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Excerpts from the Valley Ventura - 9/14/1907 to 12/7/1907 |
The Valley Ventura was a newspaper that served northeastern Cumberland and part of western Atlantic Counties in the early years of the twentieth century. It's editor was a man with a keen interest in local history. Armed with a journalist's curiousity and with information he had gleaned from his other career as a surveyor, he produced a series of articles relating to the history of the area. They excerpts also include some local news.
This does not represent a full run of the paper. The issues referenced here reside at the Vineland Historical Society. They were discovered by Mark Demitroff and subsequently transcribed(with great care to preserve the original spelling and syntax) by Gail Benson. If you have any further information about this newspaper or know the location of other issues, please contact this site.
Valley Ventura Mary C. Hutchings
September 14, 1907 Historical Sketches of Landisville By the Editor - Chapter I Travellers over the N.J. Central R.R., between Vineland and Winslow Junction for long years had seen o solitary mansard roof brick building which stood opposite the place where the brakeman called out ³Landisville², and they wondered whether the infant town would ever grow. But, cradled in the forest it continued to sleep on and on, until the hum of industry reached its ear from the near-by town of Minatola, when lo! it awoke, and surprised the travelles by its phenomenal growth in the few years pst. It was awayback in the ³60s² that the little town was born, and Mrs. Chittenden and Mr. & Mrs. Ditman were the first purchases, and with indomitable courage they cleared a spot in the wilderness, and proceeded to build. Mre. Chittendon appears to have an intuitive presentiment that a town would eventually spring up as she put up the mansard roof brick building which still is stinding. This was the nucleus of the town, and afterwards became store, Post Offic, and Rail Road station, gave Landisville a place on the map. Many an acre, Mr. Marcus Fry, the pioneer surveyor, surveyed when the region was a comparative wilderness, and he knows how discouraging the outlook was. Mrss Chitienden opened the first store which was patronized mainly by Jersey famers, who found it more convenient than going to Downstown, ³Fislerville² (Clayton), or other places to do their trading. Joseph Vannaman afterward kept a store there, as did also Mrs. Ditman, whose husband was the first Post Master. Mrs. Ditman has been a resident for more than forty years, and says there's only Landisville in the world, and she is satisfied to spend her remaining days here. She has watched its infant slumbers, and was present at its awakening, and has sesn the wonderful development of the last few years, and says the people are harmonious and law-abiding, prosperous, and happy, and she feels a deal of pride and satisfaction as she notes the changes. To be csntiued.
September 21, 1907 BUENA NOTES ber the old house, a reminder of ³Ye olden time², would scarcely recognize it now. Roy Lewis of Rosenhayn is Principal of the school here. Mrs. Miller of Oak is going to move to Mrs. Somers' house on Tuckahoe avenue. Mrs. Wm. H. Lore formerly of Vineland is the guest of Mrs. Israel Baker. Mr. John Morris of Bridgeton, i visiting his son James and daughter Mrs. Rosanna Baker. Miss Maud Corsiglia a popular young woman from Richland is Telegraph operator and station Agent at Buena. Lawyer Reed's handsome new suburban home will soon be completed. It is finished throughout in the most up-to-date style. But we forgot it isn't a new house, but an old-one made over, and whose who remem- (first line apparently the continuation of this one) MINATOLA NEWS Mrs. Lewis Brown is spending the week at Millville. Mrs. Myrtie Laka of Atlantic city is visiting her sister Mrs. Jacob hager. Chas. Wray's new house on Summer ave will soon be ready for occupancy. A daughter was born last Friday to Mr. & Mrs. Weeks. Mrs. Albert Ernest left Tuesday for a trip to Niagara Falls, taking advantage of the reduced fare, with a number of Vineland excursionists. Mrs. Jennie, & Mrs. Harry Dickson have relurned from Port Elizabeth. The Jonas Department store has been very fortunate in securing so accomplished a sales woman as Miss Emma Clark. Mrs. Elizabeth Dubler, mother of Doctor Dubler, has been ill with serious complica- for the past eleven weeks, but is somewhat improved at this writing. Mrs. Cline's valuable saddle horse died last Tuesday morning after a short illness, and there were some suspicios that it might have been poisoned. ³ATOUR AROUND the WORLD² will be given this evening under the direction of the Epworth League. Five countries wili be visited, and the Oriental customs, dress and manners