, adjoining Robert WILSON. 49

1684 4th d. 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Marcus LAWRENCE, of 200
a. on Dellaware R., N. E. a small creek, S. W. Gasper ffiSH, including the
meadow at the head of said creek. 49

1683 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for William ATKISON, of 50 a., E. John
DAYE, along Assiscunck Cr., incl. 2 a. of meadow, W. Robert YOUNG, N.
Francis BESWICK. 49

PAGE 357 Revel's Book of Surverys.

1684 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for Thomas HESTER, of 200 a. on the
Southside of Long Harryes Creek, over against John TEST. 50

---------- Do. Do. for Thomas SHARP, of 187 1/2 a. between the fork
of Newton Creek and a run opposite to the dwelling house of William
ALBERSON, along the fforke Creek. 50

1685 6th m. (August). Do. Do. to Martin HOLT for the use of John
Clarke, of 500 a., N. W. Andrew ROBINSON, along Mantoes and Deepford Creeks. 50

1685 6th m. (August). Do. Do. to the same as above, of 500 a. on
Mantoes Cr and a small branch of Deepford Cr. 50

---------- Do. Do. for Robert TURNER, of 500 a. at the head of New-
ton Creek, along Cooper's Cr. adjoining Robert ZANE, incl. 25 a. of
meadow opposite to Wiga Coe. 51

---------- Do. Do. for the same, of 750 a. on Newton Cr., between
the preceding and William BATES, along a branch of Arwawmos Cr., ad-
joining Thomas CARLETON and Henry STACY. 51

---------- Do. Do. for the same, of 900 a. on Dellaware R. along
Newton meadows, between Marke NEWBIE and Richard ARNOLD. 51

---------- Do. Do. for the same, of 500 a. along a branch of Timber
Creek, which branch is the Southern boundary of the Town of Arwawmos,
and the Beaver branch, adjoinng John HUGG. 52

1685 3d month (May). Do. Do. to William COOPER for the use of
Samuel NORRIS, of 1,150 a. on Dellaware R., S. of John ASHTON's house, E.
a small creek and Robert TURNER, adjoining Wm. ROYDON, Wm. COOPER
and Samuel COLE, along Cooper's Cr. 52

1685 3d month (May). Do. Do. for William COOPER, of 429 a. on
Cooper's Creek, next below Francis COLLINS' upper settlement. 52

---------- Do. Do. for Thomas CARLETON, of 250 a. in the Third
Tenth, at the mouth of Peeter's Creek, "which goes out of Newton Cr.,"
adjoining Wm. BATES, Robert TURNER, William ALBERSON and Tho. DENNIS' Creek. 53

1685 2d month (April). Do. Do. for William BATES, of 250 a., N.
Newton Creek, near Robert ZANE's house. 53

---------- Do. Do. for Robert TURNER, of 500 a. in the Third Tenth
on Cooper's Creek between Henry WOOD and John ITHELL. "Since sold
to thomas CHAUNDERS & by ye said CHAUNDERS called Sales Greene." 54

---------- Do. Do. for Walter PUMPHARY, of 260 a., on Birch Creek,
S. Samuel BARKER, adjoining John ANTRAM, William STAYNER and
Thomas BUDD. "Sold to Edw. TONKAN & John WAREN." 54

---------- Do. Do. for John HOGG, of 500 a. in the Third Tenth, along
the swamp of Timber Creek and Timber Creek branch, the branch being
the South bounds of Arwawmos, N. E. Robert TURNER. 55

PAGE 358 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1683 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. for Joshua WRIGHT, of 285 a. in the
First Tenth, on Crosswicks alias Leeds River, at the head of a small run
next to the land of Francis DAVENPORT. 55

1683-4 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for Thomas LAMBERT, of 400 a. in
the First Tenth, on Doctor's Creek, along a run and the line of the Indian
purchase. 55

1683 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. for Joseph STONES, of 320 a. in the
First Tenth, on the Northside of Crosswicks R. and on Doctor's Crekk,
adjoining George HUTCHESON. 56

1683-4 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for Anthony WOODHOUSE, of 130 a.
and 3 a. of meadow, in the First Tenth, N. W. Wm. BLACK, along the
brook there, 5 a. of meadow adjoining Duke HORSMAN's meadow. 56

1683-4 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for Isaac MARRIOTT, of 160 a. in
the Second Tenth, adjoining his new settlement and Richard FENIMORE,
on Rancokus R. 56

1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Anthony NEALSON, of 100 a. on
Dellaware R., on the S. W. side of Great Mantoes Creek, along a small creek. 56

1684 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. for John NEWMAN, of 200 a. near
the swamp next to John BUTCHER's land. "Sold to Isaac HORNER." 57

1684 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for John SNOWDEN, of 112 a., adjoin-
ing his 100 a. lot, "whereon he now dwells," N. John HOOTON. 57

----------. Do. Do. for John WOOLSTON senior, of 500 a. between
Thomas BARTON on the Birch creek and Thomas REVELL, touching the East-
side of the road to Shrowsbury near the bridge, incl. 38 a. of meadow at
Mount Pleasant betw. John BROWNE and Perciafll TOWLE. 57

1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Casper ffISH, of 120 a. on Della-
ware R. next below Marcus LAWRENCE, adjoining John ITHELL. 58

1685 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Hance HOPMAN, of 200 a. on Ratt-
koone Creek. 58

1685 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Monns HOULTON, of 100 a. on Ratt-
koone Creek, next to preceding. 58

1685 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Henry ffRANKLIN, of 300 a. at the
mouth of a run in OLDMAN's Creek. 58

1685 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Peter DALBOE, of 100 a. at the
head of Little Mantoes Creek. 59

1683 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for Thomas THACKEREY, of 250 a. on
Newton Creek, adjoining Robert ZANE and along the line of his first gen-
eral survey to the head of fforked Creek. 59

1684 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for Samuel LOVETT, of 76 a. on the
Northside of the brook by his house, adjoining Thomas GARDNER. 59

PAGE 359 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1683 Oct. 2. Do. Do. for John STOKES, of 162 a. on Rancokus R.,
between Bernard DEVONISH and Thomas GARDNER, incl. 12 1/2 a. on the point
of the river forks. 60

1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for John BAINBRIDGE, of 200 a. N. W.
of William BLACK, incl. 4 a. of meadow N. E. of George GOEFORTH. 60

1684 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for William HULINES, of 120 a. on
Dellaware R., joining his own, along the river to Anthony MORRIS, E.
William Biddle. "Sold to Anna SALTER as per Page (85) of book B." 60

1684 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for John CURTIS, of 347 a. near Mount
Pleasant, now called Ogston, adjoining Percifall TOWLE. "See this sur-
veyed with 200 Acres more in one Survey in Page (113)." 61

1684 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for Marmaduke HORSMAN, of 50 a. on
the creek above Anthony WOODHOUSE's land and a run, emptying into said
cree. "Sold to Saml TAYLOR." 61

1684 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for Godfrey HANCOCK, of 200 a. at the
head of the branches of Birch Creek and at the foot of a mount. "Sold
to William SALLAWAY." 61

1685 6th m. (August). Do. Do. for Thomas CURTIS, of 150 a. on the
South branch of Birch Creek, adjoining Peter HARVEY. 61

1685 6th m. (August). Do. Do. for Samuel ANDREWS, of 100 a. be-
tween John CALOWE, William ELLIS and John CURTIS. 62

1685 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for William HUNT, of 200 a. along the
line of partition between the First and Second Tenth, adjoining Wm.
BUDD and including 4 a. of meadow next below John SHIN. 62

1681 Sept. 3. Do. Do. for Michael NEWBOLD, of 400 a. in the First
Tenth on the Southside of a branch of Assiscunck Creek, adjoining John
STARKEY on the Northside. 62

1682 13th d. 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for Samuel COLE, of 500 a. on
the main river (Delaware?), bounded by a creek running by Wm. COOPER's land,
adjoining Henry WOOD. 63

1685 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for the same, of 400 a. on the
South branch of Pemisoakin Creek, adjoining Jeremiah RICHARDS. 63

1685 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for the same, of 350 a. adjoining
Richard HERITAGE. 63

1683 Nov. --. Do. Do. for Richard LAWRENCE, of 150 a. in the
Fourth Tenth, on the Northside of Long Harries or Redbanck Creek. 63

1685 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for John FURNIS, of 250 a. in the
Second Tentch, S. Northampton R., near Rainbowe Island, incl. 6 a. of
meadow surveyed for ffreedome LIPPINCOAT. 64

1685 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Do. for Robert YOUNG, of 150 a. in the
First Tenth on the Southside of a branch of Birch Creek, N. W. Michael
BUFFIN. "See conveyed to Daniel LEEDS." 64

PAGE 360 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for John PAINE, of 300 a., incl. 200 a.
formerly recorded (supra p. 20) for the use of Tho. GREENE, on a branch of
Northampton R., bounded by Daniel WILLS, Benjamin SCOTT, the Mill
Creek, William EVANS and Thomas HARDEN, incl. 5 a. of meadow betw.
Enoch CORE and Daniel WILLS, on the Northside of the South branch of Rancokus R. 64

1686 Nov. ---. Do. Do. for John BAINBRIDGE, of 46 a., W. George
GOEFORTH, along the creek. 65

1685 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for Andrew ROBINSON, of 1,000 a. on
the S. W. side of Great Mantoes Creek. 65

1685 2d m. (April). Do. Do. to John ITHELL for William STEELE, of
500 a. "at a place now to be called Steele's Branch, in the Third Tenth,
on Timber Creek alias Gloster River." 65

---------- Do. Do. for William EVANS, of 7 a., according to warrant
directed to Daniel LEEDS date 1684 by Symon CHARLES, of which 1 a. lies
above Henry JACOBS Creek and 6 a. on the Northside of the South branch
of Northampton R., next above Enoch CORE. 65

1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Richard ffENIMORE, of 100 a. at the
mouth of Northampton R. next to Isaac MARRIOTT, along the main river N.
to Abraham HULIN's, N. Isaac Marriott, E. William and Abraham HULIN,
S. Northampton R. 66

---------- Do. Do. for Daniel WILLS senior and junior, of 20 a. of
meadow in the 2d Tenth next above the fork of Northampton R., on the
Northside of the South branch thereof, adjoining John PAYNE, "All
makeing up the Complement of Seaven Hundred Acres Recorded in page
19th, 500 to Daniel senior & 300 a. to Daniel junior and George ELKINGTON." 66

1685 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for George PORTER, of 140 a. in the
First Tenth on the Northside of the creek, that meets the river at Sepas-
sincks Ile, adjoining Henry STACY. 66

---------- Do. Do. for James ANTRAM, of 250 a. in the First Tenth, E.
Percifall TOWLE, adjoining Thomas BARTON, Thomas SCATTERGOOD and
Nathaniel RICHARDS, incl. 11 a. of meadow at Mount Pleasant next to John CURTIS. 67

1685 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Eliakim HIGGINS, of 140 a. in the
First Tenth, adjoining Michael NEWBOLD. 67

1685 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for William ELLIS, of 525 a. in the
First Tenth, between John CURTIS and Percifall TOWLE. 67

1685 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Thomas HOWELL, of 650 a. in the
First Tenth, on Cooper's Creek, adjoining Francis COLLINS. 68

1684 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for Thomas BUDD, of 216 a. in the
town bounds, on Dellaware R. against Mattinicunck Island, adjoining Richard GRAY. 68

PAGE 361 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1683 9 ber ---. Do. Do. for Henry TRADWAY and William WARNER,
of 300 a. at Redbanck alias Bachelours Banck, on Dellaware R., from the
mouth of Long Harries Creek to Richard LAWRENCE's. 68

1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for William ELLIS, of 460 a. containing
160 a. adjoining to his land at Oneanickon, the whole between John
Christopher BUTCHER, WETHERILL, Michael NEWBOLD, Eliakim HIGGINS, Nathaniel
DUGGLES and John CALOWE. Surveyed by Symon CHARLES. "This Tract is sold to
Richd ffRENCH by Deed Recorded in Page 355 of book B." 68

Andrew ROBINSON Surveyr Generall

Symon CHARLES Depty Surveyr.

