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Gloucester County Slavery Records - Manumissions and Affidavits |
1788, Gloucester County ss We do hereby Certify that on this Tenth
John Glover ) [Verso]
Recorded in the Clerks S. Clark Clk
1791. I do hereby Certify that on the twenty-second day of October in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty nine, my Slave named Jane Shores was brought before Garret Groff and Jacob Lippincott two of the Overseers of the Poor of the Township of Greenwich in the County of Gloucester, and was Manumitted according to Law in the presence of John Wi1kin and Jeffery Clark Esquires. Witness my hand & Seal this 11th day of October 1791. Susannah Taylor (Seal)
Manumission Recorded in the Clerks Office of E. Clark Clk
1789. New Jersey ) We do hereby certify that on this Twenty second Overseers Garret Groff (Seal) Jacob Lippincott (Seal) Justices: - John Wilkins (Seal) [Verso]
Manumission of Wm. Taylers Slave Recorded in the Clerks Office of Gloucester County in Lib A of Manumission of Slaves. E. Clark, Clk. 1/4 dol. each
1791. Gloucester County ss We do hereby certify, that on this Eighteenth day of April in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Ninety one, Hugh Greighton of the Township of Newton, in the said County of Gloucester, brought before us, two of the Overseers of the Poor of said Township, and two of the Justices of the Peace of said County, his Mulatto Slave, named Flora, who on view and examination appears to us to be sound in mind, and not under any bodily Incapacity of obtaining a support, and also is not under twenty one Years of Age, nor above thirty five: IN WITNESS whereof wee have hereunto set our Hands the day and Year above written.
Thomas Redman ) Overseers [Verso]
Certificate of the Freedom of Flora Recorded in the Clerks Office of Gloucester County in Lib A of Manumission of Slaves. E Clark, C1k.
I do hereby Certify that on the Seventh Day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred & Ninty one my Slave Jeff Shores was Brought Before Jacob Gooden & John Early two of the overseers of the Poor of the Township of Greenwich Jeffery Clark.. [Verso] Manumission Recorded in the Clerks Office of Gloucester E. Clark Clk
1791. Gloucester County ) ..We do hereby Certify that on this eleventh Taken before us the day ) Justices Jacob Goodin (Seal) ) overseers [Verso] Manumission Recorded in the Clerks office of Gloucester County in Lib A folio of Manumission of Slaves. E Clark Clk
1793 Gloucester County ss We do hereby Certify that on this Sixteenth day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred &. Ninety three, Joseph Hugg of the Town of Gloucester, in the County of Gloucester aforesaid Esquire brought before us two of the Overseers of the Poor of said Town, and two of the ust±cea of the Peace of said County, his Slave named Tabby Whc on view and examination appears to us to be Sound in Mind, and not under any bodily incapacity of obtaining a support,
Certificate of the Freedom of Joseph Huggts Negroe Man Tabbey. E. Clark Clk
1794. Gloucester County ss State of New Jersey. We Doe hereby Certify that on this Eighteenth Day of April in the year of our Lord one Thousand and Seven hundred and ninty four Danil Bates of the Township of Glocester in the county aforsd Brought Before us Two of the overseers of the poor of the sd Township of Glouester and Two of the Justices of the peace of Said County - his Slave named Susanath who on View and Examination appears to us to be Sound in mind and not under any Bodily Incapacity of obtaining a support and ailso is not under Twinty one years of age nor above Thirty five in Wittness Whereof we have hereunto Set our hands and. Seals, the Day and year above Written. Nathan Lippincott (Seal) We the underwritten two of the Justices of said County Do approve of the above. John Sparks . [Verso] Manumission of Dane Bates & Susanath Recorded in Clerks Office of Gloucester County in Page - 24th April 1794 E. Clark Clk
18. 1798. Kent County State Maryland. To all whom these presence shall come Greetings: Know ye that I Ann Cobourn of the County and State aforesaid, for whom good Causes and Consideration me thereto moving do hereby declare free, Manumitt, and Enfranchise a negro man called Joe and hereby Acknowledge [. .] Said Joe, is charged from all claim of Survice and right of property, Whatever from me my heirs Executors administrators [. .] As Witness my hand and seal this Ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Ninty Eight Ann Coburn (Seal) Witness William Harris and Joseph William In Test [...] whereof [. . .] have this [. . .] in the Attest Ben Chambers