will be well worth seeing. A cordial invitation is extended to all who would like to see the Orient. Mrs. C. Natillo of Phila., has been spending the summer with her father since the death of her mother, Mrs. Julia Minofia. She wishes to rent the farm before return- home. Historical Sketches of Landisville By the Editor - Chapter II Among those who have resided here the longest during recent years, the Martinelli Bros. Are probably the bet known. Andrew, who keeps a large hotel and boarding house, probably takes in more money than any one except his brother Dominick. They have lived in the vicinity upwards of twenty years. Dominick controls the largest business interests of any one in that section of South Jersey, except George Jonas of Minatola. He is an Italian by birth, and came to this country some years previous to his arrival here. After settling at Landisville, he engaged with Mr. Landis, the founper of Vineland, as agent and Interpreter, to represent his interests in the locality, and he was a very reliable and successful agent for ten our twelve years, when he started his business for himself. He has enlarged his business from time to time, until he now has, beside his Real Estate Office, a large Departmens store, a saw mill, a well-equipped machineshop, and a plumbing and steam fitting establishment. Charles F. Reidel is one of the successful residents whose enterprise is seen in the large shipments of fruit and produce, and the nice home he has built opposite the R.R. station. Mr. F. V. Dunfee formerly of Vineland is the popular Station Agent and Telegrpher, and attends to all the freight and shipping business. Mr. R. Fughell came from Italy ten years ago, but has lived at Landisville only two, in which time he has established the first shoe store in the town, and stocked it with a well-selected line of goods. Mr. Catvoli has been in America three years, and since coming to Landisville has built the first saw mili, and a large store & dwelling, and also has a blackfmith & wheel wright shop in connection with his mill. Mr. Leonel is one of the enterprising business men who has built up a good trade. He has general store, and a wheelwright & blacksmith show oppocite. He has been here five years, and is well pleased with this part of Jersey. Mr. Almero Francesca has the first meat market, also a well-filled sry,goods stote. The building is large, and is a great addition to the town. Mr. Archibald Cook of east Oak road, is an old Vinelander, and has there 31 years. He is doing a good business as a Lumber Dealer and carries a good supply of all kinds of building material. He goes back and forth daily from his home on Oak road, east of Brewster, to his lumber, yard which is on the south side of the New Jersey Cen. To be csntiued
September 28, 1907 MINATOLA Mr. Norman McConnell of Newtonville, is SupervisingPrinciple of the schools. Mr. Phipps recently a teacher in the Phillippine is Principal of the village school. Misses Bessie & Emma Tomlin of Atlantic city, and Mrs. John C. Taylor of Cape May C.H., have the guests of Mrs. Parsons. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Craig have moved from Atlantic city and will reside on Pacific ava. Miss Bertha Edsal of Hammonton is the Intermediate techer, and Miss Minnie Cook the Primary at the Central school Mrs. Walter Armstrong has returned to her home in Washington D.C., after a two months visit with her mother rs. Benjamin Vannaman, where she has been since the death of her father on August 24 th . Historical Sketches of Landisville By the Editor Chapter III George Sharp is among the number who have made for themselves comfortable homes surrounded by flowers and shrubbery in the outskirts of Landisville. He and his family came from Folsom six years ago and he is employed at the Glass factory. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brown also belong to the the industrious and thrifty class whose flower embowered cottage bespeaks the taste of the inmates. Mr. C.A. Gross who came from Bucks Co Pa., 37 yrs. Ago, has a nice home on Weymouth road north of the N.J. Central R.R. He has held several important offices beside attending to his farm. He served as town clerk four years and 3 yrs as Township Collector, and was also one of the Township Committee four years Mr. Gross has also taught school several years, and it will be seen by his recerd, that his life has been a busy one. It was soon after the Vineland Railway was built to connect with the N.J. Southern that the late Charles K. Landis conceived the idea of establishing another town similar to Vineland which ahd such a phenomenal growth during its pioneer life, and it was ³Landisville: in his honor; but it did not develop as he had hoped it might, never-the-less he had hhpes that it might some- be the commercial center of a