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Gloucester County Slavery Records - Minutes of Trial |
54. 1738 At a meeting of the Justices & five of the principal ffreeholders of the County of Gloucester at ye Court house in ye Town of Gloucester on ye 11th day of July in year of our Lord 1738 in ye Twelfth year of the Reign of King George ye Second etc pursuant to an act of General assembly of the province of New Jersey Entitled and Act for regulating of - - - Slaves.
Marmaduke, a negro Slave he being Accused of Attempting to kill John Collins & Eanl. Garrett of the Sd. County Yeom the above Named Justices did appoint John Jones Attorney at Law to prosecute the sd, Negro Slave pursuant to an sd. Act of assembly The Witnesses & persons concerned in the above prosecution not being ready to prosecute ye Sd. Negro Slave, So as to have his Trial on this day, the Sd. Trial is therefore Deferred till to morrow at 10 of the Clock in the forenoon to which time ye meeting of Sd. Justices & ffreeholders is adjourned. The above named ffreeholders being Qualified According to Law with ye Sd.
55. Minutes of Trial 1748. At a COURT JUSTICES AND FREEHOLDERS Met at Gloucester in the County of Gloucester the Twenty Sixth Day of November Anne Domi MDCCXLIJLLI pursuant to an Act of General assembly of this provience of New Jersey Entitled an act for Regulating of Slaves ----------------- WHICH said Justices and Freeholders appoints Robert Hathhorne to prosecute ate Who accuseth Negro Betty being the Slave of one John Burrows, That She the said Negro Betty the Seven-teeth day of September in the Twenty Second Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc at the Township of Waterford In the County of Gloucester not having the fear of God before her Eyes but being moved and Seduced by the Instigation of the Devile with Force and arms etc Voluntarily and of her own Malice forethought at Waterford in the County aforesaid in and upon a Certain Bastard Female Child of the Body of the aforesaid Negro Betty born and brought forth then and there in the peace of the said Lord the King being an assault did make &c Same Bastard Child Feloniously and Voluntarily did wound and Evilly Entreat And the Same Bastard Child Feloniously and Voluntarily then and there with a Leathern String fastned and tyed about the Neck of the said Bastard Child then and there Feloniously and Voluntarily with a Leatherer String aforsed so as aforesaid place and Fastened about the Neck of the Said Bastard Child a mortal wound Did give and the same Bastard Child Did Strangle and Suffocate of which Same Mortal wound and Evil Entreatment in the place and position aforesaid the aforesaid Bastard Child at Waterford in the County aforesaid Instantly Dyed and So the aforesaid Negro Betty at Waterford aforesd in the County aforesaid the aforesaid Bastard Child in Manner and Form Aforesd Feloniously and Voluntarily and of her own Malice forethought Did Kill and Murder Contrary to the peace of our Lord the Now King his Crown and Dignity. R. HATHHORNE who prosecutor etc. the Defended being arranged pleaded not guilty etc and the proceutor in like manner etc and there upon Came the Justice (to Wits.) John Kaighm, Isaac Irames & John Lacid Esq. i the Freeholders likewise came to wits. Robert Stevens Michael Fisher, Peter Rambo, Richard Matlack and Joseph Ellis and the said Freeholders being sworn and Affirmed according to Law by the said Justices to Judge in Conjunction with the Justices of and Concerning the Premises and After hearing the Evidences at will on the part of the procecutor and the prosecutor, as then Councill for the Defended and Due Deliberation thereupon had the Justice and Freeholders Unammonusly. Do Sign the bill Judge the said Negro Betty not guilty of the accusation whereof she stands Charged And thereupon the Sheriff of the County of Gloucester to Discharge the said Negro Betty out of his Custody. [Verso]
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