1685-6 13th 12th m. (Feb.). Return of survey, for James SILVER of
100 acres in the Second Tenth, on Mill Creek, adjoining Arthur COOKE and
Thomas GARDNER. 69

1687 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for ffreedom LIPPINCOTT, of 288 8-9 a.
near Pemsokin Creek. 69

1686 5th m. (July). Do. Do. for Mahlon STACY, of 1,000 a. on a
creek running into Sun Pinck River, bounded by the little run called
Shablaconcke and "a great and hideous swamp." 69

1684 5th m. (July). Do. Do. for Andrew SMITH, of 200 a., adjoin-
ing William WOOD, per Daniel LEEDS. Also of 50 a. adjoining the first,
"formerly surveyed by S. CHARLES, since by Jno MEREDITH." 70

1684 ---------. Do. Do. for John HANCE and Frederick KING, of 100 a.
on the N. E. side of Pemsoakin Cr. "This Tract of Land Sold to Peter
LONG as pr Deed recorded in page 210, book B." 70

1685 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for Thomas WRIGHT, by Daniel
LEEDS of 500 a. along the line of the Indian purchase. 70

1683 11th m. (Jan.). Do. Do. for John HAYNES, by Daniel LEEDS,
of 200 a. along the Southside of the South branch of Northampton R., ad-
joining Benjamin MOORE. 70

1683 11th m. (Jan.). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Benjamin
MOORE, of 100 a. on the South branch of Northampton R. between John
HAYNES and a small creek. 71

1685 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. Do. for John SHINN junior, of 200
a., No. Godfrey HANCOCK junior. 71

---------- Do. Do. Do. for Jonathan ffOX, of 320 a. on the North-
side of Pemisoakin Cr., adjoining Thomas WALLIS. 71

1684 4th m. (June). Do. Do. Do. for John CRIPPS, of 30 a. ad-
joining his 100 a. lot at Labour Point, along a run and a creek. 71

1684 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. Do. for Henry BALLENGER, of 262 a.
at the Vale of Easham, adjoining William HULIN. 71

1684 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. Do. for William HULIN, of 240 a.
at the Vale of Easham, S. E. the preceding. 72

PAGE 362 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1685 5th m. (July). Do. Do. Do. for William BIDDLE, of 500 a.
along a brook next to Wm. WOOD's. 72

---------- Do. Do. Do. for Robert HUDSON, of 210 a. on Northamp-
ton R. between Wm. EVANS and Thomas ffRENCH. 72

---------- Do. Do. Do. for William BUDD, of 500 a. on Northamp-
ton R., W. Jno. WOOLSTON junior, along the partition line betw. the First
and Second Tentchs and the line of the Indian purchase, incl. 25 a. of
meadow next to Tho. OLLIVE. 73

1687 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. Do. for Christopher WEATHERILL, of
150 a. between Michael NEWBOLD and George HUTCHESON: "This Tract is
180 acres being resurveyed & recorded page 134." 73

1687 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. Do. for Thomas HOOTON, of 50 a. in
the town bounds, adjoining Percivall Towle. 73

1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. for John and Samuel DENNIS, of
250 a. on Dellaware R. betw. Jno ITHELL and Edw. EVARETT. 73

1685-6 10th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. Do. by S. Charles, for
Anthony WOODHOUSE, of 12 a. in the First Tenth in lieu of his town bounds, i. e.
2 a. of meadow, W. of his own, and 10 a. of upland also W. of his. 74

1685-6 15th d. 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. Do. for Percivall TOWLE,
of 133 1/3 a. in the town bounds between Bernard DEVONISH, Daniel WILLS
and the Widow SCOTT. 74

1681 May ---. Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for John MURFIN, of 100
a., S. Crosswicks Cr., along a small brook and adjoining Robert MURFIN. 74

---------- Do. Do. Do. for David LILLIES, of 100 a. on the
Northside of the North branch of Pemisoakin Cr., adjoining Jonathan ffOX. 75

1685 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. for Thomas BARTIN, of 75 a.
along James Antram and a brook between John ANTRAM, John WOOLSTON
and Thomas REVELL; incl. 3 a. of meadow at Mount Pleasant next to John CURTIS. 75

1686 1st m. (March). Do. Do. Do. for James SATERTHWAITE, of
150 a. adjoining Joseph ADAMS. 75

1685 1st m. (March). Do. Do. Do. for Robert ENGLE, of 100 a.
along near a branch of Northampton R. adjoining Wm. HASKER's. 75

1685 5th m. (July). Do. Do. Do. for James BUDD, of 500 a. on
Rancokus or Northampton R. adjoining Richard MATHEWES, incl. 12 a. of
meadow next to Wm. BUDD. 76

1683 -------. Do. Do. for Mahlon STACY, Joshua WRIGHT, Jno LAMBERT,
Thomas LAMBERT and William EMLEY, of 2,000 a. above the mouth
of Assunpinck Creek, between Peter ffRETWELL and George HUTCHESON
along said creek and on Dellaware R. 76

PAGE 363 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1685 5th m. (July). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Thomas ffOLKE,
of 320 a. along Crosswicks alias Leeds R. near the bridge, adjoining John
BUNTING, incl. 16 a. of meadow in two places, i. e. 10 a. between Francis
DAVENPORT and John THAKE, and 6 a. Se. E. of John THAKE. 77

1685 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. Do. for John TOMLINSON, of 181 a.
at Oneanickon (now called Carmell), adjoining George HUTCHESON. 77

1684 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. Do. for John CLARKE and Jno RUDDROWE,
of 650 a. between the North and South branches of Pemisoakin
Cr., adjoining Wm. CLARKE. 77

1684 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. Do. for James SAUNDERLAND, of 200
a. on Dellaware R. over against Tinicum Island. 77

1685 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. Do. for John SHARP and Stephen
DAY, of 267 a., near a swamp. "This survey is sold to ffreedom LIPPINCOTT." 78

1685 5th m. (July). Do. Do. Do. for John WOOLMAN, of 4 a. of
marrish opposite Enoch CORE's house on the Southside of Northampton R. 78

1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. for Daniel BACON, of 350 a. on
the Southside of the brook below his house, between John HOOTON, a
Southerly branch of said brook and Wm. BLACK. "This survey is includ-
ed in the whole Tract of 800 Acres as see page 120." 78

1681 8 ber 18th. Do. Do. for John WOOD, of 100 a. on the North-
side of and along Crosswicks Creek, adjoining Robert MURFIN. "This sd
Tract being on a Point, therefore Roome for but one Settlement. This
by Will given to his daughter Mary (ye wife of Tho: COLEMAN) and by
them sold to Robt MURFIN as pr Deed Recorded." 79

1687 Oct. --. Do. Do. for Thomas BOWMAN, of 200 a. at a point of
land next to Walker's Point on Assiscunck Cr., along said creek to Lessa
Point house, now called Wingerworth Point. "Now belonging to Edw. HUNLOKE." 79

1686 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. for John BROWNE, fo 210 a. adjoining
his 100 a. lot (supra, p. 40), which is included in this survey; the whole on
a branch of Assiscunck Cr. betw. John SHINN and Michael NEWBOLD. 79

1686 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for Thomas REVELL, of 9 a. in the
great meadow near Mount Pleasant, adjoining John CURTIS and Purcivall TOWLE. 80

---------- Do. Do. for John TUELIE, of 100 a. on Dellaware R., below
Thomas TERRY, adjoining said Terry and Mordeca BOWDEN. "Note this
Land lyeing upon a Point of ye River is the reason that it hath greater
breadth at ye River than commonly allowed. Sold to Jno PARKER." 80

1685 -----. Do. Do. for Benjamin WHEATE and Benjamin ANTROBUS,
of 500 a. near the mountains, adjoining Godfrey HANCOCK and William HUNT. 80

PAGE 364 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

---------- Do. Do. for Elias ffARR, of 500 a. (an Exact resurvey of
his 500 Acres togeather with allowances for Highwayes by Symon CHARLES &
Daniel LEEDS), between Samuel OLDALE, Edmond STUART, crossing Birch
Cr. and adjoining Godfrey HANCOCK. (See supra, p. 18). 81

1688 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for James PHAROE of 181 1/4 a. on Wil-
liam BLACK's Creek. "pr Symon CHARLES." 81

1685 Nov. ---. Do. Do. for Ralph TRENOWETH, of 100 a. between
Hanniah GAUNT and Thomas SHIN. "This Sold to John SCHOLEY as in Page 188 book B." 82

1684 Oct. ---. Do. Do. for William CLARKE, of 100 a. between the
two branches of Pemisoakin Cr., E. John ROBERTS. 82

---------- "The bounds of ffreedome LIPPINCOTT's Land and meadow,
whereof all but ye meadows & allowance for a Highway was formerly re-
corded for Tho: OLLIVE." Surveyed for ffreedom LIPPINCOTT 200 a. on
Northampton R. and Mill Cr. along Thomas EVES'; incl. 6 a. of meadow
on said river next to John FURNIS. 82

1684 -----. Return of survey, for John STOAKS, of 150 a. on Rancokus
alias Northampton R., between Bernard DEVONISH, Tho. GARDNER and the Mill Creek. 83

1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Thomas ffRENCH, of 600 a. along
Rancokus R. and Mill Cr., adjoining John ROBERTS; incl. 20 a. of meadow
next below Tho: OLLIVE, "abutting uponthe beginning of that part of
the River called long reach a little island in y River lyeing upon the S.
E. side thereof. 83

1688 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for Abraham HULING, of 225 a. on the
river betw. Benj. SCOTT, Wm. PEACHEE and Isaac MARRIOTT. 83

1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Anthony ELTON, of 150 a. on the
fork of Rancokus Cr., adjoining his own, Walter REEVES and Thomas
OLLIVE, with allowances for highways at 5 a. to the 100. 84

1690 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. for Edward HENLOKE, of 145 a. in
Burlington town bounds, between a gully by Dellaware R. and Thomas BOWMAN. 84

1687 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. for Samuel NICHOLAS, of 195 a. on
Pemsoakin Cr., betw. Thomas WILLIAMS, Jonathan ffOX and David LILLIES;
also of 5 a. of meadow on said creek and a small run on the lower side of
Capt. HANCE's land. 84

1690-1 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for Robert PEARSON, of 100 a., S.
S. E. his former survey, adjoining Robert MURFIN. 85

1687 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. for Nathaniel DUGGLAS, of 150 a. be-
tween Eliakim HIGGINS and Daniel BACON. 85

1689 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Thomas DUGGLAS, of 200 a. be-
tween Eliakim HIGGINS, William BIDDLE and Nathl DUGGLAS. 85

PAGE 365 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1692 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for John WILSFORD, of 200 a. at the S.
E. corner of his formerly surveyed land, along Shabbaconcke Creek, ad-
joining Joshua ELEY. 85

---------- Survey of the line dividing the 200 a. between Robert and
John MURFIN, beginning at Crosswicks Creek and running N. E. half a
point E. and then E. to the brook, thence N. E. to the boundary line. 85

1686 8th m. and 1689 4th m. Return of survey, for William BIDDLE,
of 500 a. at Oneanickon, between Hananiah GAUNT, John DAY, Peter HARVEY,
Charles READ, Samuel BARKER, Daniel LEEDS, Jno. BROWNE and John SKENE. 86

1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for the same, of 323 a. adjoining his
plantation at Oneanickon. "This Survey belongs to ye Survey of 500
Acres joyning to Wm. WOOD." 86

1689 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for the same, of 500 a. near Egghar-
bour Beach, on an arm of the sea and a run, bounding the land of Samuel

1684 2d. m. (April). Do. Do. to Enoch CORE for Walter HUMPHRIES,
of 3 a. of meadow on the Southbranch of Northampton R., adjoining John

1691 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for Thomas BOWMAN, of 100 a. on
Stony Brook, incl. one half of the water course. 87

1690 August ---. Do. Do. for Richard RIDGWAY, of 600 a. at Stony
Brook, adjoining John HOUGHTON and along the line between E. and W.
Jersey. "400 hundren of this Sold to Jno BAINBRIDGE & recorded amongst
Societies Land page 2." 87

1690 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. for Henry MORLEY, of 95 a. between
Daniel WILLS and Henry BURR; also of 5 a. of meadow adjoining the
"Burnt Meadow." 88

1690 14th 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Peter LONG, of 100 a. at
Pennsaukin, on the Northside of and along the creek, betw. Capt. HANCE,
Saml NICHOLAS the Swede, Robert STYLES and John RUDDEROWE; also a
point of land between his former settlement and Robt STYLES, 5 a. 88

1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Thomas LAMBERT, of 400 a. on the
Southside of Assunpinck River. 88

1689 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for Thomas FRENCH of 600 a. on
Pemaoking Cr. between Thomas WALLIS, Jonathan FOX, Thomas RODMAN
and Samuel BURROWS; also of 21 a. of meadow adjoining Thomas HOOTON.
"Note 200 Acres of this Survey is taken of And ye remaining 421 Acres
stands recorded in Page (100)." 89

1691 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for Katherine BEARD, of 100 a. at
Oneanickon, adjoining George HUTCHESON, Wm. BUSTILL, John SCHOLEY,
Isaac LEET and Robert STACY. 89

1681 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Mathew CHAMPION, of 400 a. at
Oneanickon, between John TOMLINSON's run and John WARREN. 89

PAGE 366 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1690 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for Henry BURR,
of 342 a. on the fork of Ancokus and near the "Burnt Meadow." 90

1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. Do. for Thomas BRYANT, of 300 a.
along Ancokus Cr., adjoining Robert DIMSDALE. 90

1691 1st m. (March). Do. Do. Do. for Francis DAVENPORT, of 77
a. adjoining his former settlement, along the Southside of Crosswick's Cr.,
between Samuel WRIGHT, John BUNTING, George NICHOLASON and Thomas ffOLK. 90

1686-7 25th 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for John SMITH, Francis DAVENPORT
and Edward BOOTH, of 80 a. in Burlington townbounds, on the
creek against the island between the two bridges; with the division be-
tween the three, Joseph STONES signing it as attorney for BOOTH. 91

---------- Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Mary DAVIS, of 300 a. above
the Falls adjoining John RICHARDSON. 92

1684 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. Do. for Hance MONSIER, of 100 a.
on the Eastside of Pensaukin Cr. near a landing. 92

1692 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, examined by
Daniel LEEDS, for Richard ffENIMORE, of 205 a. along Northampton R., be-
tween Abr. HULING, Tho. OLLIVE and Tho. FRENCH. 92