1794. Month [...............]
SEALED & DELIVERED in the Presence of (Seal) Memorandum, The Words "and all the issue that may of her Body be begotten, and the Words "or they", and the Words "together with all and every the issue of her Body that may be" "begotten,"- were all erased with a Pen, [Verso] A coppey of asertificat of Abratham Deval & Sarath [note: someone did some arithmetic at the bottom of the page but that has not been reconstructed by wjhp]
1799. Gloucester county to Wit ) We do hereby Certify that on this James C. Wood ) Overseers of the Poor
Jeffery Clark ) Justices of the Peace of [Verso] Sarah Green Recorded
21. Certificates of Manumissions 1800. To Whom It May Concern Ja. Hopkins Justics Thomas Reeves [Verso] Tenvi Freeman discharge
22. Certificates of Manumissions 1803. To Whom it may Concern - Know ye that I James B. Caidwell by the Authority given me by Solomon Combs in a Certain Indenture Given to John Lawrence on a Negro Woman named Rose bearing date 30th March 1798 In which Indenture sd. Combs hath particularly specified that the sd Rose should be manumitted and set free do hereby Manumit discharge and set free the aforesaid Negro Woman Rose aged about thirty three years being the property of said Solomon Combs - Witness my hand seal the third day of December Eighteen hundred and three - James B. Caldwell. Gloucester County to wit, We do hereby Certify that on the third day of December Eighteen hundred and three James B. Caldwell agreeable to an Indenture given to John Lawrence bearing date March 30th 1798 by Solomon Combs on a Certain Negro Woman named Rose in which Indenture sd Combs hath particularly specified that the ed Negro Woman Rose should be manumited and set free Brought before us the subscribers the only acting overseer of the poor of the township of Debtford and two of the Justices of the Peace of the sd County the aforesaid Negro Woman named Rose the Property of sd Solomon Combs, Which sd Rose on View and examination appears to us to be sound in Mind and not under any Bodily incapacity of obtaining a support and also is not under the age of twenty one years nor above the age of forty years - In Witness Whereof we have hereunto set our hands the day & year above written. Acting overseer of the poor As Justices of the peace of
Rose's Manumission E Clark Clk
23. Certificates of Manumissions 1803 Gloucester County ) To wit. We do hereby Certify that on this 14th day of April in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and three Isaac Mickel Esq. of the Township of Newton in the County afsd brought before us two of the Overseers of the Poor of the said Township and two of the Justices of the peace of said County, his Slave named Sharper who on view and examination appears to be sound in Mind, and not under any Bodily incapacity of obtaining a support and is not under the Age of twenty one years nor above the age of Forty years. In Witness Whereof we have hereunto set our hands the day and year first above written. John Rowand ) Overseeing the Poor of the Township
Joseph Champion ) Justices of the peace ixi & for [Verso] Certificate of Manumission of Isaac Mickel Esq. Slave Sharper. Recorded in the Clerks Office of Gloucester County 17 May 1803. B Clark Clk Paid
1804. Gloucester County to wit:- We do hereby Certify that on this Fifth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & four Samuel W. Harrison of the Town of Gloucester in the said County of Gloucester brought before us two of the overseers of the poor of the said Township, and two of the justices of the peace of the said. County, his Slave named Ceasar Smith who, on view and examination appears to us to be sound in minds and not under any bodily incapacity of obtaining a support and also is not under the age of twenty one years, nor above the age of forty years. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands, the day and year above written. John Heritage ) Overseers of the poor of the Jonathon Harker ) Justices of the eace for [Verso] Manumission of Cesar Smith. Recorded in the Clerks Office of Gloucester County May 8, 1805 Clark Clk. L H
25. CertiIicates of Manumissions 1704 Gloucester County to wit, We do hereby Certify that on this Eighth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Fifth hundred & four Samuel W. Harrison of the Town of Gloucester in the County of Gloucester brought before us (two of the Overseers of the poor of the said Town and two of the Justices of the peace of the said County.) his slave named Thomas Smithers who on view and examination appears to us to be sound in mind and not under any bodily incapacity of obtaining a support and also is not under the Age of twenty one years nor above the Age of forty years In Witness whereof we have hereunto set Our hands the day and year above written. John Heritage ) Overseers of the poor of the Jonathan Harker ) Justices of the peace for the [Verso] Manumission of Recorded in the Clerks Office of Gloucester County May 8th 1805 Clark Clk *Dates in manumission are the result of an error by clerk. Actual dates should be 1804.
