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Gloucester County Slavery Records - Notice of Trial |
1738 Friend 11 The 24th day of 4th mo. 1738. Alexander Morgan I Expected the time for trying the Neggor in Custody woud hav been yesterday apointe at Gloucester, but we find the words of the Law is that the Justice that commits him call two of the next Justices, and the three Justices apoint a time for his tryall, & Sumon five freehouldcrs to meet them at the time & place for his Tryall, So it was found that thou & I & John Ladd was the persons to whome it ree, and accordingly we appointed that we three nominated Should Meet at Thomas Perywebs house the next fourth day at 12 of Clock - to performe. that Service, So disires thee not to fail to give thy atondanc for if thou doth [not] apear it will disapoint the whole matter So hoping thou will not fail I conclud & am thy Loveing friend - - - John Kay [Verso] To Alexander Morgan, These -
July Ano Domi, 1738. Province of Now Jersey Gloucester County ss John Kay Alexr Morgan and John Ladd jun'r Justices of our Lord the King that now is for ye County of Gloucester, being associated by ordor and appointment of John Kay Esqr at Newton in ye County afsd.[....] twenty Eight Day of June in ye Twelfth year of ye reign of King George the Second by ye Grace of God of Great 'Brittain France and Ireland King defender of the faith etc pursuant to an act of General assembly of this province Intituled an act forr Regulating of Slaves, To order and appoint a time and place for ye Tryal of Marmaduke a negroe slave now in ye Goal of ye County afd. and charged with Divers felonious Crimes - have ordered and appointed that ye Sd negroe Slave Shall Recieve a Tryal and his offences and Crimes be heard and determined at Gloucester in ye County afd. on the Eleventh day of July next and That Ten principal Freeholder of ye County afd, To Wit Josiah Kay Sam'l Coles Timothy Matlack James Hinchman Isaac Jennings Samtl Harrison John Thorn John Hinchman George Ward ye Elder and John€ Wood by Summoned to appear at Gloucester on ye sd. Elventh day of July To ye end that Three of his Majesty Justices of ye County afd. one being of ye Quorum in Conjuntion with five of ye sd. Freeholder may proceed to Tryall of the abovesd Marmaduke agreeable to Law/. . John Kay Gloucester ss John Kay[, . .]Ranaall and Alexander Morgan Esqrs Justics of Lord [. . .]Gloucester aforesd and also of the quorum being [. . .] the Day of July Ano Domi 1738 in ye Twi [. . .] agreeable to ye appointee at ye above [. . ]above mentioned offender Marmaduke and ha[. . .] appointed John Ladd jun.er to prosecute ye sd. Marmaduke and an[. . .] him agreeable to Law. [Verso] The Court being Called and Five Freeholders of ye sd. County appeared and were Sworn and afirmed agreeable to Law. To wit They being quallofied in presence of ye sd. offender prisoner Marmaduke.
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