1690 3d m. (May). Do. Do. Do. for John PANCOST, of 150 a. along
the line of the Indian purchase, adjoining Thomas WRIGHT. 92

1693 1st m. (March). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS for Henry GRUBB,
of a waterlot in Burlington, adjoining Thomas MARSHALL. 92

1690 --------. Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for Joshua HUMPHRIES, of
185 acres at the fork of Ancokus adjoining James SATTERTHWAIT. 93

----------. Do. Do. Do. for the same, of the division of 200 a.
from Henry GRUBB's land, formerly surveyed and recorded; i. e. beginning at a
corner tree by said GRUBB's land on the Northbranch of Ancokus Cr.,
along said land to Nathaniel CRIPPS', formerly laid out for Lawrence MORRIS. 93

1693 1st m. (March). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Richard BASSNITT,
of a waterlot on Burlington Island, W. his brickhouse, E. Henry
BIRCHAM, part of the waterlots belonging to 3/8 of a share, bo't from Isaac
Marriott Oct. 3, 1685, and to 1-12 of a share, bo't from George GOFORTH
Oct. 15, 1686. 94

1690 5th m. (July). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for Percivall
TOWLE, of 3 1/2 acres in Burlington, on the Westside of the street from
Thomas REVELL's house to Yorkshire Bridge, between Wm. EMLEY and
Samuel FURNIS; also a waterlot in front from Christopher WEATHERILL's E.
23 f. 8 in., running back to the next street. 94

1685-6 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 120 a. in
townbounds, between Bernard DEVONISH, Daniel WILLS, Henry GRUBB and
Hannah SCOTT. 94

PAGE 367 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1693 1st m. (March). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Barnard
DEVONISH, of a lot in Burlington, adjoining John GOSLING, 40 f. front and
back to the next street, being a waterlot. 94

1690 5th m. (July). Do. Do. for Percivall TOWLE, of a waterlot in
Burlington, where his house now stands, W. of the house 18 yards front,
to the door of and taking in half of the lake house, in depth to the next street. 94

1681 Dec. ---. Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Thomas HARDING, of
200 acres on Rancokus R., next John PAINE's; also of 50 a. at the North-
end of the 200, next to Wm. EVANS. 95

1693 1st m. (March). Do. Do. Do. for Daniel SMITH, of 1 1/2 a. in
Burlington, incl. John WOOLSTON's former house, adjoining Thomas OLLIVE,
14 perches 2 yards front on Broad St., 12 p. 3 1/2 y. deep. 95

1692-3 12 m. (Feb.). Do. Do. Do. for Sarah ffARR, of a lot on High
St., Burlington 114 f. front, West of and next to Samuel HOUGHTON, incl.
the Meeting House, 37 poles 3 f. deep to the backstreet; also a waterlot,
29 1/2 f. front from Thomas LAMBERT's lot Eastward, rear on the next street.
"This water Lott is thrown up & voyd & her share Surveyed elsewhere &
recorded as see page 130." 95

1681 Sept. 20. Do. Do. Do. for William ROYDON, of 450 acres on
Dellaware R., near opposite to Wickacoe, along Cooper's Cr. and Coop-
er's land, incl. the sedge island in the river, over against the land. 95

1689 5th m. (July). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for Thomas OLLIVE,
of 190 a., adjoining his plantation and Henry STACY. 96

1688-9 1st m. (March). Do. Do. Do. for Robert MURFIN, of 200 a.,
adjoining his own former survey, on a run. 96

1692 June ---. Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Symon CHARLES, of 7
a. of meadow on the Southside of the Southbranch of Northampton R.,
on the Eastside of Marson's Creek. 96

---------- Do. Do. Do. for the Meeting House, of 6 a. out of the
land of John and Samuel BUNTING, and of 1 acre for a burying ground out
of the land of Thomas ffolk. 96

1690 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for John WARREN,
of 240 acres at Oneanickon, along the line of the Indian purchase, adjoin-
ing George HUTCHESON. 96

1688-9 11th m. (Jan.). Do. Do. Do. for Samuel ffURNIS, of 75 a.
in the town bounds, next to Henry STACY, along the creek, bounding the
island, between Francis DAVENPORT and Nathl CRIPPS; also of 25 a. along
a run and next to Francis DAVENPORT. 97

1690 3d m. (May). Do. Do. Do. for Willam HIXSON, of 160 a.
adjoining his settlement at Crosswicks, between Samuel OVERTON on Doc-
tor's Cr., John MURFIN, George GOFORTH and Thomas GILBERTHORPE, making with his
former farm 300 a. 97

PAGE 368 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1690 3d m. (May). Do. Do. Do. for George HUTCHESON, of 220 a.
on Crosswick's Creek, adjoining the land once intended for Joseph STONES.
"By him (HUTCHESON) sold to Tho: GILBERTHOYSE [1] pr deed recorded fol.
345 & 346 Libr. B." 97

1689 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. Do. for Samuel HOUGHTON, of 1 1/2 a.
on the island of Burlington, a corner lot over against Christopher WEATHERILL's
108 1/2 f. front on High St., 9 ch. 17 links on the street to the Graveyard. 97

1688 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for the same, of 155
a. next to Wm. HUNT's, incl. 6 1/2 a. of meadow, N. W. Daniel LEEDS, betw.
Wm SALLAWAY and Thomas SHINN. "Whereof 25 Acres was formerly
Surveyed by Daniel LEEDS & 130 Acres by Symon CHARLES, All being 155
Acres besides Highwayes. Examined by Daniel LEEDS." 98

1693 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. Do. for Thomas GARDNER, of 2 1/4 a.
on High St., incl. his dwelling house, next to Richard LOVE, 53 f. front,
36 perches 5 yards length to the next street. 98

1693 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. Do. for the same, of a lot, 1 1/2 a.,
on Second St., over against Richard LOVE, 18 perches, 7 f. along Charles
READE, 10 perches less 4 feet front. 98

1691 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Marmaduke HORSMAN, of 50 a.
near Samuel TAYLOR's, adjoining George HUTCHESON. 98

1690 --------. Do. Do. for John BAINBRIDGE, of 1 1/2 a. and 1 perch
in Burlington, fronting on River St., 2 1/4 ch., between Thomas LAMBERT on
the West and Daniel LEEDS on the East, 8 ch. 5 f. long; also a waterlot,
43 f. 9 in. Eastwards from Sarah ffARR's lot, running back to the next street. 99

1690 --------. Do. Do. for Thomas Lambert, of 1 a. in Burlington on
the Eastside of the street from Tho. REVELL's to Yorkshire Bridge, front-
ing on River St., 8 ch. 5 f. long, 5 perches less one foot wide in the mid-
dle; also of a waterlot next to Percivale TOWLE's, fron East 69 f. 9 in.,
back to the next street. 99

----------. Do. Do. for Hananiah GAUNT, of 220 a. adjoining Samuel
HOUGHTON and Tho. CLARK; incl. 9 a. of meadow on a brook near Mount
Pisgah; 20 a. of the whole being an allowance for highways for other land. 99

----------. Do. Do. for Daniel Leeds, of 188 a. at Oneanickon, on the
Southside of the brook, adjoining Tho. CLARK, Samuel HOUGHTON and
Hananiah GAUNT; incl. 10 a. of meadow, of which 5 are next to said
GAUNT's a. lot, the other 5 between Peter HARVEY and John SNAPE. 99


[1] Gilberthorpe.


PAGE 369 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1684-5 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Robert PEARSON,
of 200 a. on a run, emptying into Crosswicks Cr. and along said creek
to Morfins Cr. 100

1693-4 11th m. (Jan.). Do. Do. Do. for Thomas ffRENCH, of 421
a. at Pensoakin, along the creek, between Thomas WALLIS, Jonathan ffOX,
Thomas RODMAN and Samuel BURROWS; incl. 21 a. lying remote Eastwards
next to Thomas HOOTON. "Note this is a Resurvey of ye Tract recorded
in Page 89: onely 200 Acres thereof (being over much) is taken off." 100

1693-4 20th 12th m. (Feb). Do. Do. Do. for Daniel ENGLAND, of
a waterlot in Burlington, W. of Jane RIGGE's house 41 f. 8 in. to the next
street, part of 2-16 and 1-12 of a share. 100

1689 3d m. (May). Do. Do. Do. for Christopher WEATHERILL, of
647 acres along Delaware R., below Thomas HUTCHINSON, 37 a. thereof
being highway allowance for other land. 100

1689 17th 3d m. (May). Do. Do. Do. for Elizabeth POPE, of 525
a., adjoining Thomas HUTCHINSON and Christopher WEATHERILL, 25 a. al-
lowance for highways. 100

---------- "The Bounds of George HUTCHESON's Land Comprehending
Robert HUTCHESONs 200 Acres & John WARRENs 60 Excluding John WARRENs
Settlemt of 200 Arcres: Plantation at Oneanickon, 1640 acres, be-
tween Hananiah GAUNT, Thomas SCHOLEY, the Indian purchase, John
WARREN and John TOMLINSON. "This Tract sold to Richard STOCKTON as
in Book B page 388." 101

1694-5 1st. m. (March). Return of Survey by Daniel LEEDS, for Na-
thaniel WEST, of 5 acres, allowance for highways to his settlement (supra,
p. 42), between his own N. E. corner and Wm. LEE. 101

1689 -----. Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for Thomas ffOLKE, of 120
a. on N. side of Crosswicks Cr. at the old Indian line, adjoining Thomas WRIGHT. 101

---------- A resurvey by Daniel LEEDS, for Godfrey HANCOCK of 300 a.
on the Northside of Birch Cr. (supra, p. 7). 101

1692 2d m. (April). Return of survey, for John PAYNE, of 200 a.
betw. John SHARP and Jonas SMITH. 102

1693 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. for Thomas PAYNE, of 100 a. near a
brook running into the Southbranch of Rancokus Cr. 102

1688 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for John SHARP, of 150 a. on the
Southside of Northampton R., next to Jonas SMITH. 102

1694 5th m. (July). Do. Do. for Thomas REVELL, of 3 roods of land
in Burlington, a corner lot, 13 perches 12 f. on York St., 8 p. 13 f. on
River St., S. Percifall TOWLE, W. Sam. BARKER. 102

-------- Do. Do. by Daniel LEED, for the same, of a waterlot next
to York, on the Westside, 60 1/2 f. front on Delaware R., back to the next
street. "Wharfe Lott on River Lott being 48 feet front pr Act of Assem-
bly & 2 wharge lott for 2 2-32 pts. of a property being 12 foot & 1/2 all is 60
foot & 1-12." 102

PAGE 370 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1684-5 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for Thomas SINGLETON, of 300 a.
on Dellaware R. near Coldspring. 103

-------- Do. Do. for Joseph ADAMS, of a lot in Burlington, 2 acres
1 rood, fronting on High St. 107 f. between Nathaniel CRIPPS and
Thomas KENDALL, along said Kendall W. 37 perches to the next street, 12
perches 14 f. on that street, then E. 18 p. 8 f. to Nathl CRIPPS. 103

1694 June ---. Do. Do. for the same, of 12 1/2 a. in Burlington town
bounds, between John KINSEY, Thomas RODMAN, Samuel LOVETT and a small run. 103

1694 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for William BIDDLE,
of 120 a. in the townbounds, along the Westside of the path to Burlington,
between Thomas KENDALL, Wm. COOPER, Widow PERKINS, Tho: HOOTON,
George HUTCHESON and a swamp. 103

1694 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 165 a. in the
townbounds betw. Samuel HARRIOTT, Wm. RIGHTON and Peter BOSSE. 104

1689 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for Thomas
MOSSE, of 100 a. on Pemsawkin Cr. adjoining Stephen DAY and Peter LONG. 104

-------- Do. Do. for Daniel LEEDS, of a waterlot in Burlington, W.
Samuel TERRETT, 20 f. 10 in. front on the river, running back to the next street. 104

1694 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for John TATHAM,
of 10 acres in the town bounds, on the Westside of London Bridge, along
the Tan House Run and the creek, bounding Burlington, next to Widow MYERS. 104

1694 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 10 a. in the
town bounds along the small boundary creek, adjoininng James WILLS,
Samuel STACY and Christopher WEATHERILL. 104

1687 29th 5th m. (July). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for Thomas
HUTCHINSON, of 2,500 a. on Delaware R., above the Falls. 105

1694-5 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for William ATKINSON, of 5 a.
highway allowance for his settlement, next to Peter HARVIE and Dan. LEEDS. 105

1693 Sept. ---. Do. Do. for Henry BURRE, of 107 a. adjoining Rob-
ert DIMSDALE, 17 thereof highway allowance for formerly surveyed land. 105

1693 Dec. ---. Do. Do. for Francis DAVENPORT, of the lots, belong-
ing to 1-16 and 1-64 of a share in Burlington, 150 perches and a waterlot.
The first, fronting on High St. between Samuel OGBOURNE and Robert
RIGG, rear on York St.; the waterlot being a cornerlot on the Westside of
the street from Widow Myers to the river, 15 f. 7 in. front. 105

PAGE 371 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1688 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for William HULINGS, of 465 a., part
whereof is formerly recorded (supra, p. 72), on Pennsawkin Cr., adjoining
Henry BELLENGER. 106