26. 1704* Gloucester County to wit - e do hereby Certify that on this Fifth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred a four George W Hugg of the Town of Gloucester in the said County of Gloucester brought before us two of the Overseers of the poor of the said Town and two of the Justices of the peace of the said County his Slave named Cupied Still who in view and examination appears to be sound in mind and not under any bodily incapacity of obtaining a support and also is not under the Age of twenty one years, nor above the age of forty years. In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our hand the flay and Year above written. John Heritage ) Overseers of the poor of the Jonathan Marker ) Justices of the peace of the
Manumission of Cupied Still Recorded in Clerk's Office of Gloucester County May 8, 1805
*Dates in manumission are the result of an error by clerk. Actual dates should be 1804.
27. 1805 We John Stokes and Jacob Stokes Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Jacob Stokes, late of the Township of Newton, in the County of Gloucester in the State of New Jersey, Yeoman, deceased, and Heirs at Law of the said Jacob Stokes, Do hereby set free from Bondage, Our two Negroes, late part of the said Estate, to wit Fanny Smothers Aged about twenty five Years, and Fero Fisher aged about twenty two years, and do for ourselves, our Executors, and Administrators, release unto the said Fanny, and Pero, all our right, and all claim whatsoever as to their pereons, or to any Estate they or either of them may Acquire hereby declaring the said Fanny & Pero, a.beolutely free without any interruption from us, or any person clam1ng under us. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and Seals, the fourteenth day of May in the Year of our Lord One
Be it Remembered that on the third day of October 1807. personally came before me James Hopkins Esq. one of the Judges of the inferior Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Gloucester; John Stokes one of the Grantors of the within written Manumissian and Acknowledged that he Signed Sealed and Delivered the same for the uses and purposes therein contained; and also personally came before me Thomas Redman one of the within subscribers Witness, who being one of the people called Quakers, upon his Solemn Affirmation saith that he saw Jacob Stokes the other Grantor of the within Manumission Sign, Seal and deliver the same for the Uses & purposes, therein contained, and that Joseph Evens the other within subscribing witness was also present and subscribed his Name at Jos. Hopkins Manumissian
28. 1805 Gloucester County ss ) Joseph Evens ) Overseer of the Poor of the Joseph Champion ) Justices of the Peace in & for [Verso] Certificate of the Freedom of Fanny Smothers & Pero Fisher. filed 8th October 1807 C Ogden Clk Reccrdod in the Clerks Office of Gloucester County in Lib A of manumission October 8th 1807C Ogden Clk
29. Certificates of Manumissions 1806 State of New Jersey, Gloucester County. We certify that on this Twenty third day of June in the year of our Lord, One thousand eight hundred and six, James Stratton of the Township of Woolwich in the said County of Gloucester, brought before us two of the Overseers of the Poor of the said Township, and two of the Justices of the peace of the said County, his Slave named, Ishmael, who, on view and examination, appears to us to be, sound in mind, and not under any bodily incapacity, of obtaining a support, and also is not under the age of twenty one years, nor above the age of forty years. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands, the day and year above written. Overseers of the Poor of the Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Gloucester
[Verso] Certificate for Recorded in the Clerks Office of Gloucester County in Lib A of Manumission of Slaves November 22d, 1806. C. Oden Clk
1807. Gloucester ss State of New Jersey To all whom these Presents shall come Greeting, It is hereby made known that on this third day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Seven I John Stokes of the Township of Newton in said County of Gloucester and I Abigail Stokes Widow of Jacob Stokes late of said Township Deceased, have liberated manumited and set free our Negro Slave called Mina of the Age of Twenty One Years of thereabouts, And we hereby liberate Manumit and et free our said Negro Slave and discharge her from all service or demand of Service to be hereafter made either by us or any Person Claiming by from or under us - Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of us John Stokes (Seal) Abbey Stokes (Seal) Isaac Webster John Clement [Verso] Gloucester County ss ) On the third day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Seven came before me the Subscriber On of the Judges of the Court of common please in and or said County John Stokes and Abigail Stokes the makers and granters of the written Manumission and Acknowledged they executed the same for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Taken and Acknowledged ) John Clement Manumission John Stokes & 67