growing population who would clear the land, and till the soil. nd such it now is, - the centre from Mr. Joseph Fair who lives about two miles west of the R.R. station between Forest Grove and Downstown, is one of the old settlers and came here from (cannot read begins with P). He brought with him the energy and force of character which always go to make a desirable citizen and a successful man. His well kept farm and nice home is a demonstration of the above facts. We intended to finish the sketches of Landisville, and follow with a chapter of Buena; but, as it would necessarily be short, will wait until next week. We are also preparing historical sketches of Downstown, Piney Hollow, or Victoria, Lake Malaga & Norma. To be csntiued
October 5, 1907 Historical Sketches of Buena By the Editor - Chapter IV The following lines were suggested by the ruins of an old charcoal mill which are seen on the Tuckahoe road afew rods west of Buena station on the W. & S.R.R. It was built sometime in the early part of the 19 th after the war of 1812, when the woods were full of charcoal pits, and the smoke curled upward from hundreds of charcoal burners' huts. These cabins were of the most primitive structure imaginable, and contained only room devoid of comfort, there being no furniture except a rude bunk made of roughly hewn timder and benches and table of the same rude construction. The wants of these people were few. When their week's wages wore daid, they went to Millville, Malage, Bridgton, whichever town was nearest. They returged with a week's supply of eornmeal, whiskey, tobacco and porb. The charcoal after being crushed was taken to Philadelphia with ox teams before the advent of horses, where it found a ready market. Charcoal beds and huts were still to be seen in the woods around Vineland as late as '67, but are very scarce now. To be csntiued THE OLD CHARCOAL MILL Beside the road its ruins stand,
October 12, 1907 MINNATOLA Mr. & Mrs. Winfield Berry have moved from Bridgeton to West Avenue. Margarel & Banks, Contractors, are putting up a new dwelling corner of Lincoln avenue and Wheat road, for Mr. Savoli. Mr.Chas. Chalmers Superintendent of the State Grange attended a special session of that body rast Saturday at Newton,Sussex Co. Over 100 took the 6 th Degree, and 68 took the Pomona Degree. John Campbell & family of Oak roao ate ripe strawberries last Tuesday, and if their plants do as well as some which he had three years ago they will be picking and eating untll Thanksgiving Day. That year his last shipment was made on Movember 4 th , and on Thanksgiving Day Mrs Campbell took quarts to Phila., and they had been having all the month. the last berry was picked on Christmas; it was ripe, but was encased in ice. At R.W. CHEW'S RESTAURANT CENTRAL AVENUE, MINATOLA, N. J. You can get OYSTERS in every style, Pie & Milk, Tobacco, Cigars & Soft Drinks, Also SOUVENIR Post Cards. This is headquarters for them. Passengers on the New Jersey Central train from New York last Wednesday evening, had an experience the will not forget. Visions of hot suppers and a warm welcome at home danced through their brains as they approached Cedar Lake. But those hot suppers vanished when the road bloked by a coal car which lay across both tracks and no telegraph office within six miles!! The only alternative for the passenger train was to back seven miles to Winslow Junction. dragging the freight cars which had been left oa the main track while the coalcarwas being shifted, and wire to Lakchurst, 38 miles away, for the wrecker, and then wait for it to pass. In the mean time the rear coach of the passenger train had been transformed into a dining & sleeping car, and while a few of the belated travelers slept, most of them chatted and laughed and found the situa-amusing as well as vexing. But it was not until they had waited on the switch at Cedar Lake for three long freight trains to pass northward, and had again gotten under ³headway² that they really believed they would get home before morning. Mrs. L. H. Miller, Mrs. W. P. Lyzo,t and the writer were the three Vineland women enjoyed(?) the free ride to Cedar Lake and (note: column ends abruptly and does not appear to continue elsewhere in the issue) Historical Sketches of Buena - By the Editor Chapter V (note that Oct 19 column is also labeled Chapter V) Much relating to the pioneer life of the early settlers was lost, when they died, and all that remains is that which has been handed down through several generations. This is unfortunate not only for the people of today, but for future generations as well. Not even a moss-grown tombstone marks the last resting place of some of them, and it is reported that one of these old burial grounds was sold years ago, and plowed up They lived and toiled amid great privations and discouragements, clearing the land which in those days was heavily timbered, building their log cabins and tilling the soil. Those who have inherited these lends can have no idea of the privations and inconvenience experienced by thos pioneers when southern Ndw Jersey was a ³howlin' wilderness.