1688 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for James BINGHAM,
of 600 a. on the North branch of Pensawkin Cr., between Wm. HULINGS
and George SMITH. 106

1689-90 11th m. (Jan.). Do. Do. Do. for Henry STACY, of 510 a.,
between Elias ffARR, Tho. BUDD and Samuel BARKER, Thomas
GARWOOD and Wm. ffOSTER; also of 90 a. adjoining Joseph BOWERS
and John CRIPPS, on a creek. 106

-------- Do. Do. for the heirs of Henry STACY, of 240 a. along Del-
aware R., adjoining the preceding 510 a., Thomas BUDD, John GOSLING
and Samuel BARKER. 107

1691 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for Daniel WILLS
junior, of 480 a. in the fork of Ancokus. 107

1688 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for John ROBERTS, of 333 a. along
Malberry Cr., a branch of Pensaukin Cr. 107

1691 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. for the same, of 100 a. on the South
branch of Pensaukin Cr., adjoining ffreedome LIPPINCOTT, "This 100
Acres is laid out onely to Jno ROBERTS for ye use of ffrances COLEMAN." 107

1694 Oct. ---. Do. Do. for the same, of 122 a., incl. 19 a. highway
allowance for other lots, adjoining Samuel COLE and of 10 a. next to James BINGHAM. 108

1694 ed m. (May). Do. Do. for William EMLEY and Joshua WRIGHT,
of 1,000 a. adjoining Peleg SCOCUM. 108

1694 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for the same, of 1,000 a. between
Peleg SLOCUM, Richard HARRISON and the partition line. 108

-------- Do. Do. for William EMLEY, of a waterlot in Burlington
next to Wm. BIDDLE's, 245 f. 7 in. from Yorke St., thence Eastward 50 f.
in front on the river. 108

1694 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. for Thomas WILLIAMS, of 100 acres,
adjoining Tho: SINGLETON, Nathaniel WEST, Henry STACY and Tho.
BUDD, (See p. 138). 109

1694 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Wm. EMLEY, for Mahlon STACY, of
1,300 a. on Shabbacunck Cr. opposite John WILSFORD. 109

1794 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. to John PETTY on behalf of William
PETTY, of 115 a. on John TOMLINSON's run, adjoining Daniel LEEDS. 109

1694 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. for John PETTY, of 85 a. S. E. of the
preceding, incl. 6 a. to John OGBOURNE. 109

PAGE 372 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1694 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. for the same, of 12 1/2 a. along the
Salem Road, betw. Walter HUMPHRIES, George HUTCHESON, Robert
WHEELER and the Tan House brook. 109

1687 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. for William EVANS, of 300 a. at
Mount Tray. 110

1690 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. for the same, of 50 a. at Mount Tray. 110

1689 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. for the same, of 50 a. betwen Jonas
SMITH and Henry BALLENGER. 110

1693-4 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for John HANCOCK, of 4 a. of
meadow at Mount Pleasant, adjoining Percivall TOWLE. 110

1694 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. for Henry MORLEY, of 200 a. on a
branch of Ancocus Creek and a run emptying into it; also of 50 a. adjoin-
ing Walter NEWBERRY. 110

-------- Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for John CALOW, of 112 1/2 a. ad-
joining his own, John CURTIS, John BUTCHER and Wm. ELLIS. 111

1684 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. Do. for Robert DIMSDALE, of 1,600
a. on the Southbranch of Ancocus alias Northampton R., along the line of
an old Indian purchase and the Northbranch of said river; also 133 a. on
said Northbranch over against Walter REEVE's. 111

-------- "The Record of 200 Acres att Hatts Plantation Surveyed
formerly to Samll BORDEN, which see Recorded in page 20: is Conveyed to
James ANTRAM from ye Administratos of sd BORDEN &c as appears by
Deed upon Record in fol. 425 & 426 of booke B." 111

1694 27th 2d m. (April). Return of survey by Joshua BARKSTEAD,
Dpty Surveyr, "by virtue of a warrant from ye Councell of Proprietors &
a warrant thereupon from Andrew ROBESON Surveyor General," for Joseph
HELBEY, of 3/4 of a share, 7,500 acres, called Helbey Town, on the Eastside
of Delaware Bay, from S. E. side of Tweed River at Oyster Creek to the
land surveyed for Thomas BUDD, now in possession of Jacob GARASSEN and
Van der HOIST, adjoining John BELLASSE, along Cedar Creek branch to
Samuel JENINGS, along Gravelly Run intersecting Mantuxit Creek, to and
up the S. E. side of Cedar Cr. 111

1693 2d d. 3d m. (May). Do. Do. Do. by virtue of a warrant &c
as before, for the same, of 1,666 a. 44 3/4 perches, called Helbey's Forrest,
on the W. N. W. branch of Great Egg Harbour and on the S. W. side thereof. 112

1694 28th d. 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. by virtue as above, for
John COLTMAN, of 2,000 a., Cattell's Delight, on the East side of Delaware
bay, from the S. E. side of Cedar Cr. to the mouth of the Nantuxit Cr.,
N. E. a swamp dividing it from Helbey Town, ajdoining John BELLASS. 112
of 500 a., called Winter Pasture, on the East side of Delaware Bay, betw.
the mouth of Nantuxit Cr. and the land surveyed by John WORLIDGE by
order of Samuel JENINGS and George HUTCHESON. 113

1694 29th d. 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. as above, for the same,

PAGE 373 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1691 5th m. (July). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS and Symon CHARLES, for
John CURTIS, of 20 a. adjoining his settlement of 347 a., the whole next Percivall
TOWLE, Wm. ELLIS, John CALOW, Thomas BARTON, John BUTCHER and Michael BUFFIN. 113

-------- Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for William BIDDLE, of 1 a. 1/2
rood in the Island of Burlington, 9 perches 4 yards front on Wood St., 18 1/2
perches long. "Sold to Isaac MARRIOTT." 113

1691 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Do. for Edward ROCKHILL, of 104 a. ad-
joining his plantation bought of Anthony WOODHOUSE, the whole, 206 a.,
between BLACK's Creek, BLACK's land and Samuel TAYLOR. 113

1694 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. for the same, of 55 a., between
Daniel BACON, Widow ffARROE, Benjamin ffIELD, and his own meadow, incl.
5 a. of meadow, S. Samuel TAYLOR, W. and N. Duke HORSMAN and Benj.
ffIELD, E. Francis DAVENPORT. 114

-------- Do. Do. for the same, of 1 a. in Burlington, fronting E. on
York St., S. Christopher WEATHERILL, N. Francis DAVENPORT, 6 perches 4 f.
wide, 26 p. long; also of a waterlot on the East side of the alley, 364 f.
E. of York St., 12 1/2 f. front on the river and rear on the next street. 114

1689 June ---. Do. Do. for Daniel COXE, of 28,000 a. on Delaware
R., 5 miles 30 ch. from a point half a mile above PILCOCK's house Easterly
to the Indian purchase, made by Adlord BOWDE, S. E. to Thomas BUDD's
Indian purchase, S. W. to Shabbaconck Cr., down the same to and along
Thomas HUTCHINSON's, N. W. to and along Christopher WEATHERILL and
Nathl POPE, thence to Delaware R. 114

-------- Do. Do. for the same, of 8,600 a. bought of the Indians by
Thomas BUDD, along the BOWDE purchase or Scotch line to Assunpinck
and Shabbaconck Creeks. 114

1686 June 24. Do. Do. by Richard TINDALL, for Joshua BARKSTEAD,
of 4,948 a. on a little creek, running out of the River Caesare. "Exam-
ined by James NEVILL, Agent to Govr PENN." 115

-------- Do. Do. for Nathaniel BACON, on 180 a., adjoining Jonathan
HOLMES; and of 20 a. of meadow on Keeoppe Creek next to Obadiah
HOLMES in the Great Meadow. 115

1693 -----. Do. Do. for Daniel LEEDS, a resurvey of 100 a. with an
addition of 60 a.: 1, a lot adjoining John SHINN; 2, a lot at the foot of a
mount next to the land surveyed to Wm. BUDD for the use of Tho: BUDD;
3, a lot on Sallawayes Point, adjoining Peter HARVIE and Thomas
SHINN. 115

1694 -----. Do. Do. for the same, of 160 a. between Thomas
CLARKE, Hananiah GAUNT and John OGBORNE. 116

PAGE 374 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1694 -----. Do. Do. for the same, of 200 a. on TOMLINSON's Run
betw. Wm. PETTIE, John OGBOURNE and the Indian purchase. 116

--------. Do. Do. for Thomas EVES, of 5 a. of meadow, being the
island or piece of marrish, called Rainbow Island, adjoining John ffURNIS
on the S. side of Rancocus R. 116

1694 Dec. ---. Do. Do. for Charles READE, of 425 a. within the
bounds of the 650 a. lot, surveyed to John CLARKE and John RUDDEROW
(supra, p. 77), betw. the North and the South branches of Pensoakin
Creek, William CLARKE and John WALKER; incl. 10 a. of meadow in two
lots, vizt: 1, 6 a. below John RUDDEROW's house on the creek; 2, 4 a. above
said house on the creek. 116

1691 --------. Do. Do. for Thomas EVANS, of 400 a. at the Indian
Town of Quoexin, on one of the brances of Ancocus R. 117

1695 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Thomas WALLIS, of 225 a. incl. his
former settlement on the Northside of a branch of Pemisaukin Cr. between
Thomas ffRENCH and Josiah APPLETON; also of 25 a. adjoining Thomas
HOOTON and John ADAMS. 117

1695 5th m. (July). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Walther CLARKE,
of 500 a. along a brook in the Indian purchase, made by Daniel LEEDS' and
Wm. PETTY's land; also of 66 a. nearly a mile Westward, next to Hana-
niah GAUNT. 117

-------- Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for John and Samuel BUNTING,
of 133 a. on Crosswicks Cr., next to Samuel BUNTING on the N. W., S. W.
George NICHOLSON, S. E. Thomas ffOLK; also of 17 a. remote, next to Fran-
cis DAVENPORT. 117

1695 May 13. Do. Do. by Wm. EMLEY, for John CALOW, of 300 a.
above the Society's 30,000 a., from the mouth of a creek N. N. W. along
Delaware R. 117

1695 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES and Daniel LEEDS,
for John BUNTING, of 56 a. with the bounds of other 80 a. formerly sur-
veyed, between Thomas ffOLK, George NICHOLSON and Francis DAVENPORT, 14 a.; also
a lot betw. Francis DAVENPORT and his own settlement, which is bounded E. by
said DAVENPORT, W. by Thomas ffOLK, 40 perches on Crosswicks Cr., in all 136 a. 118

1694 --------. Do. Do. for Walter HUMPHRIES, of: 1, a lot in Burling-
ton, 1 a. 1/2 rood, between Benjamin WHEAT and Widow MYERS, fronting
on the street from said widow's house to the river, 9 perches 10 f. front,
18 1/2 p. long; 2, a waterlot, 25 f. wide on the river, 15 f. 7 in. W. of said
street; 3, 25 a. in the town bounds between John TATHAM on the Salem Road,
Samuel HARRIOTT and a swamp. 118

1694 --------. Do. Do. for the same, of 70 a. on the Northbranch of
Rancokas Cr. near Mount Holly, adjoining his own, Nathaniel CRIPPS and
Henry GRUBB; also of 130 a. on the Southside of Crosswicks Cr., along
the same, a brook bounding Joshua WRIGHT's land and a small run, adjoin-
ing Thomas ffolk. "All five prcells Surveyed by Daniel LEEDS." 118

PAGE 375 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1693 Dec. ---. Do. Do. for Charles WOOLVERTON, of 100 a. adjoin-
ing Anne ffARRO and Wm. WOOD. "Sold to Math: ffORSYTH." 119

1695-6 Jan. 2. Do. Do. (resurvey), for John WOOLSTON, of 50 a. in
town bounds, given to him and his wife by Wm. COOPER, adjoining Widow PERKINS. 119

1688-9 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for Barnard LANE, of 40 a. in town
bounds, betw. Henry STACY, Nathaniel CRIPPS and Samuel ffURNIS. 119

1694 --------. Do. Do. for Benjamin ffIELD, of 100 a. in three lots:
1, adjoining his own; 2, between Edward ROCKHILL, Wm. BLACK and his own;
between his own and Samuel TAYLOR. 119

--------. Do. Do. for Edmond STUART, of 62 1/2 a., formerly surveyed
by Wm. Emley and Symon CHARLES, adjoining Elias ffARRE. 119

1695-6 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for John TATHAM, of 300 a. on
Widow OLLIVE's mill creek, on the Salem Road, between said widow, John
CHAFFIN, Nathaniel CRIPPS and John CHAMNEY. 119

-------- Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES and Daniel LEEDS, for Daniel
BACON of 800 a. ("being his whole Tract surveyed att severall times," see
p. 78), near the head of a brook coming out of Mordecay ANDREWS' mead-
ow, crossing BLACK's Cr., between Wm. SATTERTHWAITE and Benj. ffIELD, on Daniel
BACON's Run. 120

1688-9 11th m. (Jan.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for William
SATTERTHWAIT, of 100 a. between Daniel BACON and John SNAPE. 120

1694 Oct. ---. Do. Do. for the same, of 100 a., between John JOYNER,
Samuel ANDREWS and his own. 120

1688-9 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES and Daniel
LEEDS, for Samuel TAYLOR, of 150 a., adjoining his former settlement of
159 a., the whole 309 a. on Black's Cr. adjoining John BAINBRIDGE and
Edward ROCKHILL. 120