1807. Gloucester County to wit: We do hereby certify that on the Third day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Seven John Stokes of the township of Newton in the County of Gloucester and Abigail Stokes widdow of Jacob Stokes of the township aforesaid deed, brought before us two of the Overseers of the poor of the said Township and two of the Justices of the peace of the said County their Slave named Mina - - - who on view and examination appears to us to be sound in mind and not under any bodily incapacity of obtaining a Support and also is not under the age of twenty one years nor above the age of forty years. Robert Rowand ) Overseers of the poor of the Jas. Hopkins ) Justices of the peace in and for the [Verso] Certificate of the
1807. State of New Jersey It is hereby made known, that on this eighteenth day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and seven. 1807 I Mary Wood of the Township of Deptford in the said County of Gloucester. have liberated, manumited and set free my negro Slave called George Huggins Mitchfield of the age of twenty one years and I do hereby liberate, manumit and set free, my said negro Slave, and discharge him from all service or demand of service to be hereafter made, either by me or any persons claiming by, from or under me. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and seal the day and year aforesaid. Amos Cooper ) James Matlack) Mary Wood. Be it remembred that or. the 18th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Seven before me James Matlack one of the judges of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Gloucester Personally appeared Mary Wood, the maker and grantor of the above Manumission, and acknowledged that she signed, sealed and delivered the said Manumission as her voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. [Verso] Manumission of from Mary Wood November 18th, 1807 Recorded in the Clerks Office of Gloucester of manumissions C Ogden 01k
We do hereby certify, that on this eighteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Seven 1807. Mary Wood of the township of Deptford in the County of Gloucester, brought before us two of the Overseers of the poor of the said Township, and two of the Justices of the peace of the said County, her Slave named George Huggins Mitchfie1d who on view and examinations appears to us to be sound in mind, and not under any bodily incapacity of obtaining a support, and also is not under the age of twenty one years, nor above the age of forty years. Overseers of the Poor of the Charles Ogden ) [Verso] Certificate of the Recorded in the Clerks Office of Gloucester County in Lib.A. of Manurnissions C Ogden Clk
34. Certificates of Manumissions - Affidavit 1809 Gloucester County ss To all to whom these presents shall come, it is hereby made known, that on this Eighteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and nine, I James Stratton of the Township of Woolwich in the said County of Gloucester, have liberated, manumitted and set free, my Negro Slave, called Marinda Duffield, of the age of Twenty five years or thereabouts: and I do hereby liberate manumit and set free, my said Negro Slave, and discharge her from all service, or demand of service to be hereafter made either by me or any person claiming by from or under me. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid. Sealed and Delivered ) [Verso] Gloucester County: ss Be it remembered that on the twentieth day Taken and acknowledged the day and year aforesaid. James B. Caldwell
1809. State of New Jersey We do hereby certify, that on this Seventeenth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand, Eight hundred and nine. James Stratton of the Township of Woolwich in the said County of Gloucester, brought before us two of the Overseers of the Poor of the said Township of Woolwich, and two of the Justices of the Peace of the said County of Gloucester, his female Slave named Marinda Duffield, who on view and examination, appears to us to be sound in mind and not under any bodily incapacity of obtaining a support, and also is not under the age of Twenty one years, nor above the age of forty years. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands the day and year above written. John Lippincott ) James B. Caldwell [Verso] Manumission Recorded in the Clerks Office of Gloucester County in Lib A of manumission, June 22, 1809 C Ogden Clk.
