Historic Images of Hunterdon County
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Stockton - Bridge Street Scene - c 1910
Stockton - Baptist Church - 1915
Stockton - Briddge Street - 1908
Stockton - The Baptist Church - 1907
Stockton - Covered Bridge over the Delaware River to Center Bridge - 1907
Stockton - Covered Bridge over the Delaware River to Center Bridge PA - c 1910
Stockton - On July 22 1922 the covered bridge between Stocton and Center Bridge PA was Struck by lightning and burned - 1923
Stockton - Covered Bridge over the Delaware River to Center Bridge PA - 1920s-30s - after Ju;y 1922
Stockton - Colligans Inn - 1920s-30s
Stockton - A view of the D and R Canal - 1907
Stockton - The Fire Engine House - 1911
Stockton - The Fire Engine House - 1913
Stockton - Main Street - c 1910
Stockton - Main Street - 1906
Stockton - Main Street - 1908
Stockton - Main Street -Featuring a Bakery and a Barber Shop - c 1910
Stockton - Main Street - 1905
Stockton - Main Street - 1906
Stockton - The Methodist Episcopal Church - c 1910
Stockton - The Post Offiice - 1908
Stockton - Post Office - 1908
Stockton - Presbyterian Church - c 1910
Stockton - The Presbyterian Church - 1911
Stockton vicinity - VanDolah School - Built 1822 - c 1910
Stockton - School House - c 1910
Stockton - Said to be a teacher at Stockton - name possibly Elizabeth - 1906
Stockton - Stockton Hotel - 1906
Stockton - The Falls - 1930s
Stockton vicinity - Farm House - 1917
Stockton - Stockton Rubber Company - c 1910
Stockton - OIL Tanks that might actually be across the river at Centre Bridge - 1906
Stockton - Wolverine Mansion - 1907
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