1693 3d m. (May). Do. Do. for John ABBOTT, of 300 a. next to his
140 a. lot, the whole 440 a. on Crosswicks Creek betw. Robert PEARSON
and Mathew WATSON. 120

1694 --------. Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for John TOMLINSON, of 75 a.
next to his own, between Samuel VAUS (?) and Tho: CLARK. 120

1693 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Thomas CLARKE and Samuel
HOUGHTON, of 200 a. on the line of the old Indian purchase; incl. 12 a. of
meadow adjoining Mathew CHAMPION and John CHADDOCK. 121

1691-2 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for Thomas
SCATTERGOOD junior, of 100 a. on the Southside of Rancocus Cr., S. E. of a
small run. "Sold to Nath. PAINE." 121

1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 200 a. next to
Godfrey HANCOCK, incl. 10 a. of meadow between John BROWNE, John
WOOLSTON and Percivall TOWLE. 121

376 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1696 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for John SHARP, of 100 a. on the N.
E. side of SHARP's swamp, adjoining John PAINE junior. 121

--------. Do. Do. for Daniel LEEDS, of 8 a., allowance for highways,
between Francis BESWICK, the Mossey Swamp, Robt YOUNG's 50 a. lot,
now owned by said LEEDS, and John DAY. 121

1694 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for the same, of 25 a. in town bouncs,
between Peter ffRETWELL, Tho: WRIGHT, John KINSEY and Richard ffINIMORE. 121

1693-4 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for the same, of 25 a. on the
Northside of a swamp, adjoining Michael NEWBOLD, James NEWBOLD,
Wm. BIDDLE and Robert YOUNG, on a branch of Birch Cr.; incl. 3 a. of
meadow, a triangle, between Wm. ATKINSON and John DAY. 122

-------- Do. Do. for the same, of 2 a. in Burlington, on the street
from York St., E. to the Point, W. John BAINBRIDGE, E. Wm. BIDDLE, 15
perches front, 6 p. rear, as long as the adjoining lots. 122

1695 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for the same, of 41 2/3 a. in the town
bounds, adjoining Peter ffRETWELL, John ANTRAM, John HOLLINSHEAD, Wm. COOPER and
Daniel WILLS. 122

-------- Do. Do. for John HUMPHRIES, of a lot in Burlington for
1-32 of a share, on the street to Yorkshire Bridge, next to Samuel ffURNIS. 122

1693 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Robert PEARSON, of 240 a. adjoin-
ing his own, betw. Robert MURFIN and John ABBOTT. 122

1691 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. for Thomas WILKINS, of 200 a. next
to his own, on Mason's Run. 122

1693 --------. Do. Do. for Mathew ALLEN, of 3,200 a. on Delaware R.
S. from the mouth of Northampton R., to Sweads Creek. 123

--------. Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Joseph BIRCH, of 150 a. next
to Joshua WRIGHT and Wm. EMLEY. 123

1684 --------. Do. Do. for Richard ffENIMORE, of 100 a. adjoining his
own, Thomas OLLIVE and Christopher WEATHERILL, incl. 5 a. of meadow on the point
at Rancocus mouth, E. and W. Abrm HULINGS, S. Rancokus R., N. Isaac MARRIOTT. 123

1696 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Mathew GRANGE, of 100 a. be-
tween Thomas WRIGHT, Samuel BUNTING, Joshua WRIGHT, John BUNTING and a brook. 123

1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for John HOLLINSHEAD,
of 1,150 a. incl. his former settlement of 1,000 a., along Northamp-
ton R., between Thomas KENDALL, John RODMAN and Thomas HOOTON. 123

PAGE 377 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1694 --------. Do. Do. for Mathew ffORSYTH, of 50 a. adjoining Daniel
BACON and Charles WOOLVERTON. 124

-------- Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Joseph WOOD, of 100 a. in
Dr. COXE's purchase, on Little Shabbancunch Cr. next to Joseph ENGLISH;
incl. 10 a. of meadow adjoining Thomas GREENE. 124

1693 4th m. (June). Do. Do. Do. for Samuel OLDALE, of 150 a. on
Delaware R. near Cold Spring, between John TUELY and Thomas SINGLETON. 124

1687 Dec. ---. Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS and Symon CHARLES, for
Samuel OLDALE, of 112 1/2 a. on the Northside of and along Birch Creek,
betw. the town bounds and Elias ffAREE, adjoining Tho: WRIGHT. 124

1689 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. for the same, of 150 a. next to pre-
ceding on Birch Creek, along the town bounds. 124

1689 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for Elias ffARRE, of
943 a. between Godfrey HANCOCK, Tho. SCATTERGOOD, James CROFT, Henry STACY,
Joseph BLOWER, Wm. ffOSTER and his own. 124

-------- Do. Do. for Sarah ffARRE, of a lot in Burlington, on the
Westside of the street from the river by Widow MYERS' house to London
Bridge, N. of Robert HUDSON, 5 perches 3 f. front and rear, 18 1/2 p. long. 125

-------- Do. Do. for John DAY, of 7 acres, highway allowance, a
triangle between his own land and Eleazer FENTON's. 125

1689 5th month (July). Do. Do. for the same, of 353 a., adjoining
Charles READ, Wm. BIDDLE, Hananiah GAUNT and Tho. SHINN. 125

1695 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. to the same for the use of John
Harvey, of 100 a., adjoining Walter CLARKE, Daniel LEEDS and John OGBORNE. 125

1691 --------. Do. do. for Thomas GILBERTHORP, of 300 a. on the
Northside of Crosswicks Creek, incl. 9 a. of meadow belonging to Joseph
STONES and 9 a. "for other land." 125

1693 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for James NEWBOLD, of 130 a. on a
brook "in ye Lyne of John ANTRAM's," adjoining John TONKAN, Samuel
BARKER and Wm. BIDDLE. 126

1695 4th m. (June). Do. Do. to Arthur COOKE for Mathew BURDEN,
of 400 a. on Crosswicks Creek and John TOMLINSON's Run. 126

1684-5 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for Thomas SINGLETON, of 25 a. in
the town bounds of Burlington, on Birch Creek, betw. John KINSEY and
Robt STACY. 126

1694 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Daniel LEEDS, of 100 a., at the
head of a brook, betw. Hananiah GAUNT and Thomas BUDD, the line cross-
ing two brooks. 126

1694-5 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for James WILLS, of 4 a. in town
bounds, on the creek, bounding Burlington Island. 126

PAGE 378 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

-------- "Resurvey (for James WILLS) of Tho: HARDINGS 30 Acres
wherein an overplus being found is left out." 30 a. on the creek, bound-
ing the Island of Burlington, between Barnard LANE and John WOOLSTON. 126

1694 2d m. (April). Return of survey, for Richard BASNETT, of a
waterlot in Burlington, W. Mathew ALLEN, E. an alley near Henry
BIRCHAM's, 48 f. 8 in. wide on the river. (See p. 94). Also of a waterlot,
between Joseph ADAMS and John ffOX, near the house late of Tho.
REVELL, 16 f. 8 in. front on the river and rear on the Back St. 126

1691 Dec. ---. Do. Do. for Widow Elizabeth BASNETT, of 12 a. in
the Town of Burlington, N. Broad St., W. High St., E. Yorke St., 52
perches on Broad, 36 p. 15 f. on High and Yorke Sts. 126

1696 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for the same, of 25 1/2
a. "(within that Survey of Robert STACYEs 66 Acres Recorded)" on the
creek at Yorkshire Bridge, along the road to Ancokus to the first brook. 127

1694 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. for Samuel HARRIOTT upon the
right of Wm. BIDDLE, of 35 a. in town bounds, on the boundary creek and
the river, adjoining his own and Christopher WEATHERILL. 127

1681 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Do. for John and William BORTON, of 325
a. adjoining Timothy BRANDRETH and Noell MEW; the Westside, 175 a., to
a John, the Eastside, 150 a., to William. 127

-------- Do. Do. for John BORTON, of 100 a. on Henry Jacob's Creek,
adjoining his own and Wm ffLEETWOOD's. 127

1689 3d month (May). Do. Do. for William BORTON, of 200 a. be-
tween Wm. EVANS and John BORTON. 127

-------- Do. Do. for Thomas LAMBERT, of a lot in Burlington, 1-12
of a share, on the creek on the Eastside of the island, between Seth HILL,
Nathl POPE and the street. 127

1696 Aug. 2. Do. Do. for Jno MEREDITH, to George WILLOCKS, for
the use of John Rudyard, of a waterlot on Burlington Island, E. Geo.
HUTCHESON, 100 f. front on the river, 118 f. 9 in. below the level of John
TATHAM's pales, rear on Second St.; also of 7 1/2 acres on the same island,
a little above London Bridge, on a point made by the main creek and the
next great branch. 127

1696 Aug. 2. Do. Do. Do. to the same etc., of 200 acres in town-
bounds, between Edward HUNLOKE, Thomas WRIGHT and Geo. HUTCHESON. 128

1696 Aug. 15. Do. Do. Do. for Samuel TAYLOR, of 150 a., be-
tween SLOCUM, Wm. EMLEY and Joseph BIRCHE. 128

1688 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Anthony WOODWARD, of 450 a. on
Crosswicks Creek along the East Jersey line. 128

PAGE 379 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1694-5 1st m. (March) and 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS,
on the appointment of George HUTCHESON for the use of John, Jonah and
Joshua PENFORD, of 3 a. in Burlington, on the West side of High St. 12
perches 4 yards between Sarah ffARR and James WILLS, 37 perches long.
Also of 190 a. in town bounds, adjoining Tho. HOOTON, Percivall TOWLE
and Hannah KIMBALL. 128

-------- "The Bounds of Samuel BARKERS 155 Acres of Land being
formerly Surveyed in Common with Robert STACY both parts Containing 380;
Now Divided as follows:" The line to run from a point on Delaware R.
4 chains W. of a great gulley or spring of water, S. to a point in a swamp
at the end of the whole lot, thence W. S. W. to the corner thereof, thence
N. by W. to the river and along the same to the place of the beginning. 128

1695 3d month (May). Return of survey, for Samuel BARKER, of 80 a.,
and for Edward NIGHTINGALE, of 16 a., adjoining the town boundary and
Edward HUNLOKE. 129

1691 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. for Samuel BARKER, of a lot in Bur-
lington, between Thomas REVELL and Daniel SUTTON, 9 perches 8 f. front
on the street, 13 p. 12 f. long. 129

1689 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. for George HUTCHESON, of 67 acres
in the town bounds of Burlington, on the King's Road from London Bridge
to Salem, adjoining Barnard LANE and Nathl CRIPPS. 129

1695 3d month (May). Do. Do. for Edward HUNLOKE, of 155 a.
along Delaware R., between his own and Thomas BUDD. 129

-------- Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for the same, of 65 a. in
town bounds along the boundary line, adjoining Tho: WRIGHT. 129

1693 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES and Daniel LEEDS,
for William BUDD, of 500 a. with 15 a. highway allowance for other land,
on the North branch of Rancokus R., along the line of the old Indian
purchase, adjoining Richard TUCKER. 129

1693 2d m. (April). Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 200 a. next
to his own, along the old partition line and the Southside of Rancokus Cr.
adjoining Thomas ATKINSON. 129

1694 April ---. Do. Do. for Robert CHAPMAN, of 250 a. incl. all his
formerly surveyed land, on both sides of BLACK's Creek, adjoining Francis

1696-7 Feb. 25. Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for John DIXON and
wife Elizabeth in right of deed to John CHADWICK, of 100 a. at Mount
Carmell between George HUTCHESON and John TOMLINSON. 130

1696 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Sarah ffARRE, of a lot of 1/2
a. in Burlington, between Peter ffRETWELL and High St. 130

1696 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for the same, of a waterlot in Bur-
lington, 30 f. front on the river and rear on the next street, between
Joseph ADAMS and Wm. BIDDLE. 130

PAGE 380 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1689 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Do. for Stephen DAY, of 200 acres on
Pemisaukin Cr., adjoining Samuel NICHOLS. 130

1688 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES for Henry BECK of
150 a. on both sides of Black Creek, adjoining James PHAROE. 130

1693 Nov. ---. Do. Do. for the same, of 12 1/2 a. between
Charles WOOLVERTON and Daniel BACON. 130

-------- Do. Do. for ffreedom LIPPINCOTT, of 6 a. in Thomas
OLLIVE's meadow on the main and a small creek. 130

1682 -------- Do. Do. for John ROBERTS, of 68 a. on Rancokus
alias Northampton R., between Thomas ffrENCH, the Mill Creek and Tho. EVES,
incl. the island in the river, 3 a., near Wm. EVANs' meadows. 131

1696 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for John TATHAM, Esqre, of 26 a. in
town bounds, near Yorkshire Bridge, along the creek, adjoining Tho: SINGLETON,
BARNARD Lane and Widow BASSNETT. 131

1689 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for ffreedom LIPPINCOTT,
of 555 5-9 a., incl. 288 a. formerly recorded, (supra, p. 69) at the
head of the South branch of Pemisaukin Creek. 131

1696-7 Feb. 23. Do. Do. by Jno. MEREDITH, for Stephen DAY, of
100 a., mostly swamp, adjoining Arthur COOK. 131