Gloucester County to wit. We do hereby Certify that on this sixth Day of June one thousand Eight hundred and Eleven John Stokes - and Abigail Stokes - of the township of Newton and County of Gloucester Brought before us two of the Overseers of the Poor of said township, and two of -the Justices of the peace of said county their Slave, Name Nences Fisher, who on view and examination appears to us to be sound in mind and not under any Bodily Incapacity of Obtaining a support, and also is not under the age of twenty one years; nor above the age of forty years. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands the Day and Year above written. Isaac Webster ) Overseers of Benjamin Burrough) [Verso] Certificate of the Freedom Recorded C. Ogden 01k
1812 Gloucester County To wit - We do hereby certify, that on the First day of August in year of our LORD one thousand eight Hundred and Twelve William Hugg of the Town and County of Gloucester brought before us, two of the overseers of the poor of the said Town of Gloucester and two of the Justices of, the Peace of said County his Slave named Jettho Herarey (a mar. of couler), who, on view and examination, appears to us to be sound in mind, and not under any bodily incapacity of obtaining a support, and also is not under the age of twenty one years, nor above the age of Forty years. IN WTNESS whereof, we have hereunto Sot our hands, the day and year above written. Isaac Doughton ) Overseers of the Poor of the town Amos Cooper ) Justices of the Peace in and for the [Verso] Certificate of the Manumission of Jottho blac k man late
1815. Know all men by these presents that Whereas Joseph Blackwood Esq late of the County of Gloucester in the State of New Jersey by a certain writing under his hand and seal duly Executed and bearing date the 14th day of July A D 1800 Therm did Grant Bargain and Soil unto his son Samuel Biackwood and to his heirs and Assigns A Certain Negro Girl named Rin or Marinda who was Born a Slave to the said Joseph Blackwood and the said Samuel Blackwood became so seized of said Negro Slave died seized of the same, And Whereas Rebecca Blackwood Widow e-he-e8 and Administratrix of the said Samuel Biackwood Having taken the said Negro Girl at the appraisement of her Husbands Estate Whereby she became the property of the said Rebecca Blackwood who also died seized of the said Slave and Whereas Joseph 0. Clark having obtained letters of Administration of the Estate of said Rebecca Blackwood agreeably to Law and Whereas the said Negro Slave now aged about Twenty one years of age was Appraised to him at Fifty Dollars and the said Joseph 0 Clark having taken the said negro at the appraisemeat for the purpose of Manureiting end Setter her Free Now Know ye that I Joseph 0 Clark having procured from the overseer of the poor of the township of Dobtford and two of the Justices of the peace of said County of Gloucester Certificates agreeably to an Act of the Legislature of said State in such cases made and provided Certifying that the said Negro Girl is a proper subject for Manumition agreeably to the provisions of said Act as by the said Certificate will appear Do hereby in pursuant to the Laws of the State of New Jersey in such cases Made And provided amd by those presents Doth Manumit and Sot Free from Slavery the said Negro Girl Named Rin or Marinda Aged about twenty one Years in Witness whereof I the above named Joseph 0 Clark hath to these presents set my hand and Seal the twentieth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen 1815 Signed Sealed and Delivered In the Joseph Clark (Seal) Thomas Hendry Gloucester ss Be It Remembered that on the twentieth day of November A D Eighteen hundred and fifteen before me the Subscriber one of the Judges of the Inferior Court of common pleas of said County Joseph 0 personally Appeared, the within Named Joseph 0 Clark and Acknowledged that he signed sealed and Delivered the within deed of Manumition, to and for the uses and purposes therein Mentioned. Acknowledged the Day and year above written before Jacob Glover (a)