² Their corn was sometimes toted on their backs to Cumberland or Bridgeton to before the mill was built at Malaga, and those jonrneys were not unfraught with daugers from wild beasts. Bears, wolves, panthers, & wild cats were found in the woods, and often made the nights hideous with their cries. Fortunately for those pioneers, deer and other wild game were plentiful, while turkeys, geese, pidgeons & pheasants could be killed at any time. Wild fruits & nuts grew everywhere, and were a God-send to these people. Among the prominent names of first laudholders, were the Campbells, Cakes, Bakers, Vananmans and Morrises. Theold house built by Mr. Archibald Campbell more than 100 years ago, is still standing on the Tuckahoe road about half a mile southeast of Buena station. The tiny window panes, 4x6 inches, and the heavy doors, with hinges two feet in length are still thers to prove its antiquity, and Benjamin Campbell the present owner and occupant says he means to keep them as long as he can. He is one of ten children born to Mr & Mrs. Archibald Campbell, during the first half of the last century, and four grandchildren and a great-grand daughter also born uuder the same roof, make four generations wnic have been sheltered there, and called it home some of whom nave passed out to make for themselves homcs elsewhere. The great grand child was a daughter born to Mr. & Mrs. Gardur Campbell of Medford. The old well dug a century ago, is still there, where the four generations with mana a thirsty travller have quenched their hirst, while they rested under the shade of the giant trees. Mr Campbelt keeps a house of entertain-foi hunters who come from all parts of the state during the season. To be continued The poem THE OLD CHARCOAL MILL which was in the October 5 issue and copied above appeared in this issue as well below Chapter V.
October 19, 1907 Historical Sketches of Buena By the Editor - Chapter V The oldest of the original settlers of Buena now living is Mr. John Morris who resides in Bridgeton. He will be 89 on the 14 th of next November, and is in the enjoyment of good health. His mind is clear, and his faculties unimpaired, which is remarkabl for one of so advanced an age. He livdd at Buena upwards of 65 years, long before Vineland was started, or thought when the tract lying between Malaga and May's Landing & Bridgeton was a wilderness, broken here and there by an old Jersey farm. A few of the old houses still remain, but some have been torn down, and others have been modernized. The nearest Post Office was Millville, eleven miles distant Mr. & Mrs. Morris raised a large family, and be has lived to se them well-settled in life. Mr. Morris in contrasting the early scenes with which he was familiar, with those of today, notes with pleasure the changes which have taken place throughou, the surrounding country. Factory whistles, hum of machinery, blasts of the locomotive are heard instead of the scream of the panther, hoot of the owl, and howl of the wolf. The oldest land-mark of which Buena can boast is the hotel corner of Tuckahoe and Wheat, or Maule's Bridge road, as it was formerly called. This hotel was built in 1779 by Mr. John Campbell, Great-great-grand-father of Mrs. U. A.Creamer of Vineland. It will be seen that the old hotel is nearly as old as the Declaration of Independence. It was called ³Campbell's Tavern² until after the Mesican War, when it was givena he Spanish name, Buena Vista by Mr. Geo.B. Cake Sr., who purchased it of Mr. John Madden in 1848, who had owned it since 1832. The town has been known by that euphonious title since, until recently ³Vista² was dropped because there is another town by that name in the state. It was for many years the Relay house for the stage lines on Maule's Bridge and Tuckahoe roads, where the horses were exchanged for fresh ones. If the o'd hotel could speak, it might tell strange tales of what it has seen and heard around the blazing hearth in the bar-room, and dining room where the guests used to sit and tell of the adventures of their Gran-Œthers with the Indians, and in the Revolutionary War, and the war of 1812. 