1694 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Thomas BUDD, of 2,000 a. at
Mount Pisgah, along the North branch of Rancokus R. and the line of the
old Indian purchase, adjoining Wm. BUDD. 131

1695 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for James NEWBOLD, of 1 1/2 a. in
Burlington, next Widow BASSNETT's 12 a. lot, on the North fronting York St.
9 perches 6 f. front, 26 p. long, half way to High St.; also a waterlot
there, 376 f. 6 in. East of York St., 25 f. front on the river. 131

1686 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for John BUTCHER,
of 340 acres betw. Christopher WEATHERILL, George HUTCHESON and Hananiah GAUNT. 132

1696 2d m. (April). Do. Do. to John HOLLINSHEAD for John STOAKS,
of a lot in Burlington by the old burying ground on the Southside of
Broad St., a corner lot, 33 f. on Broad St., 13 perches long, S. by E. by
Second, W. from High St. 132

1690 and 1693 completed in 9th m. (Nov.). 1695. Do. Do. for Rich-
ard TUCKER, of 800 acres on the North branch of Rancokus Creek, adjoin-
ing Wm. BUDD; also of 200 a. adjoining the former and the line of the old
Indian purchse; of 66 a. in Burlington townbounds, on the Westside of
the headspring of the Tannhouse Run, along the boundary line, next to
Robert WHEELER and the PENFORDs near Salem Road; 2 a. in Burlington on
the West side of Third St., W. of High, and South side of the street from
High by Henry GRUBB's house, 18 1/2 perches long, 16 p. 4 f. front on
Third St.; 1 a. in Burlington on the North side of the street from High St. to
Yorkshire Bridge, E. Joshua HUMPHREY; a waterlot on the West side of
Second St., 113 f. 6 in. from High, 33 f. 4 in. front on the river. 132

PAGE 381 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for William HAINES, of 100 a. near
NANCUTTING's old plantation. 133

1688-9 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for Richard
HAINES, of 100 a. adjoining Thomas HAINES. 133

1691-2 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for John HAINES, of 100 a. on
the South side of Rancokus Cr., adjoining Jonas SMITH. 133

1691-2 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for the same, of 50 a.
adjoining his own, along the South side of Rancocus Cr. 133

1688-9 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. for Thomas HAINES, of 100 a. be-
tween John HAINES and Elias BURLING. 133

-------- Do. Do. for George PORTER, of 100 a., S. W. of his
former lot, adjoining Sarah ffARR, James CROFT and Tho. REVELL. 133

-------- Do. Do. for the same, of 8 a. along the creek, over
against Nathaniel RECORD's house, next to Tho. REVELL. 133

-------- Do. Do. for the same, of 6 a. of meadow at Mount Pleasant,
N. W. of John WOOLSTON. "These 3 lots, being 114 acres, sold to Edw. BOULTON." 133

1688 8th m. (Oct.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for Thomas HOOTON
junior, of 100 a. on Northampton R. and 500 a. backwards. The first
between old Thomas HOOTON and John HOLLINSHEAD, the other between
John RODMAN, John HOLLINSHEAD and Thomas RODMAN. 133

1692-3 1st m. (March). "This Division made [date] Thomas HOOTON's
500 Acres above Recorded was paried by a Line of partition beginning
Thirty five chains from John HOLLINSHEAD's Spanish oak Corner in ye
Southline, the sd Line of partition running N. W. and by W. halfe a
point N. till it meets the sd RODMAN's Land, leaving 225 Acres next John
HOLLINSHEAD's Land." 134

1685-6 12th m. (Feb.). Return of survey for Lawrence MORRIS, of
200 a. beginning at the town boundary line; incl. 7 a. of meadow adjoin-
ing Henry GRUBB. "Sold to Tho. CROSSE." 134

1687 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. for Nathaniel DUGGLES, of 150 a.
between Eliakim HIGGENS, Daniel BACON and Tho. DUGGLES. "Sold to Abrm. BROWNE." 134

1684 9th m. (Nov.). Do. Do. for Mahlon STACY, of 200 a. along
Delaware R. next to Andrew SMITH. "Sold to Joshua ELEY." 134

-------- Do. Do. (resurvey), for Christopher WEATHERILL, of
180 a. (first surveyed as 150) between Micahel NEWBOLD and Richard STOCKTON. 134

PAGE 382 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1694 10th m. (Dec.). Do. Do. for the same, of 20 a. at
Oneanickon, between Daniel LEEDS, John SNAPE, John DAY and Wm. ATKINSON. 134

1691 4th m. (June). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for the same, of
a lot in Burlington, 2 a. 3 roods, whereon his dwelling house stands, a
cornerlot, 8 perches 10 f. on High St., 32 perches along Broad to York
St.; also a waterlot on the East side of York St. 134

-------- Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES and Daniel LEEDS, for William
WOOD, of 530 acres, "The last being done ther 4th mo. 1689," on both
sides of the brook next to Wm. BIDDLE's, W. Thomas DUGGLES, along the
line of the old Indian purchase. 135

1689-90 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for William and Thomas EVANS,
of 160 a. adjoining their former survey and Timothy BRANDRETH. 135

1689 2d m. (April). Do. Do. for Anthony ELTON, of 150 a.
adjoining Wm. BOARTON and Wm. EVANS. "This survey is sold to Stephen DAY
& is Surveyed and Recorded in a Survey of 200 Acres to him as in fol. 130." 135

1684 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Thomas WILLIAMS,
tanner, of 100 a. on the North branch of Pemisaukin Cr. and a small run. 135

1690 7th m. (Sept.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for John ANTRAM,
of 200 a. on the brook below Springhill between John UNDERHILL, Samuel
BURDEN, Geo. PORTER, Henry STACY and Wm. BIDDLE, the whole
enclosing 32 a. surveyed to James ANTRAM. 135

1685 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Michael NEWBOLD, of 300 a. ad-
joining George HUTCHESON. 135

1690 --------. Do. Do. for John ROGERS, of 59 a. adjoining his
own formerly surveyed land. 135

1694 --------. Do. Do. for Francis DAVENPORT, of a lot in
Burlington, 1 a. 1 rood 10 perches, between Samuel OGBORNE and Jane RIGG, fronting
on High St. 38 f. 6 in., the same width in the rear, half way to York St.,
26 perches long, and back of said OGBORNE. "Mem. The above sd Lott
is formerly Recorded except for 60 pches." 136

--------. Do. Do. for Percivall TOWLE, of 512 a. adjoining his former
settlement, one between his own, Michael NEWBOLD, John BROWNE, John
WOOLSTON, William ELLIS and Michael BUFFIN, incl. 5 a. of meadow, be-
tween Thomas BARTON, Thomas SCATTERGOOD and his own. 136

--------. Do. Do. for the same, of 313 a. between his own, Michael
BUFFIN, Samuel ANDREWS and Tho: SCATTERGOOD, incl. 25 a. of highway
allowances for preceding 512 a. 136

1696 Oct. 10. Do. Do. by Jno MEREDITH, Dty Surveyor, for Edward
ROCKHILL, of 100 a. adjoining John MOOR, Marmaduke HORSMAN,
Hannah NICHOLSON, Samuel BUNTING, Roger PARK and George HUTCHESON 136

1697 Nov. 9. Do. Do. Do. for Thomas BOWMAN, of 100 a. above
the Falls of Delaware R., at the lower end of an Indian field. 136

PAGE 383 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1693-4 1st m. (March). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Peleg SLOCUM,
of 500 a along the old Indian line, between John PANCOAST and Richard HARRISON. 137

1696 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. Do. for Daniel WILLS, of a lot in
Burlington, 3 a. less 45 perches, on Delaware R. next to James VERIER. 137

1689 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for William
QUICKSALE, of 300 a. on the North side of Crosswicks Creek, along the line
of the Indian purchse and the East Jersey line, between Thomas GILBERTHORPE
and Anthony WOODWARD. "This Survey voyd & see the returns
hereof Rectifyed in page 139." 137

--------. Do. Do. for Joseph ADDAMS, of a lot in Burlington, 1 1/2
roods, on the Eastside of High street, over against Nathaniel CRIPPS, next
to Elizabeth BASSNETT's 12 a. lot, 16 perches 5 yards front on High St.,
26 perches long. 137

1698 Sept. 9. Do. Do. by Joshua BARSTEAD, for Mr. Azariah
PENNY, of 500 a. in Salem Co., on the Eastside of Cohansie R., part of
the 10,000 acres, surveyed for "ye Honble ye West New Jersey Society,"
by John BUDD and John WORLIDGE, 50 a. of the 500 being part of the
1,000 surveyed for Mr. Thomas BRIDGE and Jonathan COLLETT, the
other 450 along the Cohansie R. and a branch thereof. 137

1698 Sept. 9. Do. Do. Do. for the same, a townlot in the Town
of Pamphilia, N. of the lot on which the house of the W. J. Society is
built, 66 f. wide and long according to Regulations. 137

1698 Oct. 10. Do. Do. Do. for Mr. William LONG, of 200 acres in
Salem Co., on the Eastside of Cohansie R., along its main run, adjoining
Azariah PENNY. 138

1698 Oct. 10. Do. Do. Do. for the same, of a lot in the Town of
Pamphilia No. of Azariah PENNY, 66 f. wide, etc. 138

1697 May 17. Do. Do. Do. for Mr. Thomas BRIDGE, of 220 acres
on the Eastside of Cohansie alias Cesares R., part of the W. J. Society's
land, along the ridge on the North side of ffuller's Creek, adjoining
John BELLAS and the Town of Pamphilia. "This ought to have beene
placed in ye Societie's Lands in ye other end of this book page 5." 138

1694 --------. Do. Do. for Thomas WILLIAMS, of 160 a. between
SINGLETON, Henry STACY, Sarah ffARR, Thomas BUDD, his own and Nathaniel WEST. 138

1698 Nov. 11. Do. Do. by Joshua BARKSTEAD and Daniel LEEDS,
for Henry BECK, of 1,200 a. at Ninevey on the South side of Anchokus or
Northampton R., adjoining Richard HAINES, Tho. WILKINS and Francis
AUSTIN, touching the pond and the path to Pemisaukin. 138

1698-9 Feb. 14. Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Theophilus CRIPS, of
150 a. near Little Eggharbour, on a neck betw. Eggharbour R. and Fish
R. adjoining Michael BUFFIN. 138

PAGE 384 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1698-9 Feb. 7. Do. Do. Do. for Henry JACOBS, of 800 a. in his
own Indian purchase near Egg Harbour. 139

1698-9 Feb. 14. Do. Do. Do. for Mary and Hannah SLADE, of
700 a. on the South side of Little Eggharbour R. between two creeks, the
first neck of land next to the Cape of said river. 139

1698-9 Feb. 18. Do. Do. Do. for Anthony ELTON, of 20 a. adjoin-
ing his own and Francis COLLINS. 139

1689 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for William
QUICKSALL, of 300 a. on Crosswicks Cr., along the old line of the Indian
purchase and the East Jersey line, between Thomas GILBERTHORP and An-
thony WOODWARD. (See supra, p. 137). 139

1698-9 Feb. 10. Do. Do. for William BUDD, of 1,050 a., as follows:
1, 150 a. near Great Eggharbour, on the bay, adjoining Jonas VALENTINE
and Jonas NORTH; 2, 50 a. on the N. E. of the first; 3, 100 a. on the N. E.
of the second; 5, 400 a. between the bay and Tho BUDD; 5, 350 a. on Lit-
tle Eggharbour R. and a creek, emptying into it, next to James HILTON.
Six hundred acres of the whole is in right of Richard TUCKER. 139

1698-9 Feb. 10. Do. Do. for Daniel LEEDS, of 400 a. at South west
Cape or the point of fast land at Little Eggharbour R. between the bay
and Francis COLLINS. 139

1698-9 Feb. 10. Do. Do. for the same, of 200 a. between Peter
COWNNOVER, a great creek near the bay and Susannah BUDD. 140

1698-9 Feb. 10. Do. Do. for the same, of 50 a. between William
BIDDLE and Henry JACOBS. 140

1698-9 Feb. 10. Do. Do. for the same, of 120 a. on the North side
of Little Eggharbour R., along Fish R., near the Indian Fishing place,
adjoining Wm. BIDDLE. 140

1698-9 Feb. 10. Do. Do. for the same, of 100 a. between the East
Jersey line, Wm. BIDDLE and a brook. 140

1698-9 Feb. 8. Do. Do. for Susannah BUDD, of 2,000 a. "near to
ye eggharbrs" as follows: 1, 500 a. adjoining John HOGG; 2, 500 a. ad-
joining Thomas BUDD; 3, 250 a. next to John SKULL; 4, 750 a. on the West
side of Fish R., adjoining Eleazer ffENTON and Michael BUFFIN. 140

1698-9 Feb. 8. Do. Do. for Eleazer ffENTON, of 300 a. near Little
Eggharbour, on Fish R. and a brook. 141

1698-9 Feb. 9. Do. Do. by Daniel Leeds, for Michael NEWBOLD,
of 300 a. on the Sound between the two Eggharbours, adjoining Susannah BUDD. 141

1698-9 Feb. 8. Do. Do. Do. for himself, of 200 a. on the S. W.
side of Little Eggharbour R., near the Indian cabins. 141

