Postcards - Burlington County |
Here are the Burlington County postcard images. We'll be adding to these and when we get enough we'll split them up by towns. If you have Burlington County postcards you'd be willing to scan or have have scaned so the images could be published here, please let us know.
Finally, if you want to see some images of Maple Shade, click here, if you are aware of any other Burlington County image collections online, let us and we'll link to them.
The Epicopal Church in Beverly
Prince Street in Bordentown about 1910-20
A public school in Bordentown about 1910
The Waugh-Cromwell residence sometime between 1900 and 1910
The Delaware River t Bordentown r around 1910
Farnsworth Avenue looking south in Bordentown about 1910
Hopkins House in Bordentown
Bordentown Masonic hall (and movie theatre) in 1910
Bordentown Military Institute
An early view of Prince Street in Bordentown
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