21 years of the 18 th century, 100 of the 19 th , and seven of the 20 th , have left their whirling record behind, and still the old relic of a hundrod years keeps its vigils as it did in the Long ago. But a different element now crosses the threshold. It is no longer the way-traveller of the stage coach, going back and forth from Philadelphia, unless they are traveling in an automobile, because the electric & steam cars ca-ry the on-rushidg people. Mr Joseph Guiffra is the present owner. A few years ago a large old-time dwelling stood on the opposite corner from the old hotel. This was known as the home of Mr. & Mrs. Ferrill, and family, wholeft there about 30 years ago. Their daughter Annie became the wife of Mr. U. A. Creamer, and although the old place i. Endeared by a thousand fond ties, yet her social and religious interests are identified with Vineland. Lawyer Reed, who came to Buena twenty years ago from Philadelphia, is the present owner of the Ferrell home, and has had it re-modelled so that it bears little resemblance to the old home of the Ferrelrs. Mr. Ferrell was one of the best and most infludntial os Buena's residents. Lawyer Reed came in quest of health, and found it in a short time; but the great seasids resorts were not booming then, and Lakewood was unknown. He is a native of Dover, Del., where he practiced law 20 years previous to going to Phila., where he remained three years. Mr. Reed was a member of the Legislature in Delaware in 1867, and ran on the Douglas ticket in 1860. He has Chosen Free Holder nineteen years, and on the ticket again. But he is also a successful farmer. He bo't a farm on the Tucahoe road north west of the town when he first came to Buena, where he and his family resided until the daughter and two Sons were married and went to homes of sheir own. Mrs. Reed who is fond of society, has found country-life very lonely. Lawyer Reed af Atlantic city, who is President of the Board Walk National Bank, is Mr. & Mrs. Reed's younger son. Their elder son is in business in Philadelphia. To be csntiued
October 26, 1907 should have had Chapter VI, but it does not appearŠŠ. Picks up with chapter VII on November 2 Please note that the column on October 19 is a full column and perhaps was intended to be two chapters and cover two weeks.
November 2, 1907 Historical Sketches of Buena By the Editor Chapter VII Frank, son of ³Uncle Archie² Campbell was not satisfied to settle down in Jersey's most of his ancestors had done, consequent, he broke away from the old scenes, and associations, and went to Virginia more than forty years ago. Two of his daughters, Mrs. Irrick and Mr. Hornsby with their husbands and families, came to Bueac about 18 years go, where they have since lived. Mr. Irrick and Mr. Hornsby bought adjoining farms on Wheat road, near Buena station, which they keep in a good state of cultivation. The former was with Dr. Cook the state Geologist, and Dr.Bowser when they made the geological survey. Heis well informed as to the altitude of New Jersey and it is very interesting to hear him explain how they find the altitude of any point, and the accuracy with which the scientific survey was mabe. Simeon S. Brown who lives on the north side of Wheat road opposite the abov, was born at Dorchester, this state, but came to Buena in childhood. He is employed asadriver by the Geo. Jonas Co. His wife is a daughter of the lase Phillip and Mrs. Rosanna Baker, life-long residents of Buena. The Baker homestead is on Tuckahoe road, west of the station, where Baker and son Phillip Jr. reside. She is a daughter of Mr. John Morris, the oldest survivor of Buena's old-time residents, a sketch of whose life has already been published. Mr. & Mrs. CharlesWray whose lovely uburban home is near the Buena cross road are among the best known and most influential of the later residents. They have always been hospitabre, and public spirited, and their nome is the center of attraction for for old and young who enjoy the social gatherings, and Church festivities. Mr. Wray is a pillar in the church and has held various offices of trust outside. To him was assigned the pleasant task of writing the history of the church the famous old ³Friendship church,² of which we read so frequently. And he has done it well. He presented us with a copy and we found it very interesting and well-written, and shows evidence of much research. Mr. Wray kindly gave us permission to glean any information we might desire for publication. Appreciateing his kindness, we gladly availed ourself of the oppo.tunity, we shall next wcek give a sketch of the old church. John Newman, who lives on Tuckahoe road opposite Mrs. Rosanna Baker, formerly tived in Vineland. It was during the early years, when the town was new, when only two Grocery stores flourished here, aud there was no Baker House, but the ³Cumberland Hotel² stood where the former now stands. His wife is a daughter of Mrs. Baker. To be continued