PAGE 385 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1698-9 Feb. 4. Do. Do. for William BLACK, of 50 a. between Wm.
BARNES, John HORNER, the Mill Creek and Joshua NEWBOLD. 141

1699 May 1. Do. Do. for the same, of 180 a. on the Eastside of
Crosswicks Creek, along the East Jersey line. 141

1688 Nov. ---. Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, "Copyed out by
Daniel LEEDS," for Abraham HEWLINGS, of 225 a. on Rancokus R. between
Benjamin SCOTT, William PEACHEE and Isaac MARRIATT. 141

1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Archibald SILVER,
of 100 a. in the fork of Rancokus, on the North branch, adjoining Robt DIMSDALE. 142

-------- Do. Do. for Joseph STEWARD, of 50 a. 142

1699 May 10. Do. Do. by Joshua BARKSTEAD "by warrant from ye
Honble Govr Jeremiah BASSE Esqre date 1 May 1699," for Arant SONMANS,
of 20,000 a. in Burlington Co., called Sonmans Manor, at the head of the
Society's purchase, above the Falls and on the North side of Delaware R.,
between the Society's land, the East Jersey line, a long branch of Rariton
R. and the Delaware. 142

1699 May 12. Do. Do. by warrant as above, for William PENN, of
10,000 a. in Burlington Co., on the branches of Rariton R., adjoining the
next lot of 10,000 a. and running along the E. J. line. 142

1699 May 10. Do. Do. by warrant as above, for the same, of
10,000 a. in Burlington Co. along the East Jersey line, adjoining Doctor
Daniel COXE. 142

1699 May 2. Do. Do. Do. by warrant as before, for Dr. Daniel
COXE, of 20,000 a. in Burlington Co. between the East Jersey line and Del-
aware R., on the North side of the long branch of Rariton R., adjoining
Arant SONMANS. 142

1699 May 28. Do. Do. Do. by warrant as before, for the Right
Honble the West Jersey Society, of 10,000 a. in Burlington Co., on
Delaware R., adjoining the Society's 30,000 a. surveyed by Daniel LEEDS. 142

1699 May 30. Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 22,000 a. in Burling-
ton Co., on Delaware R., next to Daniel COXE's. 143

1699 June 1. Do. Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 10,000 a. in
Salem Co., on the Eastside of Cohannsy R., between their land, surveyed
by WORLIDGE and John BUDD and that surveyed by Joshua BARKSTEAD Sept.
13, 1694, on the other (East) side of Morrise R. (Now in Cumberland Co.). 143

1699 June 2. Do. Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 12,000 a. in
Salem Co. at the head of Cohannsy R. and on the West side of the main
branch of Allawayes Creek, W. of the Indian town. 143

1699 June 3. Do. Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 1,000 a. on the
bay between Back Creek and Middle Marsh Cr., adjoining LIPPINCOTT's
land, Capt. Wm. DARE, Mark REEVE and Mr. HELBY. 143

PAGE 386 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1699 Aug. 3. Do. Do. by Jno MEREDITH, for John WOOLSTON, of 23
a. between Geo. PARKER, John LANGSTAFFS and Edw. GASKIN. 143

1696 April ---. Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for John TATHAM, of
650 a., whereof 300 were formerly surveyed for Benj. ANTROBUS, along the
line of the old Indian purchase, next to Godfrey HANCOCK. 144

1699 May 4. Do. Do. for the same, of 2,000 a. on the Southside of
the South branch of Rancocus, in two tracts: 1, betw. Wm. Evans, John
BOARTON, Richard BOYES and Henry BECK; 2, along said South branch and
Mason's Cr. between Benjamin MOORE and Robert ENGLE. 144

1699 Oct. 30. Do. Do. by Joshua BARKSTEAD, by warrant &c., for
John PIKE, William VAUGHAN and John PERRY, of 6,250 a. on Delaware R.,
above the Falls, part of Dr. COXE's 20,000 a., over against a small island,
along COXE's line. 144

1699 Oct. 30. Do. Do. Do. Do. for John HOOKE, of 3,750 a. on
Delaware R., above the Falls, part of Dr. Coxe's 20,000 a. adjoining John
PIKE and Company. 144

1699 Oct. 6. Do. Do. Do. Do. for George WILLOCKS, of 2,000 a.
on the North side of Pesoick R., 60 chains N. W. of its juncture with Pec-
quanick R., adjoining Anthony BROCKHURST and Arent SCHUYLER. 145

1685-6 12th m. (Feb.) and 1689 6th m. (Aug.). Do. Do. for Thomas
SCHOLEY, of 340 a. between George HUTCHESON, Michael NEWBOLD, Eliakim HIGGINS
and Wm. BIDDLE. 145

1699 July 10. Do. Do. for the same, of 38 a. adjoining his own,
betw. Wm. BIDDLE and John SYKE; also of 29 a. next to the preceding
along John SYKE's. 145

-------- Do. Do. for William BIDDLE, of 500 a. near Eggharbour,
on an arm of the sea and the creek, bounding Samuel JENINGS' land. "To
Nicho: BROWNE by Deed dated ye 25 December 1699." 145

1698-9 Feb. 5. Do. Do. for William BLACK, of 200 a. on the North
side of and along Springhill Brook, adjoining Wm. BEARD dec'd, John

1698 Oct. 24. Do. Do. by Wm. EMLEY, for Henry SCOTT, of 200 a.
within the Proprietors' lands, adjoining John WALTON. 146

1686-7 11th m. (Jan.). Do. Do. by Simon CHARLES, for Peter BOSS,
of 25 a. in the town bounds of Burlington, on Delaware R. adjoining his own. 146

-------- Do. Do. for Joseph ENGLISH, of 100 a. on the South side of
the creek, falling into Delaware R. at the lower end of Sepassinks Island,
between Henry STACY, Joseph BLOWER, John CRIPPS and said creek. 146

1693 July ---. Do. Do. for Robert POWELL, of 200 a. on the fork of
Ancocus, next to Daniel WILLS. 146

PAGE 387 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1691 --------. Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for John SYKES, of 200 a.
between Thomas SCHOLEY and John WARREN; incl. 6 a. of meadow in the
Wigwam meadow. 146

-------- Do. Do. resurvey by Daniel LEEDS, for Richard RIDGWAY,
formerly surveyed for Thomas BUDD as highway allowance for the planta-
tion, on which RIDGWAY now dwells, of 30 a. adjoining Wm. ATKINSON,
John CROSBY and Samuel BARKER. 146

1694 July ---. Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Mary MYERS, of 8 a. i
Burlington, along the creek from London Bridge, N. E. to the East side of
the street coming along the river. 146

-------- Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 21 a. without Burlington
Island, between John WOOLSTON and the Tannhouse Run. 146

-------- Do. Do. Do. for the same, 2 1/2 a. adjoining her house in
Burlington and Walter HUMPHREY, on the street. 146

1691 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Simon CHARLES, for Katharine
BEARD, of 100 a. at Onanickon, between George HUTCHESON, Wm. BUSTILL,
John SCHOLEY and Isaac LEET; part of it between John SCHOLEY and Robert
STACY. "Recorded already in page 89 but with some difference in that
record & ye Coppy of Simon CHARLES Survey here recorded." 147

-------- Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for William ffISHER, of the land
sold to him by Wm. RIGHTON, 197 a. in town bounds, on Delaware R. next
to Peter BASS and Samuel HARRIOTT. 147

-------- Do. Do. by John MEREDITH, for Arthur COOK, of 105 a., be-
ing two small islands with marsh, near the bay of Untacooccon R. 147

-------- Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 695 a. 147

1694-5 1st m. (March). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for John SCHOLEY,
of 181 a. between John WARREN, Joshua WRIGHT and Wm. EMLEY, crossing a run. 147

1700 May 4. Do. Do. Do. for John MURFIN, of 90 a. adjoining
John SCHOLEY between John WARREN, Mary WRIGHT and a small brook. 147

1683 and 1689. Do. Do. by Simon CHARLES and Daniel LEEDS, for
Robert ENGLE, of 150 a. on the East side of MASON's Cr. adjoining the
land, called Nineve. 148

1695 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Mary WRIGHT,
of 230 a. adjoining Wm. EMLEY, Joshua WRIGHT and John SCHOLEY;
also of 30 a. near the East Jersey line on a small brook. 148

1686 6th d. 7th m. (Sept.) and 1700 Sept. 11. Do. Do. by Symon
CHARLES, for Noel MEW, of 300 a. in the Second Tenth, on the Southside
of Northampton R., along Henry JACOB's Creek, next to said JACOB's land
and John BOARTON. 148

1695 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Marmaduke
HORSMAN, of 100 a. adjoining his own, between George HUTCHESON,
George NICHOLSON and Francis DAVENPORT, incl. a triangle of 1 1/2 a. be-
tween his own land, Samuel TAYLOR and George HUTCHESON. 148

PAGE 388 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1700 April 1. Do. Do. by John MEREDITH, for William PANCOAST, of
270 a. near Little Eggharbour, in two lots on Rock Cr. 148

1700 April 1. Do. Do. Do. for Michael BUFFIN, of 260 a. near Lit-
tle Eggharbour in four lots: 1, 150 a. next to Arthur COOK; 2, 70 a. in two
small "spots" on the creek running along Arthur COOKE; 3, 10 a., a cedar
swamp; 4, 30 a. between the land, bo't by him of Nicholas BROWN and the
lot bo't of Daniel LEEDS. 148

1699-1700 March 22. Do. Do. by Thomas GARDINER, for the same,
of 29 a. 1 rood adjoining his own, Wm ELLES, George PORTER and Springhill. 149

1700 Oct. 24. Do. Do. by W. E., for Christopher SNODEN, of 400
a. within the Proprietor's land along Great Shabbacunck Cr., btween the
Society's land and Jasper SMITH. 149

1701 April 15. Do. Do. for "ye Honble Andrew HAMILTON Govr"
and Benjamin ffIELD, of 2,000 a. on the West Jersey Society's land, in Ad-
lord BOWDE's purchase, along the first Eastern line thereof, next to John CLARK. 149

1701 April 16. Do. Do. for the same, of 3,000 a. of the Society's
land, near Wishalimensey, on the S. E. side of the town, on the West side
of Hockin Creek, next to John CLARK. 149

1701 April ---. Do. Do. for Benjamin ffIELD, of 150 a. along the
second East line of the Society's land, next to Andrew HEATH and the
preceding lots. 149

1701 April ---. Do. Do. for Andrew HEATH of 300 a. along the sec-
ond East line of the Society's land, next to Tho: LAMBERT. 149

-------- Do. Do. by Wm. Emley, "by virtue of an Order from ye
Surveyor General to me directed being dated the third day of the first
month Anno 1700-1," for Benjamin ffIELD, of 400 a. above the Society's
tract, called the 30,000 a. &c. on Delaware R. 149

-------- Do. Do. by Tho: GARDINER, for the same, of 376 a. above
the Falls of Delaware R., along the SCOTT's partition line, next to Tho: LAMBERT. 150

-------- Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 73 a. above the Falls of
Delaware R., between Tho: LAMBERT and Tho: STEVENSON, along a run. 150

1692 April ---. Do. Do. by Simon CHARLES, for Alexander STEWART,
of 2 1/2 of meadow, between Daniel LEEDS, Thomas SHINN and Wm. SALLAWAY. 150

--------. Do. Do. by Charles D. LEEDS and John MEREDITH, for
Alexander STEWART, of 160 a. between John SHINN, John SNAPE, Wm.
HUNT, Tho: ATKINSON, his own, Tho. BRYANT and Joseph ENGLISH. 150

PAGE 389 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1699-1700 Feb. 16. Do. Do. by Tho: GARDINER, for the same, of
352 a. adjoining John SHINN junior. 150

1701 May 10. Do. Do. by Thimo: BRANDRETH, for Joseph CROWELL,
of 200 a. at Cape May. 150

1701 May 12. Do. Do. Do. for himself, of 300 a. at Cape May. 150

1689-90 March ---. Do. Do. by Simon CHARLES, "copyyed out by
Daniel LEEDS," for Joseph MARSHALL, of 666 1/2 a. between Pensoakin and
Ancocus Rivers, adjoining Tho: HOOTON, RODMAN, Wm. EVANS, Timothy

1683 Dec. ---. Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Hugh STANILAND, of
60 a below his house by the creek. 151

1686-7 Feb. ---. Do. Do. by Simon CHARLES, for Joseph POPE, of
8 a. in Burlington townbounds, on the Southside of and along Assiscunck
Cr. between Robert STACY and Tho: SINGLETON. 151

1699-1700 Jan. 30. Do. Do. by Tho: GARDINER, for Nathaniel POPE,
of 545 a. on one of the Southerly branches of Rancocus Cr. between John
HASON and Christopher WEATHERILL. 151

--------. Do. Do. by Simon CHARLES "but searched out and resur-
veyed by me," Daniel LEEDS, for Joseph POPE, of 60 a. in town bounds,
("examind this year 1695"), between John HOLLINSHEAD, Samuel LOVETT, Wm. BIDDLE. 151

1701 Oct. 2. Do. Do. by Tho: GARDINER, for Benjamin ffIELD and
William Stevenson, of 3,193 a. along the line of the Indian purchase above
the Falls, lately made by the Society, on Caponockon Creek, adjoining
Andr. HAMILTONs and his own former survey. 151