1815 [Verso] Deed of Manumission for Marine. Holland Thos. Hendry C1k Acknowledgement .50 Gloucester County to Wit We do hereby Certify that on this twentieth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen Josoph 0 Clark of said County Brought before us two of the overseers of the poor of the township of Debtford and two of the Justices of the peace of said County his Slave ee Named Rin or Marinda Holland who on View and Examination appears to be sound in mind and not under any Bodily incapacity of obtaining a Support end also is not under the ago of twenty one years nor above the Age of Forty years in Witness Whereof we have hereunto set our hands the day and year above written John Shivers ) Overseers of the poor Thomas Hendry ) Justice of the peace
1816 State of New Jersey Gloucester County, to wit, We do hereby Certify that on the Sixteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and. sixteen, Doctor Samuel Harris of the Township of Newton in said County of Gloucester brought before us, two of the overseers of the poor of said Township and two of the justices of the peace of the said County, a female Slave the property of Isaac Harris Sen. late of the County of Salem, Physician, deceases named Solona, who on view and examination, appears to us to be sound in mind, and not under any bodily incapacity of obtaining a support, and also is not under the ago of twenty one years, nor above the age of forty years. In witness whereof we have hereunto sot our hands the day and year above written.
Andrew Jenkins ) Overseers of the Poor of the said Rich. H. Cooper ) Justices of the Peace in and for the said [Verso] Manumission Doct. Saml. Harris Recoivd December 17th 1816 and Recorded in the Clerks Officc of Gloucester County in Lib AA folio 431 of deeds. 15/100 Dr. Sam'l Harris
1816 Gloucester County to wit We do hereby Certify that on this twenty Day of August Eighteen hundred and Sixteen Eligah Smith of Township of Grate Eggharbour in the said County of Gloucester brought before us two of the overseers of the poor of the Said Township and two the Justice of the peace of aid County his slave Named Christian Cox who on view and Examination appears to us to be Sound in mind and. not under any bodily incapacity of Obtaining a Support and also is not under the age of twenty one years, not above the age of Forty years in Witness whereof wee have unto set our hand the day and year above written Edward Risley ) Overseer of the poor of the Township Thomas Somers ) Justices of peace in Said County of [Verso] Christian Cox Certificate for her Freedom Jany 7th Paid 75/100 Christian Cox Manumission Recd. Jany 7th 1817, and Recorded. in the Clerks Office Gloucester County in Lib. G. folio 330 of deeds. Hendry Clk
1819 State of New Jersey Gloucester County, to wit:- We do hereby certify, That on this twenty seventh day of July in the year Cornelius Wiltsee ) Overseers of the poor of the Joseph Rogers ) Justices of the peace in and for 27 Aug. 1819 [Verso] Certificate of two of the overseers of the poor of the Township of Newton and two of the Justices of the peace of the County of Gloucester for Cornelia McLaughlin Kennedy Received & Recorded 27 Aug. 1819, Book A page 4 of Manumissions.