November 2, 1907 Historical Sketches of Buena By the Editor Chapter VIII Friendship Church Ninety nine years is to most people more than a life-time, and today as we take up the histor of the old ³Friendship² church which covers that period, we note the vast changes which have taken place everywhere. Kingdoms have arisen and passed away; Empires have crumbled; Republios have been born; the greatest scientific discoveries the world has ever know have been made, and the advancement in knowledge and inventions are such as no one had ever dreamed of, and are startling in their magnitude and importance. Many changes have taken place around the old church since it was built in 1808. The deed, which is the only authentic record of the church to be had.is dated May 8 th 1808and was recorded in the Gloucester county clerk's office on November 4 th of that year. This deed was given by William & Hope Hollinshead, and is supposed to have been a gift to the church the grantors, as only the nominal price of $1.00 is usmed. The first Trustees were John Smith, Joel Stewart, William Ackley, John Veal, John Veal, John Smith, Jr., George Smith and Thomas Champion. The following namesof later trustees are also foun l on th back of the deed: Elected July 29 th . 1824. John Veal, Wm. Ackley, Aquilla Downs, Nathan Girard and Henry Veal; elected June 26 th 1860, Chartes Dowus secretary, Gco. Down, Wesley Vannaman, Ambrose Pancoast and Archibald Campbell. The last election written on the old deed was June 4 th 1866, viz; Osborn Downs, Pres.: John Walker Dewns sec.; Geo. Downs, Treas. The first ³Circutt Pre chers² wereRevs Benjamin Iliff & Daniel Higby who were the faithful ministers in 1803,when this regeon was an almost unbroken wilderness; when the this grand Republic was in its infancy, and ndt the mistress of the world as she is today; when the Methodist church was only 24 years old, having been organized in 1784,and had comparatively few adherents, and had not grown to such magniiceut proportions. It has long been a source of wonder why this church was built in so isolated a place instead of near a settlement, but it is probable that the location was not of their choosing, but being a gift was received with grataful hearts and being central was easy of access to the sparsely settled districts. The farm on Weymouth road near the N.J.C.R.R., was uon all accounts, the clearing nearest to the church, and it was in this house which was standing on that farm when the church was built, that the meetings were first held. This old dwelling was burned in September 1855. It is a matter for much regret that so many of the old landmarks, around which there clusters so much of historic value, could not have been preserved. In 1808, May's Landing and Millville, the nearest towns, were only small villages, and Bridgeton was not much larger. To be continued
November 16, 1907 Historical Sketches of Downstown By the Editor - Chapter IX One of the most striking and pleasing features of the old towns is the grand old trees one sees everywhere. Each town visited has more or less of them. They stand by the roadsides, in groups on the lawn, or or in groves at the rear their giant ŠŠ. measuring from nine to eighteen feet in circumference, while their giant limbs reach out in every direction, and afford a grateful shade in summer. You can always know when yoy are approaching an old town by the large trees. They give the town an air of antiquity, and much to the picturesque beauty. Salem, Bridgeton, Greenwich and all the old Jersey towns, whether in north, south, or central New Jersey, are noted for their old trees, and when one looks at them, they point to the past to Revolutionary times. Aquilla Down was the first settler in the quaint little hamlet which was named for him. He baught 3000 acres in the heart of the forest, remote from any settlement, and built the first house and barn, the latter of which is still standing on the road which goes to Forest Grove, about half a mile east of where the school house now stands. They were built of hewn timber, in the most durable manner. The house w s replaced with a larger and more pretentious one some time during the last century. It must have real of courage on the part of Aquilla Down and his good wife to set- in such a wilderness, but they came of good old stock, and were not easily daunted. But it would riy the courage of some of Grandmother Downs great-grand daughters if they were living in the woods two miles from any house, and had to spin wool or flax as she did while she rocked the cradle with one oot, and listened to the wolves howling not far away. It would also try them if they saw a bear come out of the woods, seize a sheep and get away with it. Mr. Down gave each of his children a farm so that the large estate was in the family for many years. Mr. Puglio, a successful Italian farmer now owns the original homestead. It seems a pity that it could not have been retained in the family instead of pesing to strangers. To be continued