1701 Nov. 1. Do. Do. Do. for Francis COLLINS, of 726 a. above
the Falls of Delaware R. on Capenockon Cr., next to Andrew HAMILTON's
and Ben. FIELD's 3,000 a. lot. 151

1697 May 24. Do. Do. by John MEREDITH for Mathew CHAMPION,
of 20 a. at Onanickon near his own plantation. 151

1690-1 12th m. (Feb.). Do. Do. by Symon CHARLES, for Widow
ffARROW, of 75 a. on the Southside of and along BLACK's Creek, adjoining
her own, Henry BECK and Daniel BACON. 151

1696-7 11th m. (Jan.). Do. Do. by John MEREDITH, for Francis
DAVENPORT, of 52 a. next to Widow ffARROW, Henry BECK and the land for-
merly belonging to said DAVENPORT. 152

1696-7 20th d. 11th m. (Jan.). Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 65 a.
on the Northside of Crosswicks Creek between Joseph STONES and Tho: GILBERTHORP. 152

PAGE 390 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1699-1700 19th d. 1st m. (March). Do. Do. Thomas GARDINER, for
the same, of 64 a. 3 roods along the SCOTT's line between Thomas WRIGHT
and Joseph STEWART. 152

1699-1700 20th d. 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for the same, of 38 a.
3 roods adjoining his own and John BUNTING. 152

-------- Do. Do. by John MEREDITH, for the same, of 28 a. next to
Robert WRIGHT and a long run. 152

-------- Do. Do. for John SCHOLEY, of 50 a. adjoining Matthew
CHAMPION. "Sold to Gervis PHARO." 152

1695 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Isaac WATSON,
of 40 a. at the back end of John SCHOLEY's next to Wm. WATSON. 152

1701 Nov. 26. Do. Do. Do. for Thomas HILBORN, of 440 a.
"joyning on the N. E. side of the Branch of Great Eggharbour River yt
bounds of the County of Cape May." 152

1689 4th m. (June). Do. Do. for Widow Mary WRENSHAW, of 244 a.
along the old Indian line between Edward BOLTON and John TATHAM. 153

-------- Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Isaac WATSON, of 160 a. along
the partition line and Doctor's Creek. 153

-------- Do. Do. Do. for John ANTRAM, of a lot in Burlington, 1 a.
25 perches, fronting on Yorke St. between Thomas LAMBERT and Francis
DAVENPORT, 7 1/2 perches front and rear at the end of Robert RIGGS, 24
perches 12 1/2 f. long. 153

1699 Dec. 6. Do. Do. Thomas REVELL, for John BAINBRIDGE and
Ralph HUNT, of 400 a. adjoining William HIXON and Andrew SMITH. 153

1702 Sept. 30. Do. Do. by W. EMLEY, for Nicholas MARTINOE, of
160 a. in the Proprietory lands, on the Northside of Stony Brook next to
Thomas SMITH (Mercer Co.). 153

1702-3 30th d. 1st m. (March). Do. Do. by Tho. GARDINER (resur-
vey), for Joshua NEWBOULD, of 271 a. formerly surveyed by Symon CHARLES
for John ffEAT, on both sides of and along BLACK's Creek, adjoining Wm.

1702-3 30th d. 1st m. (March). Do. Do. for the same, of 34 a. next
to William SATTERTHWAIT. 154

1699 Nov. 17. Do. Do. by Tho. REVELL, for John RUE, of 200 a. of
the Society's 30,000, adjoining Captain HOLLETT and Rut JOHNSON. "Cop-
pye from ye Societies Records of Surveys." 154

1689 13th d. 3d m. (May). Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Thomas
HUTCHINSON, of 1,850 a. on the path to Wissomencey, along and through a
swamp near Assimpinck R., along said river and Shabbaconck Cr. and
near the road to York. 154

1702-3 31st d. 1st m. (March). Do. Do. by Tho. GARDINER, for
Samuel Barnes, of two lots: 1, 70 a. along BLACK's Cr., on the King's
road; 2, 132 a. above Joshua NEWBOLD's mill, the whole to stand for 192
a. and 10 a. highway allowance. 154

PAGE 391 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1689 2d m. (April). Do. Do. by Simon CHARLES, for Thomas GILBERTHORP,
of 50 a. on Crosswicks Cr. and Doctors Cr. 155

-------- Do. Do. for Humphrey HUGHES (HOWES), of 243 a. on the
Cape Island. 155


1687 Sept. 5. Letter. Daniel COXE to ------- (first half of first page
torn out): on governing the new possessions, confirming the officers ap-
poinited by Mr. BYLLINGE, etc. [1] 1

1687 July 20. "The Coppie of Govrnor COXE his Narrative," tells of
the meeting with the Proprietors of East Jersey and of the discussions
about the division. 4

1686 Sept. 10. Assignment. John KERKSEY to his son Edward KERKSEY
of a cow and calf with the increase. 9

1686 June 1. Do. Same to his son John KERKSEY of a cow with the increase. 9

1692 Dec. 31. Minutes of Court Proceedings: before Edw. HUNLOKE
and Tho. REVELL, sitting at the house of Richard BASSNETT at Burlington:
Tho. POTTS vs. Elimilech HUDSON for debt; Olliver TAYLOR witness for
pltff. Before Tho: REVELL and Tho. LAMBERT, Justices, at the former's
house: Jno BROWNE vs. Jno PANCOST; warrant served by Jno CURTIS, Con-
stable of Mansfield. 9

1692 Aug. 5. Letter. Daniel COXE to Mr. Thomas BRIDGE, express-
ing his interest in N. J. 10

1692 July 29. Do. West Jersey Society to same, encouraging BRIDGES
to emigrate to West Jersey from the Bermudas. 10

1693-4 Feb. 20. Return of survey by Wm. EMLEY, "Surveyr of the So-
cietie's Land above ye ffalls," for John LEE, of 250 acres of the Society's
30,000, along Delaware R., also 12 a. highway allowance. 11

1694 April 4. Do. Do. Do. for William HIXSON, of 150 a. in the
15,000 above the Falls. 11

-------- Do. Do. by Geo. TAYLOR, for William WHITLOCK, of 500 a.
Cape May Co., on the Bay side above Greene Creek. 11

1694 April ---. Do. Do. Do. for Christopher LEAMAN, of 204 a. of
the Society's land in Cape May Co., on the Sound side, next to Benjamin
HAND, "& since Conveyed to Thomas LEAMAN his sonne." 11


[1] Printed in Smith's History of New Jersey, 190-194, note; and in N. J.
Archives, II, 4-9.

PAGE 392 New Jersey Colonial Documents.

1696 April 9. Do. Do. by Josh. BARSTEAD "Surveyr at Cape May,"
for Jacob SPICER, of 400 a. of the Society's land in Cape May Co., Bay-
side, on the first creek S. of the cedar hammocks. 11

1696 June 15. Do. Do. for John SMITH, of 500 a. of the Society's
30,000 acres on the river. 12

-------- Do. Do. for John Bainbridge, of 400 a., bo't of Richard
RIDGWAY, "with 10 chains more, that are by measure found to be in ye
600 Acres by sd Richard purchased of Jno TATHAM Esqre (Attorney for Dr.
COXE) & which Ten chaines overmeasure are included also & herein
bounded:" i. e. between the Division line and the old rear line of the 600
a. as in Daniel LEEDS' draught; in all 500 a. with highway allowance and
10 a. of meadow. 12

1696 April 22. Do. Do. for the same, of 130 a. along the East Jer-
sey line and adjoining Wm. HIXSON; also 70 a. along the same line betw.
James PRICE and Richd RIDGWAY. 12

1696-7 March 3. Do. Do. for John DIXSON and wife Elizabeth, of
200 a., in the Society's 15,000 a. tract, between Thomas GREENE, James
PRICE, Joseph SOCKETT and the town lands. 12

1696 Oct. 29. Do. Do. for Edward HUNT, of 200 a., in the Socie-
ty's 30,200 a. tract, in the branches of Shabbacunck Cr. 13

1690 Aug. 20. Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for Thomas GREENE, of
150 a. by virtue of his Deed from Mr. TATHAM (Attorney for Dr. COXE),
adjoining Richard RIDGWAY. "Sold to Johannes Lawrenson UPDIKE." 13

1695 May 23. Do. Do. for the same, of 105 a. (sold by Thomas
REVELL on ye Societie's behalfe), between his own, Widow DAVIS and Jona-
than DAVIS. "5 Acres hereof sold to Wm. HIXSON being meadow & ye
100 Acres to Johannes Lawrenson UP DICK." 13

1697 May 17. Do. Do. by Josh BARKSTEAD, for Mr. Thomas BRIDGE
and Mr. ----- COLLETT, of 1,050 a. of the Society's land in Salem Co., on the
Eastside of Cohannsie R. and the Northside of Sawmill Creek, 1,000 a.
for BRIDGE, the remaining 50 for COLLETT of Barbadoes. 13

1694-5 Jan. 15. Do. Do. Do. for John SHAW, of 165 a., called Tillsum,
in Cape May Co., on the sea board side, between John PARSONS and Wm. SHAW. 13

1694-5 Jan. 15. Do. Do. Do. for the same, of 150 a. called Shoo-
makers Hall, in Cape May Co., on the seaboard side, between the preced-
ing, from which it is separated by a creek, and Arthur CRESSEY. 14

1697 July last. Do. Do. for Capt. William HOLLETT, of 1,000 a., in
the Society's 30,000 a. tract, adjoining Johannes LAWRENSON. 14

-------- Do. Do. for Joseph SACKETT, of 300 a., adjoining Samuel
HUNT, Jonathan DAVIS and the public land. 14

PAGE 393 Revel's Book of Surveys.

1697 April ---. Do. Do. for Roger PARK, of 400 a. at Wissamenson,
on the North side of and along Stony Brook. 14

1697 May ---. Do. Do. for Anne PARK, of 100 a., S. E. of and next
to Roger PARK, adjoining Stony Brook. 14

1697 Sept. 16. Do. Do. for Richard HALL, of 150 a. adjoining Wil-
liam AKERLEY. 15

1694 June ---. Do. Do. for Ralph HUNT, of 95 a., adjoining Theo-
philus PHILIPPS; also of 10 a. of meadow next to his own meadow, bo't of
Daniel LEEDS. 15

-------- Do. Do. for Theophilus PHILIPPS, of 10 a. of meadow, S. of
and next to Ralph HUNT. 15

-------- Do. Do. for Ralph HUNT, of 5 a. on the Southside of and
along Theophilus PHILIPPS. 15

-------- "See 220 Acres at ffuller's Creek (for Tho: BRIDGE) page 138,
which should have been entered here, but is misplaced.--of Societie's Land-----." 15

1697 April ---. Return of survey, to Andrew SMITH for his son Thomas
SMITH, of 100 acres, next to Roger PARK's 400 a. 15

1697 April ---. Do. Do. for the same, of 200 a. on the Northside of
Stony Brook, between Joshua WARD and John HOUGHTON. 15

1698 May 25. Do. Do. for Ralph HUNT, of 133 a. of the 15,000 a.,
in the rear of his 95 a. lot, between Joshua ANDROS and Theophilus PHILIPPS. 15

1695 May 23. Do. Do. for Jonathan DAVIS, of 109 a. between his
mother's land and Samuel HUNT; also 5 a of meadow. 16

1699 April 20. Do. Do. by Josh. BARKSTEAD, for Thomas GANDY, of
50 a. called the Addition, in Cape May Co., on the seaboard side, adjoin-
ing Gandy's Hall. 16

1696-7 Feb. 27. Do. Do. for Thomas PARKE (margin calls him
John), of 300 a., next to Thomas TWIGG. 16

1696 April 4. Do. Do. by Josh. BARKSTEAD, for Dennis LINCH, of
300 a., called Linch's Hall, in Cape May Co., on the seaboard side, part of
the Society's land, on both sides of Indian Creek. 16

1689 July 16. Do. Do. by John WORLIDGE, for William JACOCKS, by
order of Mr. James BUDD, Agent to Daniel COXE, of 340 a. on the sea
side, between Randel HEWITT and a point arthwart Cape Island. 16

1696 April ---. Do. Do. for William HIXSON, of 100 a. adjoining his
own, next to Jno BAINBRIDGE along the partition line; also 10 a. of mead-
ow next to his own, of which 5 are highway allowance for the 100 a. and 5
bought of Tho: GREEN. 16

1704 Nov. 20. Do. Do. for Daniel LEEDS, of 200 a. on the sea coast
near Absecon Creek, between Tho: BUDD's 1,000 a., "whereon Peter
WHITE now Dwells," on the S. W. and the brook, bounding Susannah
BUDD's 550 a. on the N. E. 17

PAGE 394 New Jersey Colonial Documents.


1692-3 Mar. ---. Do. Do. by Daniel LEEDS, for George HUTCHESON,
of a lot in Burlington, "whereon he has now built," E. the lot on
High St., which said George and Isaac MARRIOTT agreed to divide, 44 f.
from High by River St., 76 f. 6 in. wide, 150 f. long. 17

1685 (?) May ---. Do. Do. Do. to Thomas MATHEWS for the use of
Edward BILLING, of 1,130 acres on the South branch of Pensawken Creek,
between Jeremiah RICHARDS, Wm. COOPER and Francis COLLINS. 17



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