1820 To all to Whom these presents shall cone or may Concern I, Simon Wilmer, Rector of the Swedish Lutheran Church at Svedesborough in the County of Gloucester and State of New Jersey Sent Greeting Know ye9 that I the said Simon Wilmer, for divers good causes and considerations me thereunto moving have, and by those presents do hereby manunit and set free my Negro Slave Lydia Bradly of the age of thirty seven years On Christinan Day next ensueing the date hereof, she being at this time of sound mind and under no bodily incapacity of obtaining her support. So that neither I myself my heirs executors or adminis-terators can hereafter have claim or demand the said Lydia, or her labour or services as a Slao, In Witness :;hereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal. -his Seventeorth day of June. in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty 1820. Sealed and Delivered in the presence State of Now Jersey Gloucester County ss Tho's Wilkins
[Verso] 30 June 1820 Manumission of Lydia Bradley Rec'd 30 June 1820 and Recorded in the Clerks Office of Gloucester County in Liber A page 9 of Manumissions
1820 State of New Jersey Gloucester County to wit. We do hereby certify, that on this Seventeenth day of June One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty. The Revorind Simon Wilmer of Swedesborough in the Township of Woolwich in the County aforesaid brought before us two of the overseers of the poor of the said Township, and two of the Justices of the peace of the said County, his slave named Lydia Bradley who on view and examination appears to us to be sound in mind and not under any bodily incapacity of obtaining a support, and also is not under the age of twenty One years, nor above the age of forty years. In Witness, whereof we have hereunto set our hands the day and year above written. John Pierson ) Overseers of the poor of the Samuel Cooper ) Justices of the peace in and for 30 June 1820 [Verso] Certificate Simon Wilmer Sirnon Wilmer Rec'd 30 June 1820 and recorded in the Clerks Office of Gloucester County in Book A page 8 of Manumissions. Hendry C1k
1824 Gloucester County ss: To wit We do hereby certify that on this Job Gybson ) Overseers of the Poor of said Township of James English ) Justices of the peace in and for the said County of Gloucester [Verso]
Certificate of Manumission of Beth Seigers and Jim Hall Recorded on Libor A of Manumissions Folio 22 in the Clerks office of Gloucester County Smaliwooci. Clk Paid
Know all Men by those Presents, That Whereas Daniel Clark otherwise called Benjamin Clark a black man Slave born in the county of Kent in the State of Delaware in the month of November in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty one the Slave of Jenifor Taylor and by him given & delivered to me the Subscriber sometime about the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and -ten ab absconded from me, and is now residing in the Township of Newton in the County of Gloucester and State of New Jersey - And Whereas divers benevolent persons have contributed the Sum of one hundred and forty dollars for the purpose of affecting his Manumission Now therefore know ye That I Ignatius Taylor of the County of Kent in said State of Delaware in consideration of the Said Sum of one hundred and forty dollars to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and of the further Sure of one hundred and Sixty dollars agreed to be paid by the said Daniel Clark otherwise called Benjamin Clark, and for which I acknowledge the receipt of his bond in Satisfaction of. Do hereby on this sixteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four Manumit liberate and Set free And by these Presents have manumitted, liberated and set free, the said Daniel Clark otherwise called Benjamin Clark and do hereby fully discharge and acquit the Said Darniel Clark otherwise called Benjamin from all services or demand of Services hereafter to be claimed by me or any person claiming under me And I do hereby for myself my heirs executors & administrators Sealed and Delivered ) Ign. Taylor Interlineations and erasures made before Syning Jenifer Taylor JH Sloan Be it remembered that on the Sixteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four personaly appeared before me the. subscriber one of the Masters of the court of Chancery of the State of New Jersey Ignatius Taylor the grantor named in the foregoing manumission I being Satisfied he is the grantor therein named and having first made known to him the contents thereof who acknowledged that he Syned Sealed and delivered the Same as his voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein named [Verso]
Manumission of J J Foster Clk.
1824 Gloucester County: [ .......] hereby certify that on this first day of Joseph Scull ) two of the overseers of the poor for the Jos: Risley ) two of the Justices of the peace
Manumission Rachel Ireland |
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