November 23, 1907 no heading, but appears to be a continuation ends in mid-sentence with no indication of a continuance. What is there reads as follows: Mr. & Mrs. Aquilla Downs had five sons and two daughters, viz., Osborn, Charles, John, George, and Jesse, Aunr Sarah Berry & Aunt Keziah Kandle. Their descendants are widely scattered, through the far west, and throug nearby states while a great mano are found in this locality. Only two now reside at Downstown, William Comer and Charles D. Pancoast, both of whom are geat grand sons of Aquilla Downs. Mr. Comer resides at the intersection of Brewster, Forest Grove and Williamstown roads' He has always been anxious that the town might develop, and has been identified with the administration of township affairs in various ways. He is extensively engaged in crnnberry culture. Charles D. Pancoast is proprietor of the old Downstown saw mill which, although it stands in the heart of the town, has not seen the light of three centuries as some of the old houses have. It was built in 1862, when this country was in the throes of the Civil War. Before tha, time lumber for the resieents of this locality and for miles in all directions, were obliged to go to Pancoast's mill several miles east of Buena. This mill was built more than a hundred years ago, by Champion Campbell, a relative of Uncle
November 30, 1907 Historical Sketches of Downstown By the Editor Chap. XI Through some mistake the blame for which has not been located, there was a terrible mix-up in last weeks historical sketches. The heading was entirely left out, chapter and all, the ending was abrupt, and a most interesting part missing. As it closed with the middle of a sentence, this chapter commences wheret the other left off. Archie Campbell, a sketch of whose life was published several weeks ago, but the mill which we wish to consider is the Downstown mill mentioned in the foregoing chapter. This old mill has been running continuously since 1862, except when shut down for slight repairs. The engine is one of the old Marine engines built by Merrick & Sons Phila., in 1850. It had been thrown away for old iron when Mr. Pancoast's father, who had gone to Phila., to purchase an engine, discovered, brought it home, and it was setup and has always given satisfaction. Mr. Pancoast is very proud of its record. The smokestack of this mill is 55 feet high, aud contains 50,000 brick,and 100 perch of stone. The steam whistle can be heard for miles. It was impossible to trace all the descendents of Aquilla Downs without going a deal of expense, which would not pay, consequently, weceu meetion only a few. Charles, the second son has numerous descendents in this locality, and among them maybe mentioned the family of his daughter Sarah, wife of J.A. Ross. Their home is on the Tuckahoe road, or what is known ou the east side of Tuckahoe road, and on the west side as Malaga road. This place is now owned by Mr. A. Ahquist who has lived there ten years. The house is a very ancient one and bears the unmistakable marks of age being built of hewn timber, and put together with large wooden pegs. A ³Raising² in those days was a great affair. The men of the neighborhood were invited, and when one side of the frame was ready, they all began to lift, while the foreman shouted, ³He-oh he, he oh he, he-oh heave Œer up² and then how quickly it went up! Mr Ross' family consisted of four daughters and three sons, as follows: Mrs. Whitaker, of Merchantville; Charles D. Ross, Malaga; Mrs. Lewis Pierson, Mrs Phillip Unsworth, Mrs. Thomas Bowman, & William D. Ross of Vineland. A half-brother is living elsewhere. The family is influetiyl one, and much respected. To be continued
December 7, 1907 Historical Sketches of Downstown By the Editor Chap XII It should have been stated in a previous chapter, that the Downstown steam mill was the first one located anywhere in the vicinity, and was a great curlosity to the pecple who had never seen one run in any other way than by water, with a mill dam and a ponderous wheel. Bul it was a great convenience, and the lumber could be sawed to much beteer advantago as it did not have to be hauled so far. Jesse, & Cathrine Downs had seven sons, and six daughters, all of whom lived to a good old age except one who died at three years of age. Mrs. Priscilla Chew of Minorola, is one of them. She was born at Downtown, and lived there until a few years ago, but memory clings to the old home around which cluster so many tender reminiscences. Mrs' Chew is a very interesting woman and always gives her friends a warm weleome at her cozy home on Pacis'c avenue, where she spends most of her time. Her only son Dr. Elisha Chew lives in Atlantic city and has a luerative practice. He looks after his mother with the greatest devotion. Ends with Š. To be continued (this is the last issue in the volume)
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